R 385
Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006)SchedulesSchedule 1 : Repeal, Amendment and Substitution of Laws |
No and Year of Act |
Short Title |
Extent of repeal, amendment or substitution |
Act No. 41 of 1987 |
Electricity Act, 1987 |
The repeal of the whole, with the exception of section 5B. |
Act No. 84 of 1990 |
Kwa Zulu and Natal Joint Services Act, 1990 |
The amendment of Schedule 3 by the deletion of the item referring to the Electricity Act, 1987 (Act No. 41 of 1987). |
Act No. 40 of 2004 |
National Energy Regulator Act |
1. The substitution in section 4(1) for paragraph (c) of the following paragraph: "(c) [With effect from a date determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette) undertake the functions [of the National Electricity Regulator as] set out in section 4 of the [Electricity Act.] Electricity Regulation Act, 2006". 2. The deletion of subsection 4(2). 3. The substitution in section 7(1) for paragraph (d) of the following paragraph: "(d) materially fails to perform any duty imposed on him or her in terms of this Act, [Electricity Act] the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006, the Gas Act or the Petroleum Pipelines Act;". |