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Electoral Act, 1998 (Act No. 73 of 1998)Schedule 1 : Election Timetable |
(Section 20)
The Electoral Commission hereby gives notice that it has in terms of section 17 of the Electoral Act, 1998, compiled the election timetable set out below to apply to the .................................... (particulars of relevant election) that will be held on ................................... (date(s)). (A reference to "section" in this election timetable is a reference to that section of the Electoral Act, 1998.)
[Schedule 1 substituted by No. 24 (a) of Act No. 34 of 2003 Government Gazette 25687]
1. | Cut-off time for act to be performed.—An act required in terms of this Act to be performed by not later than a date stated in the election timetable must be performed before 17:00 on that date. |
2. | Cut-off date for publication of voters' roll. —By ..........[day/month/year], the chief electoral officer must publish the voters' roll or the segments of the voters' roll to be used in terms of section 24(2). |
3. | Notice that list of addresses of voting stations is available for inspection. —The chief electoral officer must give notice by .......... [day/month/year] that from the date of the notice until the voting day copies of a list containing the addresses of all voting stations will be available for inspection. |
4. | Cut-off date for submission of list of candidates. —Registered parties that intend to contest this election must nominate and submit a list of their candidates for the election to the chief electoral officer in the prescribed manner by .......... [day/month/year]. |
5. | Notice of non-compliance.— |
(1) | The chief electoral officer must notify a registered party that has submitted a list of candidates in terms of section 27 but has not fully complied with that section, of that non-compliance by.......... [day/month/year]. |
(2) | If the notified party takes the opportunity to comply with section 27, that party must do so by .......... [day/month/year]. |
6. | Inspection of lists of candidates and accompanying documents. —The chief electoral officer must give notice by .......... [day/month/year], that from the date of the notice until ........... [day/month/year], copies of the following documents will be available for inspection: The lists of candidates and accompanying documents submitted by registered parties in terms of section 27, as amended and supplemented in terms of section 28. |
7. | Cut-off date for objections. —Any person, including the chief electoral officer, may object to a candidate to the Commission in the prescribed manner by .......... [day/month/year). |
8. | Decision of objections. —The Commission must decide an objection under section 30, and must notify the objector and the registered party that nominated the candidate of the decision in the prescribed manner by ........... [day/month/year). |
9. | Cut-off date for appeals against decisions. —The objector or the registered party who nominated the candidate may appeal against a decision of the Commission in terms of section 30(3) to the Electoral Court in the prescribed manner by ........... [day/month/year]. |
10. | Deciding appeals. —The Electoral Court must consider and decide an appeal brought under section 30(4) and notify the parties to the appeal, and the chief electoral officer, of the decision in the prescribed manner by ........... [day/month/year). |
11. | List of parties and candidates entitled to contest election and final list of candidates. —By ............ [day/month/year], the chief electoral officer— |
(a) | must give effect to a decision of the Commission in terms of section 30(3) or a decision of the Electoral Court in terms of section 30(5); and |
(b) | must compile a list of the registered parties entitled to contest the election and the final list of candidates for each of those parties. |
12. | Issue of certificate to candidates. —By ............[day/month/year), the chief electoral officer must issue in the prescribed manner to each candidate on a final list of candidates a certificate stating that the person is a candidate in this election. |
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[Schedule 1 (No. 13) deletion by No. 24 (b) of Act No. 34 of 2003 Government Gazette 25687]
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[Schedule 1 (No. 14) deletion by No. 24 (b) of Act No. 34 of 2003 Government Gazette 25687]
15. | Notice of route of mobile voting stations. —If the Commission decides to use mobile voting stations in the election, the chief electoral officer must give notice by ........... [day/month/year] of the route, including the locations and estimated times of stopping of each mobile voting station. |