R 385
Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998)Domestic Violence National Instruction 7/19995. Responsibility of a member |
1) | A member who attends a scene of domestic violence must first of all determine whether the complainant is in any danger and take all reasonable steps to secure the scene as set out in paragraph 6 (below) and to protect the complainant from any danger. |
2) | Once the scene has been secured, the member must – |
a) | render such assistance to the complainant as may reasonably be required in the circumstances (this is more fully set out in paragraph 7 (below)); |
b) | if it is reasonably possible to do so, hand the Notice, contemplated in paragraph 10 (below), to the complainant and explain the contents of such notice to the complainant; |
c) | assist the complainant or make arrangements for the complainant to find a suitable shelter and to obtain medical treatment, as set out in paragraphs 8 and 9 (below); and |
d) | investigate the alleged incident of domestic violence and gather all available evidence in respect of any offence which may have been committed during such incident. |