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Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)RegulationsRegulations issued in terms of Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (COVID-19)Chapter 3 : Adjusted Alert Level 430. Operation of economic sectors |
(1) | Businesses may operate except for those set out in |
(2) | Relevant health protocols and social distancing measures for persons employed in private residences must be adhered to. |
(3) | Relevant health protocols and social distancing measures set out in directions must be adhered to, in addition to the occupational health and safety directions issued by the Cabinet member responsible for employment and labour, and applicable labour legislation. |
(a) | Firms must adhere to any sector-specific health protocols intended to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the sector concerned. |
(b) | Sector-specific health protocols may address matters such as work rotation, staggered working hours,shift systems, remote working arrangements, special measures affecting persons with greater vulnerabilities or similar measures. in order to achieve social distancing, protect employees or limit congestion in public transport and at the workplace. |
(c) | Sector-specific health protocols where these are still to be developed, must be developed and issued by Cabinet members responsible for a sector in consultation with the Cabinet member responsible for health. |
(5) | The Cabinet member responsible for small business development will issue directions in respect of the extension of business licences and permits which expired between 29 may 2020 and 30 June 2021. |
[Regulation 30(5) inserted by section 6 of Notice No. R. 610, GG44838, dated 11 July 2021]
[Regulation 30 substituted by section 4 of Notice No. R. 565, GG44772, dated 27 June 2021]