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Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)ICASARadiocommunication Frequency Migration Plan 2019Part 2 : Radio Frequency Migration Plan 20196. Frequency Migration Plan |
6.1 | Progress Update to Final Frequency Migration Plan 2019 |
The Frequency Migration Plan 2019 was compiled from unresolved issues from the Migration Frequency Plan 2013. WRC 2015, SADC FAP, and revisions, NRFP 2018 and ICASA Counsel resolutions and other information included in this document. The following table deals with all bands where there is a potential frequency migration issue. The motivation for a migration is either that it is an original SABRE proposal, stems from WRC resolutions, SADC FAP or the Authority’s decision. The content of the Migration Frequency Plan 2018 needs to be viewed in conjunction with the NRFP 2018 published in Government Gazette Number 41650 Notice 266 of 2018. Section 4.10 contains more information on the frequency bands included in the Frequency Migration Plan.
Column 1 indicates the frequency range.
Column 2 states the existing allocation in the National Radio Frequency Plan 2018 and any applications that are mentioned in the NRFP. As is the standard practice for frequency plans, primary allocations are in UPPER CASE, secondary allocations are in Lower Case. Applications are (within brackets).
Column 3 indicates the proposals for new allocations and utilization. The proposed allocation is indicated along with the source of the proposal (SABRE, WRC, SADC FAP, New ICASA proposals or any other cross reference provided).
Column 4 contains notes on any migration issues.
This table only includes those bands where frequency migration is under consideration.
Table 6 Proposed migration plan
Frequency Band (MHz) |
Existing Allocation in NRFP 2018 (Applications) |
Proposed Allocation / (Utilization) |
Notes on migration / usage |
75.2 – 87.5 |
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (Private and communal repeaters) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan Refer to: Government Gazette Number.41164 (Notice No. 781 of 2017) |
138 – 144 |
FIXED MOBILE (SF alarms, SF Mobile, MTX-BTX paired links, Remote controlled industrial apparatus) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan Refer to: Government Gazette Number.41512 (Notice No. 146 of 2018) A feasibility study will be performed to establish the destination band for Transnet operation in this band. In the interim Transnet’s license will be amended to co-exist with the alarms and to operate until 31 March 2020. |
150.05 – 153 |
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY (Alarms, telemetry, SF Mobile and paging19) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan Refer to: Government Gazette Number.41512 (Notice No. 149 of 2018) |
156.4875 – 156.5625 |
MARITIME MOBILE (distress and calling via DSC) FIXED LAND MOBILE (Maritime Radio navigation and location (radar), SF mobile in inland areas) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan Refer to: Government Gazette Number.41350 (Notice No. 971 of 2017) |
162.0375 – 174 |
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (R) NF4 (Mobile 1 MTX-DF (161.475 – 165.0375 MHz) Mobile 2 MTX-DF (165.05 – 165.5375 MHz) Single Frequency Mobile (168.95 – 170.05 MHz) Mobile 3 MTX-DF (165.55 – 167.4875 MHz) Single Frequency Mobile (172 –172.0375 MHz) Mobile 4 MTX-DF (167.5 – 168.9375 MHz) Meter Reading (169.4 – 169.475 MHz) Non-specific SRD’s – Telecommand only (173.2125 – 173.2375 MHz) Non-specific SRDs (173.2375 – 173.2875 MHz) Wireless microphones and assistive listening devices (173.7 – 175.1 MHz)) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Develop Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan Refer to: Feasibility Study to be performed. See section 4.10.5. |
174 - 223 |
BROADCASTING Television Broadcasting T-DAB |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Refer to Terrestrial Broadcasting Frequency Plan Government Gazette Number 36321 (Notice No. 298 of 2013) The Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans is to be optimised and additional T-DAB multiplexes developed on a national and regional basis. Also refer to the Digital Sound broadcasting discussion document published in Government Gazette, No. 41534 (Notice No 161 of 2018). (refer to 4.10.6) |
223 – 230 & 230 - 238 |
BROADCASTING (Television Broadcasting) T-DAB |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Refer to Terrestrial Broadcasting Frequency Plan Government Gazette Number 36321 (Notice No. 298 of 2013)The Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans is to be optimised and additional T-DAB multiplexes developed on a national and regional basis. Also refer to the Digital Sound broadcasting discussion document published in Government Gazette, No. 41534 (Notice No 161 of 2018). (refer to 4.10.6) |
238 – 246 & 246 - 254 |
BROADCASTING (246 – 254) (Television Broadcasting) MOBILE (238 – 246) (238-242.95 MHz PMR and/or PAMR International Distress Frequency at 243 MHz (242.95 – 243.05 MHz) 243.05-246.00 MHz Low-power devices) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Refer to Terrestrial Broadcasting Frequency Plan Government Gazette Number 36321 (Notice No. 298 of 2013) Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan to be developed for VHF Digital Television. |
335.4 - 380 |
FIXED NF6 (FWA (336 – 346 MHz) FWA (356 – 366 MHz) 366-380 MHz (Govt.) Digital Trunking Emergency) 335.4-336 MHz PMR and/or PAMR) MOBILE NF7 (336-346 MHz Fixed Wireless Access 336-346 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 356.0-366.0 MHz Fixed Wireless Access 366.0-380.0 MHz PMR and/or PAMR) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013)335.4-336 MHz/ / 366.0-380.0 MHz PMR and/or PAMR 336-346 MHz paired with 356-366 MHz Fixed Wireless Access/ PTP/PTMP rural system (as per SADC FAP proposed common sub allocation/utilization) |
Migrate existing fixed links to above 3 GHz as per SADC proposed common sub-allocation/utilization (refer to 4.10.10)There are 1362 Licenses issued in this band. Perform feasibility study on the use of this band as per SADC FAP proposed sub-allocation/utilization including BFWA and UAV’.s : |
380-387 & 387– 390 & 390 – 399.9 |
FIXED NF6 & MOBILE NF7 MOBILE NF7 & Mobile-satellite (spaceto-Earth) –(387-390 MHz) MOBILE NF7 – (390-399.9 MHz) (Public safety, SAPS, DOD, Army etc.) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
The final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan published in GG No. 41512 (Notice 418 of 2018). This band will be assigned as a continuous block for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) as well as Public Safety with users including SAPS, SANDF, the Ambulance Service, Metro Police and Fire-Fighting Services. All other users will migrate out of this band. |
403 - 406 |
METEOROLOGICAL AIDS Mobile except aeronautical mobile (Radiosonde Medical implants (402 – 405 MHz) Various SRD’s (402 – 406 MHz)) |
WRC15 |
Develop Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan |
406 - 410 |
MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) (406 – 406.1 MHz) (COSPAS – SARSAT: Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) Low power satellite EPIRBs (distress and safety purposes)) (Mobile MTX (407.625 – 410 MHz). Government Use for Public Safety) FIXED & Mobile except & aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY (406.1 – 410 MHz) (Mobile MTX (407.625 – 410 MHz) Government use for public safety Fixed Links (406.1 – 407.625 MHz) Fixed Links (407.625 – 410 MHz) Mobile MTX (406.1 – 407.625 MHz)Mobile MTX (407.625 – 410 MHz) PMR and/or PAMR PPDR) |
WRC15 |
Develop Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan |
410 - 420 |
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (Mobile MTX (410 – 413 MHz). Government Use for Public Safety) SPACE RESEARCH (space-to-space) (Mobile MTX (410 – 413 MHz) Government Services Mobile MTX (410 – 413 MHz) Mobile MTX Digital Trunking (410 – 413 MHz) Mobile Data MTX (413- 413.7625 MHz) Digital Trunking MTX (413.7625 – 416.1 MHz) Mobile BTX (416.1 – 417.625 MHz) PMR and/or PAMR PPDR) |
SADC FAP proposed common sub-allocation/utilization Public digital trunking only (New ICASA proposal) |
Develop Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan. Band reserved for Public Digital Trunking (New ICASA proposal) Migrate government services (especially SAPS) to public safety band 380 – 400 MHz, Mobile Data - Migrate Mobile Data users out of this band (refer to section 4.10.11 |
420 – 430 |
FIXED Mobile except aeronautical mobile Radio location (Government services, Mobile Data and public trunking Single Frequency Links (426.1 – 430 MHz) Digital Trunked Mobile BTX (420 – 423 MHz) Mobile Data BTX (423 – 423.7625 MHz) Digital Trunking BTX (423.7625 – 426.1 MHz) PMR and/or PAMR PPDR) |
SADC FAP proposed common sub-allocation/utilization Public digital trunking only (New ICASA proposal) |
Develop Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan. Band reserved for Public Digital Trunking (New ICASA proposal) Migrate government services (especially SAPS) to public safety band 380 – 400 MHz, Mobile Data - Migrate Mobile Data users out of this band (refer to section 4.10.11) |
440 – 450 |
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (Short range business radio and PMR Channels 440 to 440.1 and 445 to 445.1 are used for simplex. Telemetry / Data BTX (440 – 441 MHz) Telemetry / Data MTX (445 – 446 MHz) Single Frequency Mobile (441 – 441.1 MHz) Mobile BTX (441.1 – 445 MHz) PMR 446 (446 – 446.1 MHz) Mobile 446.1 – 450 MHz PMR and/or PAMRPPDR FIXED (telemetry, dual frequency alarm systems)) |
New ICASA proposal |
Refer to Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) Perform a feasibility study into the possibility to use the band 440 – 450 MHz for PPDR is to be performed. A Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan is to be developed. |
450 – 470 (450 – 455 & 455 – 456 & 456 – 459 & 459 – 460 & 460 – 470) |
FIXED MOBILE (Fixed links (450 – 453 MHz) Single Frequency Mobile (453 – 454 MHz) Government Services Paging (454 – 454.425 MHz) Trunked Mobile BTX (454.425 – 460 MHz) IMT450 (450 – 470 MHz) Fixed links (PTP) IMT (450-470 MHz) PMR and/or PAMR Trunked mobile BTX (454.425 – 460 MHz) IMT450 (450 – 470 MHz) Fixed Links (460 – 463 MHz) Single Frequency Mobile (463.025 – 463.975 MHz) Low Power Mobile Radio (463.975 MHz, 464.125 MHz, 464.175 MHz, 464.325 MHz, 464.375 MHz) Single Frequency Mobile (464.375 – 464.425 MHz) Trunked Mobile MTX (464.425 – 470 MHz) IMT450 (450 – 470 MHz) Security Systems (464.5375 MHz) Non-specific SRDs (464.5 – 464.5875 MHz) Government Services) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan 2013 Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Spectrum identified for IMT. as per Res. 224 revision WRC-15; Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan Government Gazette 38640 (Notice 270 of 2015) The IMT450 Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan is to be updated in line with the updated Recommendation ITUR. M1036-5, published in Government Gazette Number 38640 (Notice 270 of 2015, in accordance with the Frequency Migration Plan published in government Gazette Number 2013 GG 36334 (Notice 352 and 353 of 2013) and the Final International Mobile Telecommunications Roadmap 2014,published in Government Gazette Number 38146 (Notice 1009 of 2014) To develop the Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan: Frequency Band 450 to 470 MHz Also see section 4.10.13. |
694 – 790 |
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.312A 5.317A NF9 BROADCASTING 5.300 5.311A 5.312 NF8AIMT700 |
IMT 700 (Terrestrial) (WRC-12) |
Digital Dividend 2; DTT bands between 694 – 790 MHz Planned migration of television out of this band started in 2016. Refer to
790 – 862 |
FIXED BROADCASTING MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (TV Broadcast including fixed links (Secondary transmitter links) IMT800) |
IMT800 (Terrestrial) (WRC-07). |
Digital Dividend 1; DTT bands between 790 – 862 MHz Planned migration of television out of this band started in 2016. Refer to
862 – 890 |
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (Wireless audio (863- 865 MHz), Fixed links (856 – 864.1 MHz paired with 868.1– 876 MHz), RFID (865 – 868 MHz), RFID (869.4- 869.65 MHz) Alarms operate amongst others in 860.25 – 869.3 MHz, Wireless Access Services (827.775- 832.695 MHz paired with 872.775- 877.695 MHz) Mobile (880-890 MHz paired with 925-935 MHz)) FWA (864.1 – 868.1 MHz) Other applications in the band include non-specific SRDs, GSM-R and CT2 cordless telephones |
WRC 15 Mobile (IMT800) (as per SADC FAP proposed common suballocation/utilization) |
Migrate to IMT as per SADC FAP proposed common sub-allocation/utilization to facilitate development of harmonized channelling arrangement. Refer to:
890 – 942 |
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (GSM-R (BTX) (921 - 925 MHz) IMT900 MTX (880 – 915 MHz) IMT900 BTX (925 – 960 MHz) RFID (including, passive tags and vehicle location (915.1 – 921 MHz)) 915-921 MHz 921-925 MHz GSM-R 925-960 MHz IMT) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
Refer to:
942 – 960 |
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.317A NF9 (IMT900 BTX (925 – 960 MHz)) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) IMT900 |
Refer to:
1350 – 1375 paired with 1492 – 1517 and 1375 – 1400 MHz paired with 1427 – 1429 |
(1350 – 1400 MHz) FIXED NF 14(1 350-1 375 MHz Fixed links (duplex) 1 375-1 400 MHz Fixed links (duplex)) MOBILE RADIO LOCATION Radio Astronomy 1 400-1 427 MHz EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) (Passive sensing) 1 427-1 429 MHz SPACE OPERATION (Earth-to-space) FIXED NF14 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5,341A (1 427-1 429 MHz) (Fixed links duplex) |
(New ICASA proposal Rural BFWA) |
Assign to rural BFWA; maintain existing links where required Feasibility Study to be performed considering the WRC-15 decision (enabling harmonization, equipment availability etc.). Develop a Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan to be developed in line with the study results conducted within ITU-R WP 5D and in accordance with the latest version of Recommendation 1036 in respect of L-Band.( refer to 4.10.20) Refer to: Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) |
1429 – 1452 MHz FIXED
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.341A |
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.341A ( Fixed links duplex)5.338A 5.341 |
(New ICASA proposal Rural BFWA) |
Paired with 1 375 – 1 400 MHz) In accordance with Recommendation ITUR F.1242 See above Refer to: Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) Assign to Rural BFWA |
5.338A 5.341 5.342 |
Feasibility Study to be performed considering the WRC-15 decision (enabling harmonization, equipment availability etc.). Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan to be developed in line with the study results conducted within ITU-R WP 5D and in accordance with the latest version of Recommendation 1036 in respect of L-Band. |
1 452-1 492 MHz
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.346
BROADCASTING-SATELLITE 5.208B 5.341 5.342 5.345 |
FIXED NF14 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.346
BROADCASTING SATELLITE 5.208B (Fixed low capacity PTP DF links) 5.341 5.345 NF12 |
FWBA/ PTP/ PMP/ New ICASA proposal |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Resolution 761 (WRC-15) on the "Compatibility of International Mobile Telecommunications and broadcastions satellite service and performé appropriate regulatory and technical studies, with a view of ensuring the compatibility of IMT and BSS (sound) are undertaken within the ITU-R Res. 223 (Rev.WRC-15) Refer to: Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) Consider developments and outcome of WP5D (i.e. sharing and compatibility studies and the development of a channelling plan). Consider the band for Public Mobile and Emergency and Temporary transmissions Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan to be developed in line with the study results conducted within ITU-R WP 5D and in accordance with the latest version of Recommendation 1036 in respect of L-Band. |
1518 – 1525 |
FIXED MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-earth) 5.348 5.348A 5.351A (IMT Satellite component) |
Band is currently not occupied; potential application for LMR repeaters |
Refer to:
1525 – 1530 & 1530 – 1535 & 1535 - 1559 |
(1525 – 1530 MHz) SPACE OPERATION (space-to-earth) FIXED MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-earth) Earth exploration satellite Mobile except aeronautical mobile (GMDSS Maritime satellite (1525 – 1 544 MHz) Mobile satellite (1544 – 1545 MHz) Aeronautical Mobile satellite (1545 – 1555 MHz) Land Mobile satellite (1555 – 1559 MHz)) |
Potential application for LMR repeaters. New ICASA proposal |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Migrate in fixed links for LMR repeaters, band could also be used for outside broadcasting links currently operating in 2300 – 2450 MHz (New ICASA proposal) (refer to 4.10.23). Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) Develop a Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan. |
(1530 – 1535 MHz) SPACE OPERATION (space-to-earth) MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-earth) Earth exploration satellite Mobile except aeronautical mobile Fixed (GMDSS Maritime satellite (1525 – 1 544 MHz) Mobile satellite (1544 – 1545 MHz) Aeronautical Mobile satellite (1545 – 1555 MHz) Land Mobile satellite (1555 – 1559 MHz))
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
No migration planned (refer to 4.10.23) |
(1535 – 1559 MHz) MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) (GMDSS Maritime satellite (1 525 – 1 544 MHz) Mobile satellite (1544 – 1545 MHz) Aeronautical Mobile satellite (1545 – 1555 MHz) Land Mobile satellite (1555 – 1559 MHz)) |
Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number. 36334 (Notice No. 352 & 353 of 2013) |
No migration planned (refer to 4.10.23) |
1668.1 – 1668.4 & 1668.4 – 1670 & 1670 - 1675 |
(1668.1 – 1668.4 MHz) MOBILE SATELLITE (earth-to-space) RADIO ASTRONOMY SPACE RESEARCH (passive) (IMT satellite component (1 668 – 1 675 MHz)) |
(refer to 4.10.24) |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Propose to align allocation with ITU Region 1 (New ICASA proposal) (refer to 4.10.24) |
(1668.4 – 1670 MHz) METEOROLOGICAL AIDS MOBILE SATELLITE (earth-to-space) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY (Radiosonde (1 668 – 1 700 MHz) IMT satellite component (1 668 – 1 675 MHz)) |
(refer to 4.10.24) |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Propose to align allocation with ITU Region 1 (New ICASA proposal) (refer to 4.10.24) |
(1670 – 1675 MHz) METEOROLOGICAL AIDS METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) MOBILE MOBILE SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) Radiosonde (1 668 – 1 700 MHz) IMT satellite component (1 668 – 1 675 MHz)) |
(refer to 4.10.24) |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Propose to align allocation with ITU Region 1 (New ICASA proposal) (refer to 4.10.24) |
1710 – 1785 paired with 1805-1880 |
FIXED MOBILE (IMT1800 band) |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Spectrum refarming when deemed required may be carried out based upon defined process (refer to 4.12) |
1710-1930 |
FIXED MOBILE FWA (1880 – 1900 MHz) FWA TDD (1900 – 1920 MHz) Fixed Broadband data applications (1 785 – 1 805 MHz) IMT1800 MTX (1710 – 1785 MHz) Cordless telephones (1880 – 1900 MHz) IMT1900 TDD (1900 – 1920 MHz) IMT2100 MTX (1920 – 1980 MHz) |
(SADC FAP proposed common sub-allocation/utilization) IMT1800 FWA |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Currently under use by Telkom in a WLL configuration. Can be allocated for FWA (refer to 4.10.25) |
1710 –1930 & 1 930-1 970 & 1970 – 1980 & 2110 – 2120 & 2120 – 2160 & 2160 - 2170 |
FIXED MOBILE (Current IMT1900 & IMT2100) (MT2100 MTX (1920 – 1980 MHz) IMT2100 MTX (1920 – 1980 MHz) Fixed links (1980 – 2010 MHz) CGC/ATC fixed systems (1980 – 2010 MHz) IMT-satellite IMT (satellite) (1980- 2010 MHz) IMT TDD (2010 – 2025 MHz) Fixed Links (2025 – 2110 MHz) IMT2100 BTX (2110 – 2170 MHz) |
1920 – 1980 paired with 2110 – 2170 WRC 07 & WRC15 |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Spectrum refarming when deemed required may be carried out based upon defined process (refer to 4.12) |
1980 – 2010 & 2170 - 2200 |
FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) (Fixed Links (DF), IMT (Satellite)) (Fixed links (1980 – 2010 MHz) CGC/ATC fixed systems (1980 – 2010 MHz) IMT-satellite IMT (satellite) (1980- 2010 MHz)) |
IMT2100 (1980 – 2010 paired with 2170-2200 NRFP 2013) Fixed Links (DF), BFWA (New ICASA Proposal) WRC07 & WRC15 |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Migrate in Fixed links (DF) from other bands; consider for BFWA (New ICASA proposal) (refer to 4.10.26). Assign band to BFWA |
2025 – 2110 & 2200 - 2290 |
SPACE OPERATION (space to Earth) (space to space) FIXED MOBILE (TT&C received from space Fixed Links (2025 – 2110 MHz paired with 2200 – 2285) Fixed Links (2200 – 2285 MHz) BFWA (2 285-2 300 MHz)) |
WRC15 Fixed Links (DF) (2025 – 2110 paired with 2200 – 2285) BFWA |
Refer to:
2110 – 2120 & 2120 – 2160 & 2160 - 2170 |
FIXED MOBILE (Current 3G band) (IMT2100 BTX (2110 – 2170 MHz)) |
WRC15 2110 – 2170 paired with 1920 – 1980 |
Feasibility studies to be performed. Spectrum refarming when deemed required may be carried out based upon defined process (refer to 4.12) |
2290 – 2300 |
FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (space to Earth) (Fixed Links, BFWA (2 285-2 300 MHz) (Coordination is expected prior to the implementation of these services)) |
BFWA (as per SADC FAP proposed common sub-allocation/utilization) |
Refer to: Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan was published in GG No. 41512 (Notice 145 of 2018). |
2300 – 2450 |
FIXED MOBILE Amateur (Fixed links (2307 – 2387 MHz) paired with (2401 – 2481 MHz) Several outside broadcast links ISM band (2400 – 2483.5 MHz)) (FWA (PTP/PTMP) (2307-2387 MHz) FWA (PTP/PTMP) (2401 – 2481 MHz) IMT2300 TDD (2300 – 2400 MHz) WLAN, FDDA and model ctrl. (2400 – 2483.5 MHz) Non-Specific SRDs and low power video surveillance (2400 – 2483.5 MHz) RFID (2 400 – 2 483.5 MHz) ISM applications (2400 – 2483.5 MHz)) |
IMT2300 (Terrestrial) 2300 – 2400 MHz as per SADC FAP proposed common sub-allocation/utilization |
Refer to:
2500 – 2520 & 2520 – 2655 & 2655 – 2670 & 2670 - 2690 |
2500-2655 MHz MOBILE except aeronautical mobile |
BFWA Mobile IMT |
Refer to:
(IMT2600 MTX (2500 – 2570 MHz) IMT2600 TDD (2570 – 2620MHz) IMT2600 BTX (2620 – 2690MHz) IMT (2500-2690 MHz)) |
2655-2690 MHz MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Radio astronomy (IMT2600 BTX (2620 – 2690MHz); IMT (2500-2690 MHz)) |
5.149 5.429 5.429A 5.429B 5.430 |
3 300-3 400 MHz RADIOLOCATION (Government Services) 5.149 5.429A 5.429B |
IMT Res. 223 (Rev.WRC-15) |
Feasibility Study to be undertaken considering the outcome of the sharing and compatibility studies called for by Resolution 223 (WRC-15) currently underway within the ITU-R, there might be a need to migrate Radars out of this band. This will be addressed through an update of the migration plan.
3400 – 3600 |
(MT3500 TDD (3400 – 3600 MHz)) |
IMT Roadmap Government Gazette Number 38213 14 November 2014
Mobile IMT |
Refer to:
3600 – 4200 |
FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) (Satellite (VSAT, downlink), Terrestrial backhaul) (Fixed links (4 GHz) (3600 – 4200 MHz)) |
(3600-4200 MHz) Fixed-satellite (space-to- Earth) (PTP/VSAT/SNG) (3600-3800 MHz) Broadband Fixed Wireless Access (BFWA) as per SADC FAP proposed common suballocation/utilization |
As per the NRFP 2018. The sub-band 3 600-3 800 MHz could be used for BFWA where frequency sharing with FS PTP and/or FSS is feasible. The channelling arrangement for PTP links in this band is based on ITU-R Recommendation F.635 Annex 1 (also refer to 4.10.33). |
5150 – 5250 & 5250 – 5255 & 5255 - 5350 |
(5150 – 5250 MHz) AERONAUTICAL RADIO NAVIGATION FIXED- SATELLITE SERVICE (Earth-to-space) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (Wireless Access (short range)) (NGSO MSS feeder links (5091 – 5150 MHz) WAS / RLAN (5150 – 5350 MHz) (indoor use only)) |
Wireless Access Systems / RLAN As per SADC FAP proposed common suballocation/utilization |
Feasibility study to be performed. License exempt; Wireless Access Systems / Radio Local Access Network (WAS & RLAN) indoor use only. as per Notice 184 of 2011 Government Gazette 34172 (previously Notice number 944 of 2008 in Government Gazette 31321) No migration at this stage. Refer to section 4.10.33 |
(5250 – 5255 MHz) SPACE RESEARCH MOBILE except aeronautical mobile WAS / RLAN (5150 – 5350 MHz) (indoor use only) |
(5255 – 5350 MHz) EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (active) RADIO LOCATION SPACE RESEARCH (active) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (WAS / RLAN (5150 – 5350 MHz) (indoor use only)) |
5470 – 5570 & 5570 – 5650 & 5650 - 5725 |
(5470 – 5570 MHz) MARITIME RADIO NAVIGATION MOBILE except aeronautical mobile EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (active) SPACE RESEARCH (active) RADIO LOCATION (Maritime radio navigation (radar) and Wireless Access (short range)) (WAS / RLAN (5150 – 5350 MHz) (indoor use only)) |
Wireless Access Systems / RLAN As per SADC FAP proposed common suballocation/utilization |
Feasibility study to be performed. No migration planned; as per as per Notice 184 of 2011 Government Gazette 34172 (previously Notice number 944 of 2008 in Government Gazette 31321) (refer to 4.10.34) No migration at this stage |
(5570 – 5650 MHz) MARITIME RADIO NAVIGATION MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO LOCATION (Location Radar Ground based meteorological radars (5600 – 5650 MHz) WAS / RLAN (5470 – 5725 MHz) Weather Radars (5600 – 5650 MHz)) |
(5650 – 5725 MHz) RADIO LOCATION MOBILE except aeronautical mobile Amateur Space Research (deep space) (WAS / RLAN (5470 – 5725 MHz) (indoor use only)) |
5725 – 5850 |
5725 – 5830 FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) RADIOLOCATION Amateur Fixed (ISM, Amateur, SRD) 5830 – 5850 FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to space) RADIOLOCATION Amateur Amateur-satellite (space-to-Earth) (Fixed links (5725 – 5850 MHz) RTT data (5795 – 5815 MHz) ISM applications (5725 – 5875 MHz) BFWA (5725-5850 MHz) ISM (5725-5875 MHz) RTTT (Road Transport and Traffic Telematics) (5795-5815 MHz) SRD applications (5 725- 5 875 MHz) SRD - Transport and information control systems (5 805-5 815 MHz) |
WRC15 |
Feasibility study to be performed. No migration for South Africa; maintain for ISM as per Notice 184 of 2011 Government Gazette 34172 (previously Notice number 926 of 2008 in Government Gazette 31290). |
5850 -5925 |
FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) MOBILE (C-band uplink (VSAT/SNG/PTP links) ISM applications (5725 – 5875 MHz) Fixed-satellite uplinks (PTP/VSAT/SNG) (5850-6425 MHz) FIXED links (5850- 5925 MHz) ISM (5725-5875 MHz)) |
(5850-6425 MHz) Fixed-satellite uplinks (PTP/VSAT/SNG)/ temporary Outside broadcast links (5850-5925 MHz) FIXED links (5725-5875 MHz) ISM as per SADC FAP proposed common suballocation/utilization |
Feasibility study to be performed. (refer to 4.10.36) |
5925 – 6700 |
FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) (Fixed links/ VSAT, FSS, SNG feeder links) (Fixed links - Lower 6 GHz (5925- 6425 MHz) and Upper 6 GHz (6425-7110 MHz), BFWA Fixed-satellite uplinks (PTP/VSAT/SNG) (5850-6425 MHz) ESVs (5925 – 6425 MHz)) |
5925 – 6425 MHz Fixed links 6425 – 7110 MHz Fixed links as per SADC FAP proposed common suballocation/utilization |
Feasibility study to be performed. (refer to 4.10.37) |
10700 – 10950 & 10950 – 11200 & 11200 – 11450 & 11450 - 11700 |
FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-earth)/(earth-to-space) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile (Ku-band satellite) (Fixed Links (11 GHz) (10.7 – 11.7 GHz) Ku-band downlink (VSAT/SNG/BSS feeder links Fixed links - 11 GHz (10.7-11.7 GHz) Fixed-satellite downlinks (PTP/VSAT/SNG)), |
No change |
All assignments remains as-is (refer to 4.10.38) |
15400 – 15430 & 15430 – 15630 & 15630 - 15700 |
Radio location service as per WRC-07 Res. 614 |
No Migration |
40000 – above |
Allocate for high capacity PTP links |
Feasibility studies to be performed. (refer to 4.10.39) Refer to: Radio Frequency Migration Plan Government Gazette Number 36334 (Notice no. 352 of 2013) |
19 | Alarms, SF Mobile. In-house paging and load shedding (148.95 – 151 MHz); SF Alarms (152.05 – 152.55 MHz); Government Service Wildlife Telemetry Tracking (148 – 152 MHz); SF Mobile (152.55 – 153.05 MHz) |
20 | Government Gazette 40145 ( Notice Number 438 of 2016) : Invitation to apply for a radio frequency spectrum licence to provide mobile broadband wireless access services for urban and rural areas using the complimentary bands, 700 MHz, 800 MHz and 2.6GHz. |