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Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)ICASARadiocommunication Frequency Migration Plan 2019AppendicesAppendix F : National Radio Frequency Plan - 2018 |
This National Radio Frequency Plan 2018 (NRFP-18) has been prepared under Section 34 of the Act.
The NRFP-17 allocates the Radio Frequency Spectrum to Radio Services in the Frequency Bands between 8.3 kHz and 3000 GHz. All frequency assignments must be in accordance national radio frequency plan.
This revised NRFP-18 incorporates the decisions taken by 2015 World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC-15). The revision reflects the 2016 version of the ITU Radio Regulations, including the frequency allocations relevant to Region 1 and its associated footnotes. It also includes updates on the Table of Frequency Allocations extending up to 3000 GHz and South African National Footnotes. The revised NRFP-17 further reflects agreements taken at regional level including that of the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)27 Frequency Allocation Plan (FAP)28. These aforementioned agreements do not supersede any regulations developed by the Authority.
The Authority consulted with the government Department that is responsible for approving the frequency band plan as prescribed in the Electronic Communications Act, to incorporate the radio frequency spectrum allocated by the Minister for use by security services taking into account the Government’s current and planned use of radio frequency spectrum, including but not limited to, civil aviation, and aeronautical services and scientific research. This updated version of the NRFP- 17 incorporates the outcome of the public consultation as mandated by the EC Act.
A document containing relevant ITU – R Resolutions and Recommendations referred in this document can be found on the Authority’s website.
The pattern of radio use is not static as it is continuously evolving to reflect the many changes that are taking place in the radio environment; particularly in the field of technology. Spectrum allocations must reflect these changes and the position set out in this plan is therefore subject to regular reviews.
In view of the above, it is the intention of the Authority to update the NRFP when necessary in order to keep the plan current with due regard given to the current and future usage of the radio frequency spectrum.
The following updates and amendments amongst others have been implemented in NRFP -18:
▪ | National footnotes have been revised. |
▪ | The resolutions and decisions taken by World Radiocommunication Conferences preceding WRC-15. |
▪ | The resolutions and decisions taken by the WRC-15, as ratified by the South Africa (Republic of), have been reflected. |
▪ | The Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act, 2007 (Act No. 21 of 2007) covered in a separate chapter in view of the award of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) to South Africa. The commencement of the Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act, 2007 (Act No. 21 of 2007) In terms of section 53 of the Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act. 2007 (Act No. 21 of 2007), the 24 April 2009 has been determined as the date on which the said Act comes into operation. |
▪ | The Regulations apply to the Karoo Central Astronomy Advantage Areas declared for the purpose of radio astronomy and related scientific endeavours in terms of sections 9(1) and 9(2) of the Act. |
▪ | Incorporated references to the SADC Frequency Allocation Plan (FAP) and SADC |
27 | http://www.crasa.org/crasa-publication/cat/18/regulatory-guidelines/ |
28 | http://www.crasa.org/common_up/crasa-setup/10-11-2016_SADC%20FREQUENCY%20ALLOCATION%20PLAN%202016.pdf |