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Division of Revenue Act, 2013 (Act No. 2 of 2013)Chapter 3 : Conditional Allocations to Provinces and MunicipalitiesPart 2 : Duties of accounting officers in respect of Schedule 4 to 7 allocations13. Duties of receiving officer in respect of infrastructure conditional allocations to provinces |
1) | The receiving officer of the Education Infrastructure Grant, Health Facility Revitalisation Grant or Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant must- |
a) | within 14 days after this Act takes effect, publish in the provincial Gazette a list of infrastructure projects for education, health and roads that will require full or partial funding from conditional allocations from the next financial year and the 2015/16 financial year, in the format determined by the National Treasury; |
b) | within seven days after the publication, submit the published list to the national transferring officer and the National Treasury; and |
c) | publish in the provincial Gazette any amendment to the list and submit it to the national transferring officer, the provincial treasury and the National Treasury. |
2) | The receiving officer of the Education Infrastructure Grant, Health Facility Revitalisation Grant or Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant must- |
a) | within 14 days after this Act takes effect or another date approved by the National Treasury, submit to the transferring national officer and the National Treasury, the approved organisational structure of the affected provincial department that- |
i) | complies with the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994), applicable to infrastructure delivery in the sector; and |
ii) | includes an indication of the number of- |
aa) | posts per profession and the highest educational qualifications of the incumbent and years of experience in the management or operationalisation of infrastructure in the public sector; and |
bb) | vacancies and existing positions filled; |
b) | report on all infrastructure expenditure partially or fully funded by the grant to the transferring national officer and the National Treasury in the format determined by the National Treasury; |
c) | maintain a database of every contract that is fully or partially funded by the grant and, if the contract is above the prescribed tender value, ensure that it is recorded in the register of projects in terms of section 22(3) of the Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000); |
d) | ensure that infrastructure projects comply with construction industry best practise standards and guidelines, as identified and approved by the National Treasury; and |
e) | within two months after the end of the financial year- |
i) | evaluate the financial and non-financial performance of the province in respect of programmes partially or fully funded by the grant based on the infrastructure budget of the province; and |
ii) | submit the evaluation to the transferring national officer, the relevant provincial treasury and the National Treasury. |