R 385
Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)ICASARadiocommunication Frequency Migration Plan 2019AppendicesAppendix H : Articles 31 and 52 of the ITU Radio Regulations and Rec. ITU-R SM.1603Article 52 of the ITU Radio Regulations |
Special rules relating to the use of frequencies
Section I − General provisions
52.1 | A − Single-sideband radiotelegraph transmissions |
(1) | 1 Where these provisions specify A1A emission, class A1B or J2A emissions shall be considered equivalent. |
(2) | Where these provisions specify class F1B emission, class J2B and J2D emissions shall be considered equivalent. However, class J2D emission shall not be used with the HF distress and safety frequencies listed in Appendix 15. |
52.4 | B − Bands between 415 kHz and 535 kHz |
52.5 | (SUP - WRC-07) |
(1) | 3 In the maritime mobile service, no assignments shall be made on the frequency 518 kHz other than for transmission by coast stations of meteorological and navigational warnings and urgent information to ships by means of automatic narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy (International NAVTEX System). |
(2) | In the maritime mobile service, the frequency 490 kHz is used exclusively for the transmission by coast stations of meteorological and navigational warnings and urgent information to ships by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy. (WRC-03) |
52.8 | C − Bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz (WRC-03) |
(1) | 4 In Region 1, frequencies assigned to stations operating in the bands between 1 850 kHz and 3 800 kHz (see Article 5) should, whenever possible, be in accordance with the following subdivision: |
– 1 850-1 950 kHz: Coast stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 1 950-2 045 kHz: Ship stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 2 194-2 262.5 kHz: Ship stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 2 262.5-2 498 kHz: Intership, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 2 502-2 578 kHz: Ship stations, narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy.
RR52-2 CHAPTER IX - Maritime services
– 2578-2 850 kHz: Coast stations, narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy and singlesideband radiotelephony.
– 3 155-3 200 kHz: Ship stations, narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy.
– 3 200-3 340 kHz: Ship stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 3 340-3 400 kHz: Intership, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 3 500-3 600 kHz: Intership, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 3 600-3 800 kHz: Coast stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
(2) | In Region 1, frequencies assigned to stations operating in the bands listed below shall be in accordance with the following subdivision: |
– 1606.5-1 625 kHz: Coast stations, narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy, digital selective calling.
– 1 635-1 800 kHz: Coast stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 2 045-2 141.5 kHz: Ship stations, single-sideband radiotelephony.
– 2141.5-2 160 kHz: Ship stations, narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy, digital selective calling.
52.11 | 5 In Regions 2 and 3, the carrier frequencies 2 635 kHz (assigned frequency 2 636.4 kHz) and 2 638 kHz (assigned frequency 2 639.4 kHz) are used as single-side band intership radiotelephony working frequencies in addition to the frequencies prescribed for common use in certain services. The carrier frequencies 2 635 kHz and 2 638 kHz should be used with class J3E emissions only. In Region 3 these frequencies are protected by a guard band between 2 634 kHz and 2 642 kHz. |
52.12 | D − Bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz |
52.13 | 6 Bands exclusively allocated to the maritime mobile service between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz (see Article 5) are subdivided into categories and sub-bands as indicated in Appendix 17. |
52.14 | E − Bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz |
52.15 | 7 The ship movement service should be operated only on frequencies allocated to the maritime mobile service in the band 156-174 MHz. |
Section II − (Number not used)
52.16 to 52.93 (SUP - WRC-07)
CHAPTER IX - Maritime services RR52-3
Section III − Use of frequencies for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy
52.94 | A − General |
52.95 | 44 Frequencies assigned to coast stations for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). This List shall also indicate any other useful information concerning the service performed by each coast station. (WRC-07) |
52.96 | B − Bands between 415 kHz and 535 kHz |
52.97 | 45 All ship stations equipped with narrow-band direct-printing apparatus to work in the authorized bands between 415 kHz and 535 kHz shall be able to send and receive class F1B emissions as specified in No. 51.44. Additionally, ship stations complying with the provisions of Chapter VII shall be able to receive class F1B emissions on 518 kHz (see No. 51.45). |
52.98 | (SUP - WRC-03) |
52.99 | C − Bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz (WRC-03) |
(1) | 46 All ship stations equipped with narrow-band direct-printing telegraph apparatus to work in the authorized bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz shall be able to send and receive class F1B or J2B emissions on at least two working frequencies. (WRC-03) |
(2) | Narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy is forbidden in the band 2 170-2 194 kHz, except as provided for in Appendix 15 and Resolution 354 (WRC-07). (WRC-07) |
52.102 | D − Bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz |
52.103 | 47 All ship stations equipped with narrow-band direct-printing telegraph apparatus to work in the authorized bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall be able to send and receive class F1B emissions as specified in No. 51.49. The assignable frequencies are indicated in Appendix 17. |
52.104 | 48 Coast stations employing class F1B emissions and operating in the bands exclusively allocated to the maritime mobile service between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall at no time use mean powers in excess of the following: |
Band Maximum
mean power
4 MHz 5 kW
6 MHz 5 kW
8 MHz 10 kW
12 MHz 15 kW
16 MHz 15 kW
18/19 MHz 15 kW
22 MHz 15 kW
25/26 MHz 15 kW
RR52-4 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
(1) | In all bands, the working frequencies for ship stations using narrow-band direct printing telegraphy at speeds not exceeding 100 Bd for FSK and 200 Bed for PSK, including those paired with the working frequencies assignable to coast stations (see Appendix 17), are spaced 0.5 kHz apart. The frequencies assignable to ship stations which are paired with those used by coast stations are shown in Appendix 17. The frequencies assignable to ship stations which are not paired with those used by coast stations are shown in Appendix 17. |
52.106 | (SUP - WRC-03) |
(2) | Each administration shall, if necessary, assign to each ship station under its jurisdiction and employing non-paired narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy one or more frequencies reserved for this purpose and shown in Appendix 17. |
52.108 | E − Bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz |
52.109 | 49 All ship stations equipped with direct-printing telegraph apparatus may work in the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz and shall conform to the provisions of Appendix 18. |
Section IV − Use of frequencies for digital selective-calling
52.110 | A − General |
52.111 | 50 The provisions described in this Section are applicable to calling and acknowledgement, when digital selective-calling techniques are used, except in cases of distress, urgency and safety, to which the provisions of Chapter VII apply. |
52.112 | 51 The characteristics of the digital selective-calling equipment shall be in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.541-10 and should be in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.493. (WRC-15) |
52.113 | 52 The frequencies on which coast stations provide services using digital selectivecalling techniques shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV), which shall also supply any other useful information concerning such services. (WRC-07) |
52.114 | B − Bands between 415 kHz and 526.5 kHz |
B1 − Mode of operation
(1) | 53 The class of emission to be used for digital selective-calling and acknowledgement in the authorized bands between 415 kHz and 526.5 kHz shall be F1B. |
CHAPTER IX - Maritime services RR52-5
(2) | When transmitting digital selective calls and acknowledgements in the bands between 415 kHz and 526.5 kHz, coast stations should use the minimum power necessary to cover their service area. |
52.117 | 54 Transmissions of digital selective calls and acknowledgements by ship stations shall be limited to a mean power of 400 W. |
B2 − Call and acknowledgement
52.118 | 55 For call and acknowledgement by digital selective-calling techniques, an appropriate channel shall be used. |
52.119 | 56 The international digital selective-calling frequency 455.5 kHz may be assigned to any coast station. In order to reduce interference on this frequency, it may be used as a general rule by coast stations to call ships of another nationality, or in cases where it is not known on which digital selective-calling frequencies within these bands the ship station is maintaining watch. |
52.120 | 57 The international digital selective-calling frequency 458.5 kHz may be used by any ship station. In order to reduce interference on this frequency, it shall only be used when calling cannot be made on national frequencies assigned to the coast station. |
52.121 | 58 The frequency to be used for transmission of an acknowledgement shall normally be the frequency paired with the calling frequency used. |
B3 − Watch
(1) | 59 A coast station providing international public correspondence service using digital selective-calling techniques within the bands between 415 kHz and 526.5 kHz should, during its hours of service, maintain automatic digital selective-calling watch on appropriate national or international calling frequencies. The hours and frequencies shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(2) | Ship stations equipped with apparatus for digital selective-calling to work in the authorized bands between 415 kHz and 526.5 kHz should, when within the coverage area of coast stations providing services using digital selective-calling techniques in these bands, maintain an automatic digital selective-calling watch on one or more appropriate digital selective-calling frequencies within these bands, taking into account the digital selective calling frequencies operated by the coast stations. |
52.124 | C − Bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz (WRC-03) |
C1 − Mode of operation
(1) | 60 The class of emission to be used for digital selective-calling and acknowledgement in the bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz shall be F1B. (WRC-03) |
RR52-6 CHAPTER IX - Maritime services
(2) | Coast stations should, when transmitting digital selective calls and acknowledgements in the bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz, use the minimum power necessary to cover their service area. (WRC-03) |
(3) | In Region 1, transmissions of digital selective calls and acknowledgements by ship stations shall be limited to a mean power of 400 W. |
C2 − Call and acknowledgement
(1) | 61 When calling a coast station by digital selective-calling techniques, ship stations should use for the call, in order of preference: |
(a) | a national digital selective-calling channel on which the coast station is maintaining watch; |
(b) | subject to the provisions of No. 52.131, the international digital selective-calling frequency 2 189.5 kHz. |
(2) | The international digital selective-calling frequency 2 189.5 kHz may be assigned to any ship station. In order to reduce interference on this frequency, it may be used as a general rule by ship stations to call coast stations of another nationality. |
(3) | A ship station calling another ship station by digital selective-calling techniques should use the frequency 2 177 kHz for the call. Acknowledgements of such calls should also be made on this frequency. |
(1) | 62 When calling ship stations by digital selective-calling techniques, coast stations should use for the call, in the order of preference: |
(a) | a national digital selective-calling channel on which the coast station is maintaining watch; |
(b) | subject to the provisions of No. 52.136, the international digital selective-calling frequency 2 177 kHz. |
(2) | The international digital selective-calling frequency 2 177 kHz may be assigned to any coast station. In order to reduce interference on this frequency, it may be used as a general rule by coast stations to call ships of another nationality, or in cases where it is not known on which digital selective-calling frequencies within the bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz the ship station is maintaining watch. (WRC-03) |
52.137 | 63 The frequency to be used for transmission of an acknowledgement shall normally be the frequency paired with the frequency used for the call received, as indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV) (see also No. 52.113). (WRC-07) |
CHAPTER IX - Maritime services RR52-7
C3 − Watch
(1) | 64 The provisions detailed in this Sub-section are applicable to watch-keeping by digital selective-calling, except for distress, urgency and safety purposes, to which the provisions of Section III of Article 31 apply. |
(2) | A coast station providing international public correspondence service using digital selective-calling techniques within the bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz should, during its hours of service, maintain automatic digital selective-calling watch on appropriate national or international calling frequencies. The hours and frequencies shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(3) | Ship stations equipped with apparatus for digital selective-calling to work in the authorized bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz should, when within the coverage area of coast stations providing services using digital selective-calling techniques in these bands, maintain an automatic digital selective-calling watch on one or more appropriate digital selective-calling frequencies within these bands, taking into account the digital selective-calling frequencies operated by the coast stations. (WRC-03) |
52.141 | D − Bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz |
D1 − Mode of operation
(1) | 65 The class of emission to be used for digital selective-calling and acknowledgement in the authorized bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall be F1B. |
(2) | When transmitting digital selective calls and acknowledgements in the bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz, coast stations shall at no time use a mean power in excess of the following values: |
Band Maximum
mean power
4 MHz 5 kW
6 MHz 5 kW
8 MHz 10 kW
12 MHz 15 kW
16 MHz 15 kW
18/19 MHz 15 kW
22 MHz 15 kW
25/26 MHz 15 kW
(3) | Transmissions of digital selective calls and acknowledgements by ship stations in the bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall be limited to a mean power of 1.5 kW. |
RR52-8 CHAPTER IX - Maritime services
D2 − Call and acknowledgement
52.145 | 66 A station calling another station by digital selective-calling techniques within the authorized bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz should choose an appropriate digital selective calling frequency, taking into account propagation characteristics. |
(1) | 67 When calling a coast station by digital selective-calling techniques on frequencies within the authorized bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz, ship stations should use for the call, in order of preference: |
(a) | a national digital selective-calling channel on which the coast station is maintaining watch; |
(b) | subject to the provisions of No. 52.149, one of the international digital selective calling frequencies. (WRC-07) |
(2) | The international digital selective-calling frequencies shall be as indicated in Recommendation ITU-R M.541-10 and may be used by any ship station. In order to reduce interference on these frequencies, they shall only be used when calling cannot be made on nationally assigned frequencies. (WRC-15) |
(1) | 68 When calling ship stations by digital selective-calling techniques on frequencies within the bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz coast stations should use for the call, in order of preference: |
(a) | a national digital selective-calling channel on which the coast station is maintaining watch; |
(b) | subject to the provisions of No. 52.153, one of the international digital selective calling frequencies. (WRC-07) |
(2) | The international digital selective-calling frequencies shall be as indicated in Recommendation ITU-R M.541-10 and may be assigned to any coast station. In order to reduce interference on these frequencies, they may be used as a general rule by coast stations to call ships of another nationality, or in cases where it is not known on which digital selective-calling frequencies within the frequency bands concerned the ship station is maintaining watch. (WRC-15) |
D3 − Watch
(1) | 69 The provisions detailed in this Sub-section are applicable to watch-keeping by digital selective-calling, except for distress, urgency and safety purposes, to which the provisions of Section III of Article 31 apply. |
(2) | A coast station providing international public correspondence service using digital selective-calling techniques within the bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz should, during its hours of service, maintain automatic digital selective-calling watch on the appropriate digital selective-calling frequencies as indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
CHAPTER IX Maritime services RR52-9
(3) | Ship stations equipped with apparatus for digital selective-calling to work in the authorized bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz should maintain automatic digital selective calling watch on appropriate digital selective-calling frequencies within these bands, taking into account propagation characteristics and the calling frequencies for coast stations providing service using digital selective-calling techniques. |
52.157 | E − Bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz |
E1 − Mode of operation
52.158 | 70 The class of emission to be used for digital selective-calling and acknowledgement in the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz shall be G2B. |
E2 − Call and acknowledgement
(1) | 71 The frequency 156.525 MHz is an international frequency in the maritime mobile service used for distress, urgency, safety and calling by digital selective-calling techniques (see Nos. 33.8 and 33.31 and Appendix 15). (WRC-07) |
(2) | Calling by digital selective-calling techniques within the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz, from ship to coast station, from coast station to ship and from ship to ship should, as a general rule, be made on the digital selective-calling frequency 156.525 MHz. E3 − Watch |
52.161 | 72 Information concerning watch-keeping by automatic digital selective-calling on the frequency 156.525 MHz by coast stations shall be given in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV) (see also No. 31.13). (WRC-07) |
52.162 | 73 Ship stations equipped with apparatus for digital selective-calling to work in the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz should, while at sea, maintain an automatic digital selective-calling watch on the frequency 156.525 MHz (see also No. 31.17). |
Section V − Use of frequencies for wide-band telegraphy, facsimile, special transmission systems and oceanographic data transmissions
52.163 | A− Wide-band telegraphy, facsimile and special transmission systems |
52.164 | A1 − Bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz (WRC-03) |
52.165 | 74 In Region 2, the frequencies in the band 2 068.5-2 078.5 kHz are assigned to ship stations using wide-band telegraphy, facsimile and special transmission systems. The provisions of No. 52.171 apply. |
RR52-10 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
52.166 | A2 − Bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz |
52.167 | 75 In all bands, the working frequencies for ship stations equipped to use wideband telegraphy, facsimile and special transmission systems are spaced 4 kHz apart. The assignable frequencies are shown in Appendix 17. |
(1) | 76 Each administration shall assign to each ship station under its jurisdiction and employing wide-band telegraphy, facsimile and special transmission systems one or more series of the working frequencies reserved for this purpose shown in Appendix 17. The total number of series assigned to each ship station shall be determined by traffic requirements. |
(2) | When ship stations employing wide-band telegraphy, facsimile and special transmission systems are assigned less than the total number of working frequencies in a band, the administration concerned shall assign working frequencies to such ships in accordance with an orderly system of rotation that will ensure approximately the same number of assignments on any one working frequency. |
(3) | However, within the limits of the bands given in Appendix 17, administrations may, to meet the needs of specific systems, assign frequencies in a different manner from that shown in Appendix 17. Nevertheless, administrations shall take into account, as far as possible, the provisions of Appendix 17, concerning channelling and the 4 kHz spacing. |
52.171 | 77 Ship stations equipped for wide-band telegraphy, facsimile and special transmission systems may, in the frequency bands reserved for such use, employ any class of emission provided that such emissions can be contained within the wide-band channels indicated in Appendix 17. However, the use of A1A Morse telegraphy and telephony is excluded except for circuit alignment purposes. |
52.172 | 78 Coast radiotelegraph stations employing multichannel telegraph emissions and operating in the bands allocated exclusively to the maritime mobile service between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall at no time use a mean power in excess of 2.5 kW per 500 Hz bandwidth. |
52.173 | B − Oceanographic data transmission systems |
52.174 | 79 In all bands, the assignable frequencies for oceanographic data transmissions are spaced 0.3 kHz apart. The assignable frequencies are shown in Appendix 17. |
52.175 | 80 The frequency bands for oceanographic data transmission systems (see Appendix 17) may also be used by buoy stations for oceanographic data transmission and by stations interrogating these buoys. |
CHAPTER IX Maritime services RR52-11
Section VI − Use of frequencies for radiotelephony
52.176 | A − General |
52.177 | 81 Except with regard to the provisions of Article 11 concerning notification and recording of frequencies, when designating frequencies for single-sideband radiotelephony the carrier frequency is always to be designated. The assigned frequency shall be 1 400 Hz higher than the carrier frequency. |
52.178 | 82 Coast stations shall not occupy idle radiotelephone channels by emitting identification signals, such as those generated by call slips or tapes. Exceptionally, a coast station, when requested by a ship station for the purpose of establishing a radiotelephone call, may emit a receiver tuning signal of not more than 10 s duration. |
52.179 | 83 However, coast stations in automatic service in the UHF band may emit marking signals. The emission power of the signals shall however be limited to the minimum value necessary for effective operation of the signalling. Such emissions shall not cause harmful interference to the maritime mobile service in other countries. |
52.180 | 84 The frequencies of transmission (and reception when these frequencies are in pairs as in the case of duplex radiotelephony) assigned to each coast station shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). This List shall also indicate any other useful information concerning the service performed by each coast station. (WRC-07) |
52.181 | 85 Single-sideband apparatus in radiotelephone stations of the maritime mobile service operating in the frequency bands allocated to this service between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz and in the frequency, bands allocated exclusively to this service between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall satisfy the technical and operational conditions specified in Recommendation ITU-R M.1173-1. (WRC-15) |
52.182 | B − Bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz (WRC-03) |
B1 − Mode of operation of stations
(1) | 86 Unless otherwise specified in the Radio Regulations (see Nos. 51.53, 52.188, 52.189 and 52.199, the class of emission to be used in the bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz shall be J3E. (WRC-07) |
(2) | The peak envelope power of coast radiotelephone stations operating in the authorized bands allocated between 1 606.5 kHz and 4 000 kHz shall not exceed: (WRC-03) |
52.185 – 5 kW for coast stations located north of latitude 32° N;
52.186 – 10 kW for coast stations located south of latitude 32° N.
RR52-12 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
(3) | The normal mode of operation for each coast station shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(4) | Transmissions in the bands 2 170-2 173.5 kHz and 2 190.5-2 194 kHz with the carrier frequency 2 170.5 kHz and the carrier frequency 2 191 kHz, respectively, are limited to class J3E emissions and are limited to a peak envelope power of 400 W. (WRC-07) B2 − Call and reply |
(1) | 87 The frequency 2 182 kHz1 is an international distress frequency for radiotelephony (see Appendix 15 and Resolution 354 (WRC-07)). (WRC-07) |
(2) | The frequency 2 182 kHz may also be used: |
(a) | for call and reply in accordance with the provisions of Article 57; |
(b) | by coast stations to announce the transmission, on another frequency, of traffic lists as specified in Recommendation ITU-R M.1171-0. (WRC-15) |
(3) | In addition, an administration may assign to its stations other frequencies for call and reply. |
52.194 | 88 To facilitate use of the frequency 2 182 kHz for distress purposes, all transmissions on 2 182 kHz shall be kept to a minimum. |
(1) | 89 Before transmitting on the carrier frequency 2 182 kHz, a station shall, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1171-0, listen on this frequency for a reasonable period to make sure that no distress traffic is being sent. (WRC-15) |
(2) | The provisions of No. 52.195 do not apply to stations in distress. |
B3 − Traffic
(1) | 90 Coast stations which use 2 182 kHz for calling shall be able to use at least one other frequency in the authorized bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 2 850 kHz. (WRC- 03) |
(2) | Coast stations authorized to use radiotelephony on one or more frequencies other than 2 182 kHz in the authorized bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 2 850 kHz shall use class J3E emissions on those frequencies (see also No. 52.188). (WRC-03) |
1 52.189.1 | Where administrations provide at their coast stations a watch on 2 182 kHz for receiving class J3E emissions as well as class A3E and H3E emissions, ship stations may call those coast stations for safety purposes using class H3E or J3E emissions. |
CHAPTER IX Maritime services RR52-13
(3) | Coast stations open to the public correspondence service on one or more frequencies between 1 606.5 kHz and 2 850 kHz shall also be capable of transmitting class H3E and J3E emissions with a carrier frequency of 2 182 kHz, and of receiving class A3E, H3E and J3E emissions with a carrier frequency of 2 182 kHz. (WRC-03) |
(4) | One of the frequencies which coast stations are required to be able to use (see No. 52.197) is printed in heavy type in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV) to indicate that it is the normal working frequency of the stations. Supplementary frequencies, if assigned, are shown in ordinary type. (WRC-07) |
(5) | Working frequencies of coast stations shall be chosen in such a manner as to avoid interference with other stations. B4 − Additional provisions applying to Region 1 |
52.202 | 91 The peak envelope power of ship radiotelephone stations operating in the authorized bands between 1 606.5 kHz and 2 850 kHz shall not exceed 400 W. (WRC-03) |
(1) | 92 All stations on ships making international voyages should be able to use: |
(a) | the following ship-to-shore working frequency, if required by their service: |
52.205 – carrier frequency 2 045 kHz (assigned frequency 2 046.4 kHz) for class J3E emissions;
(b) | the following intership frequency, if required by their service: |
52.207 – carrier frequency 2 048 kHz (assigned frequency 2 049.4 kHz) for class J3E emissions;
52.208 | This frequency may be used as an additional ship-to-shore frequency. |
52.209 | (SUP - WRC-07) |
(1) | 93Ships frequently exchanging correspondence with a coast station of a nationality other than their own may use the same frequencies as ships of the nationality of the coast station: |
52.211 – where mutually agreed by the administrations concerned; or
52.212 – where the facility is open to ships of all nationalities by virtue of a note against each of the frequencies concerned in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07)
RR52-14 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
(2) | In exceptional circumstances, if frequency usage according to Nos. 52.203 to 52.208 or No. 52.210 is not possible, a ship station may use one of its own assigned national ship to- shore frequencies for communication with a coast station of another nationality, under the express condition that the coast station as well as the ship station shall take precautions, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1171-0, to ensure that the use of such a frequency will not cause harmful interference to the service for which the frequency in question is authorized. (WRC-15) |
52.214 | 94 The following ship-to-shore frequencies: |
– | carrier frequency 2 051 kHz (assigned frequency 2 052.4 kHz), |
– | carrier frequency 2 054 kHz (assigned frequency 2 055.4 kHz), and |
– | carrier frequency 2 057 kHz (assigned frequency 2 058.4 kHz), |
may be assigned to coast stations as receiving frequencies. B5 − Additional provisions applying to Regions 2 and 3
52.215 | 95 All stations on ships making international voyages should, if required by their service, be able to use the intership carrier frequencies: |
2 635 kHz (assigned frequency 2 636.4 kHz) or
2 638 kHz (assigned frequency 2 639.4 kHz).
The conditions of use of these frequencies are specified in No. 52.11.
52.216 | C − Bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz |
C1 − Mode of operation of stations
(1) | 96 The class of emission to be used for analogue radiotelephony in the bands between 4 000 kHz and 26 175 kHz shall be J3E; for digital telecommunications in those bands, the class of emission shall be J2D. (WRC-03) |
(2) | The normal mode of operation of each coast station is indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(3) | Coast stations employing class J3E or J2D emissions in accordance with No. 52.217 in the bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall use the minimum power necessary to cover their service area and shall at no time use a peak envelope power in excess of 10 kW per channel. |
(4) | Ship stations employing class J3E or J2D emissions in accordance with No. 52.217 in the bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall at no time use a peak envelope power in excess of 1.5 kW per channel. |
CHAPTER IX Maritime services RR52-15
C2 − Call and reply
(5) | Administrations should encourage the coast stations and ship stations under their jurisdiction to use digital selective calling techniques for call and reply. (WRC-2000) |
52.220B | 96A When calling by radiotelephony is necessary, it should be done (in order of preference): (WRC-2000) |
(1) | on the working frequencies assigned to the coast stations; or (WRC-2000) |
(2) | when this is not possible, on the calling frequencies listed under No. 52.221 or 52.221A below. (WRC-2000) |
(1) | 97 Ship stations may use the following carrier frequencies for calling in radiotelephony: |
4 125 kHz2, 3, 4
6 215 kHz3, 4
8 255 kHz
8 291 kHz4 (see also No. 52.221A)
12 290 kHz4 (see also No. 52.221A)
16 420 kHz4 (see also No. 52.221A)
18 795 kHz
22 060 kHz
25 097 kHz (WRC-15)
(2) | The carrier frequency 8 291 kHz is authorized on a simplex basis for distress and safety traffic only (see also Appendix 15). Calling on the carrier frequencies 12 290 kHz and 16 420 kHz shall be permitted only to and from rescue coordination centres (see No. 30.6.1), subject to the safeguards of Resolution 352 (WRC-03). The alternative carrier frequencies 12 359 kHz and 16 537 kHz may be used by ship stations and coast stations for calling on a simplex basis, provided that the peak envelope power does not exceed 1 kW. (WRC-15) |
2 52.221.1 | In the United States, the carrier frequency 4 125 kHz is also authorized for common use by coast and ship stations for single-sideband radiotelephony on a simplex basis, provided the peak envelope power of such stations does not exceed 1 kW (see also No. 52.222.2). |
3 52.221.2 | The carrier frequencies 4 125 kHz and 6 215 kHz are also authorized for common use by coast and ship stations for single-sideband radiotelephony on a simplex basis for call and reply purposes, provided that the peak envelope power of such stations does not exceed 1 kW. The use of these frequencies for working purposes is not permitted (see also No. 52.221.1). (WRC-07) |
4 52.221.3 | The carrier frequencies 4 125 kHz, 6 215 kHz, 8 291 kHz, 12 290 kHz and 16 420 kHz are also authorized for common use by coast and ship stations for single-sideband radiotelephony on a simplex basis for distress and safety traffic. |
RR52-16 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
(3) | Coast stations may use the following carrier frequencies for calling in radiotelephony: |
4 417 kHz5
6 516 kHz5
8 779 kHz
13 137 kHz (see No. 52.222A)
17 302 kHz (see No. 52.222A)
19 770 kHz
22 756 kHz
26 172 kHz (WRC-2000)
(4) | The carrier frequencies 13 137 kHz and 17 302 kHz shall not be used as calling frequencies after 31 December 2003. The alternative carrier frequencies 12 359 kHz and 16 537 kHz may be used by ship stations and coast stations for calling on a simplex basis, provided that the peak envelope power does not exceed 1 kW. (WRC-2000) |
52.223 | 98 The hours of service of coast stations open to public correspondence and the frequency or frequencies on which watch is maintained shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(1) | 99 Before transmitting on the carrier frequencies 4 125 kHz, 6 215 kHz, 8 291 kHz, 12 290 kHz or 16 420 kHz a station shall, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1171-0, listen on the frequency for a reasonable period to make sure that no distress traffic is being sent (see No. 52.221A). (WRC-15) |
(2) | The provisions of No. 52.224 do not apply to stations in distress. |
C3 − Traffic
(1) | 100 For the conduct of duplex telephony, the transmitting frequencies of the coast stations and of the corresponding ship stations shall be associated in pairs, as indicated in Appendix 17, except temporarily in cases where working conditions prohibit the use of paired frequencies in order to meet operational needs. |
(2) | The frequencies to be used for the conduct of simplex radiotelephony are shown in Appendix 17, Section B. In these cases, the peak envelope power of the coast station transmitter shall not exceed 1 kW. |
52.222.1 (SUP - WRC-07)
5 52.222.2 | The carrier frequencies 4 417 kHz and 6 516 kHz are also authorized for common use by coast and ship stations for single-sideband radiotelephony on a simplex basis, provided that the peak envelope power of such stations does not exceed 1 kW. The use of 6 516 kHz for this purpose should be limited to daytime operation (see also No. 52.221.1). |
CHAPTER IX Maritime services RR52-17
(3) | The frequencies indicated in Appendix 17 for ship station transmissions may be used by ships of any category according to traffic requirements. |
(4) | Transmitters used for radiotelephony in the frequency bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall comply with technical characteristics specified in Recommendation ITU-R M.1173-1. (WRC-15) |
52.230 D − Bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz
D1 − Call and reply
(1) | 101 The frequency 156.8 MHz is the international frequency for distress traffic and for calling by radiotelephony when using frequencies in the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz. The class of emission to be used for radiotelephony on the frequency 156.8 MHz shall be G3E (as specified in Recommendation ITU-R M.489-2). (WRC-07) |
(2) | The frequency 156.8 MHz may also be used: |
(a) | by coast and ship stations for call and reply in accordance with the provisions of Articles 54 and 57; |
(b) | by coast stations to announce the transmission on another frequency of traffic lists, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1171-0, and important maritime information. (WRC-15) |
52.235 (SUP - WRC-07)
(3) | Any one of the channels designated in Appendix 18 for public correspondence may be used as a calling channel if an administration so desires. Such use shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(5) | Ship and coast stations in the public correspondence service may use a working frequency, for calling purposes, as provided in Articles 54 and 57. |
(6) | All emissions in the band 156.7625-156.8375 MHz capable of causing harmful interference to the authorized transmissions of stations of the maritime mobile service on 156.8 MHz are forbidden. |
(7) | To facilitate the reception of distress calls and distress traffic, all transmissions on 156.8 MHz shall be kept to a minimum and shall not exceed one minute. |
(8) | Before transmitting on the frequency 156.8 MHz, a station shall, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1171-0, listen on this frequency for a reasonable period to make sure that no distress traffic is being sent. (WRC-15) |
(9) | The provisions of No. 52.240 do not apply to stations in distress. |
RR52-18 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
(10) | The frequency 156.525 MHz is the international distress, safety and calling frequency for the maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service using digital selective calling (DSC) when using frequencies in the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz. (WRC-07) |
(11) | All emissions in the band 156.4875-156.5625 MHz capable of causing harmful interference to the authorized transmissions of stations of the maritime mobile service on 156.525 MHz are forbidden. (WRC-07) |
(12) | To facilitate the reception of distress calls and distress traffic, all transmissions on 156.525 MHz shall be kept to a minimum. (WRC-07) D2 − Watch |
(1) | 102 A coast station open to the international public correspondence service should, during its hours of service, maintain watch on its receiving frequency or frequencies indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
(2) | The method of watch on a working frequency shall be no less efficient than watch by an operator. |
(3) | Ship stations should, where practicable, maintain watch on 156.8 MHz when within the service area of a coast station providing international maritime mobile radiotelephone service in the band 156-174 MHz. Ship stations fitted only with VHF radiotelephone equipment operating in the authorized bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz should maintain watch on 156.8 MHz when at sea. |
(4) | Ship stations, when in communication with a port station, may, on an exceptional basis and subject to the agreement of the administration concerned, continue to maintain watch on the appropriate port operations frequency only, provided that watch on 156.8 MHz is being maintained by the port station. |
(5) | Ship stations, when in communication with a coast station in the ship movement service and subject to the agreement of the administration concerned, may continue to maintain watch on the appropriate ship movement service frequency only, provided that watch on 156.8 MHz is being maintained by that coast station. |
52.247 | 103 A coast station in the port operations service in an area where 156.8 MHz is being used for distress, urgency or safety shall, during its working hours, keep an additional watch on 156.6 MHz or another port operations frequency indicated in heavy type in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
52.248 | 104 A coast station in the ship movement service in an area where 156.8 MHz is being used for distress, urgency and safety shall, during its working hours, keep an additional watch on the ship movement frequencies indicated in heavy type in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). (WRC-07) |
CHAPTER IX Maritime services RR52-19
D3 − Traffic
(1) | 105 Where practicable, coast stations open to the international public correspondence service shall be capable of working with ship stations equipped for duplex or semi duplex operation. |
(2) | The method of working (single-frequency or two-frequency) specified in Appendix 18 for each channel should be used in the international services. |
52.251 | 106 Communications in the port operations service shall be restricted to those relating to operational handling, the movement and the safety of ships and, in emergency, to the safety of persons. Messages of a public correspondence nature shall be excluded from this service. |
52.252 | 107 Communications in the ship movement service shall be restricted to those relating to the movement of ships. Messages of a public correspondence nature shall be excluded from this service. |
(1) | 108 Coast stations which use 156.8 MHz for calling shall be able to use at least one other authorized channel in the international maritime mobile radiotelephone service in the band 156-174 MHz. |
(2) | In the band 156-174 MHz administrations shall, where practicable, assign frequencies to coast and ship stations in accordance with the Table of transmitting frequencies given in Appendix 18 for such international services as administrations consider necessary. |
52.255 (SUP - WRC-03)
(3) | In assigning frequencies to their coast stations, administrations should collaborate in cases where harmful interference might occur. |
(4) | Channels are designated by numbers in the Table of transmitting frequencies given in Appendix 18. |
(1) | 109 In assigning frequencies to stations of authorized services, other than maritime mobile, administrations shall avoid the possibility of interference to international maritime services in the bands between 156 MHz and 174 MHz. |
(2) | The use of channels for maritime mobile purposes other than those indicated in the Table of transmitting frequencies given in Appendix 18 shall not cause harmful interference to services which operate in accordance with that table and shall not prejudice the future development of such services. |
52.260 | 110 The carrier power of ship station transmitters shall not exceed 25 W. |
RR52-20 CHAPTER IX Maritime services
Section VII – Use of frequencies for data transmissions (WRC-12)
52.261 | A – General (WRC-12) |
52.262 | Frequencies assigned to coast stations for data transmissions shall be indicated in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV). This List shall also indicate any other useful information concerning the service performed by each coast station. (WRC-12) |
52.263 | B – Bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz (WRC-12) |
B1 – Mode of operation of stations (WRC-12)
52.264 | The class of emissions to be used for data transmissions in this section should be in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1798. Coast stations as well as ship stations should use radio systems specified in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1798. (WRC-15) |
52.265 | Coast stations employing the class of emissions in accordance with No. 52.264 in the frequency bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall not exceed a peak envelope power of 10 kW. (WRC-12) |
52.266 | Ship stations employing the class of emissions in accordance with No. 52.264 in the frequency bands between 4 000 kHz and 27 500 kHz shall not exceed a peak envelope power of 1.5 kW. (WRC-12) |