Gold Membership
Electoral Act, 1998 (Act No. 73 of 1998)Chapter 7 : General ProvisionsPart 5 : Other general provisions107. Temporary obligations |
(1) |
(a) | This section is applicable only from the date on which an election is called to the date the result of the election is determined and declared in terms of section 57. |
(b) | For the purposes of this section, "printed matter" means any billboard, placard, poster or pamphlet. |
(2) | Any printed matter intending to affect the outcome of an election must state clearly the full name and address of the printer and publisher. |
(3) | The publisher of any publication must head an article in that publication with the word "advertisement" if that article— |
(a) | originates from— |
(i) | a registered party, a person who holds political office in that party, or any member or supporter of that party; or |
(ii) | a candidate contesting an election or supporter of that candidate; and |
(b) | is inserted in the publication on the promise of payment to the publication. |
(4) | No person may print, publish or distribute any printed matter or publication that does not comply with this section. |