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Table of Contents
Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)
Notice No. 364 of 2006
Chapter 1 : Introductory Provisions
1. Definitions
2. Object of Act
Chapter 2 : Policy and Regulations
3. Ministerial Policies and Policy directions
4. Regulations by Authority
Chapter 3 : Licensing Framework
5. Licensing
6. Licence exemption
7. Prohibition of provision of service without licence
8. Terms and conditions for licences
9. Application for and granting of individual licences
10. Amendment of individual licence
11. Renewal of individual licence
12. Surrender of individual licence
13. Transfer of individual licences or change of ownership
14. Suspension or cancellation of individual licence
15. Effect of suspension, cancellation, surrender or expiry of individual licence
16. Class licence
17. Registration for Class Licence
18. Refusal of registration for class licence
19. Renewal of class licence
Chapter 4 : Electronic Communications Networks and Electronic Communications Facilities
20. Application
21. Rapid deployment of electronic communications facilities
22. Entry upon and construction of lines across land and waterways
23. Underground pipes for purposes of electronic communications network service
24. Pipes under streets
25. Removal of electronic communications network facilities
26. Fences
27. Trees obstructing electronic communications network facilities
28. Height or depth of electronic communications network facilities
29. Electrical works
Chapter 5 : Radio Frequency Spectrum
30. Control of radio frequency spectrum
31. Radio frequency spectrum licence
32. Control of possession of radio apparatus
33. Frequency co-ordination
34. Radio frequency plan
Chapter 6 : Technical Equipment and Standards
35. Approval of type
36. Technical standards for equipment and electronic communications facilities
Chapter 7 : Interconnection
37. Obligation to interconnect
38. Interconnection regulations
39. Filing of interconnection agreements
40. Notification of interconnection disputes
41. Interconnection pricing principles
42. Carrier pre-selection
Chapter 8 : Electronic Communications Facilities Leasing
43. Obligation to lease electronic communications facilities
44. Electronic communications facilities leasing regulations
45. Filing of electronic communications facilities leasing agreements
46. Notification of electronic communications facilities leasing agreement disputes
47. Facilities leasing pricing principles
Chapter 9 : Broadcasting Services
48. Application
49. Public broadcasting service licences
50. Community broadcasting service licences
51. Commercial broadcasting service licences
52. Prohibition on granting of broadcasting service licence to party-political entities, independent candidates and independent represenatives
53. Record of programmes broadcast by broadcasting service licensees
54. Code of conduct for broadcasting service licensees
55. Control over advertisements
56. Prohibition on broadcasting of election broadcasts and political advertisements except in certain circumstances
57. Broadcasting of election broadcasts on public broadcasting services
58. Political advertising on broadcasting services
59. Equitable treatment of political parties, independent representatives and independent candidates by broadcasting service licensees during election period
60. Restriction on subscription broadcasting services
61. Preservation of South African programming
62. Broadcasting signal distribution objectives
63. Self provisioning by broadcasting service licensees
64. Limitations on foreign control of commercial broadcasting services
65. Limitations on control of commercial broadcasting services
66. Limitations on cross-media control of commercial broadcasting services
Chapter 10 : Competition Matters
67. Competition matters
Chapter 11 : Numbering
68. Numbering plans and number portability
Chapter 12 : Consumer Issues
69. Code of conduct, end-user and subscriber service charter
70. Persons with disabilities
Chapter 13 : General
72. Establishment of Electronic Communications and ICT Museum
72A. National Broadband Council
73. E-rate
74. Offences and penalties
75. Directory services
76. Establishment of public emergency communications centres
77. Duties of 112 Emergency Centres and licensees
78. National Public emergency number
79. Standards, capabilities and operating procedures of 112 Emergency Centres
79A. Limitation of liability
79B. Provision of information
Chapter 14 : Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa
80. Continued existence of Universal Service Agency
81. Functions of Board
81A. Fiduciary duties of Board members, and removal and dissolution
82. Functions of Agency
82A. Appointment of chief executive officer
82B. Conditions of appointment of CEO
82C. Termination of employment of CEO
82D. Acting chief executive officer
82E. Delegation and assignment by CEO
83. CEO and staff of Agency
84. Financing of Agency
85. Banking account
86. Annual and other reports
87. Continued existence and control of Universal Service Fund
88. Application of money in Universal Service and Access Fund
89. Contributions to Universal Service and Access Fund
90. Competitive tender for universal service and access projects
91. Accounts of Universal Service and Access Fund
Chapter 15 : Transitional Provisions
92. Existing licences
93. Licence conversion
94. Conflicts
95. Existing regulations
96. Application of Act
97. Repeal and amendment of laws
98. Short title and commencement
Schedule : Repeal and amendment of laws
Repeal and amendment of laws
Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) Regulation, 2007
Notice No. 243 of 2007
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Frequency
4. Equipment Authorization
5. Data Programming Protocol
6. Fees
7. Registration Process
8. Abuse of PLB's
Annexure A : 406MHz CQSPAS - SARSAT South African Distress Beacon
[Repealed] Regulations on the Establishment and Constitution of the Consumer Advisory Panel of ICASA
[Repealed] ICASA General Licence Fees Regulations, 2009
Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 720 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Framework for DTT Multiplexes
4. Multiplex Allocation
5. Digital Incentive Channels
6. Digital Incentive Channel Authorisation and Procedure
7. Electronic Communication Network Service (ECNS) Licensee
8. General Obligations
9. Joint Spectrum Advisory Committee
10. Contraventions and Penalties
11. Short Title and Commencement
Regulations regarding the Code of Conduct for Broadcasting Service Licensees
Notice No. 958 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Application
3. Violence and Hate speech
4. Exclusions
5. Children
6. Watershed Period
7. Sexual Conduct
8. Audience Advisories
9. Classification by Films and Publications Board
10. News
11. Comment
12. Controversial issues of public importance
13. Elections
14. Privacy, Dignity and Reputation
15. Competitions and Audience Participation
16. Short title and commencement
[Repealed] End-user and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations, 2009
[Repealed] Digital Migration Regulations, 2010
Second Sport Broadcasting Services Amendment Regulations, 2021
Notice No. R. 275 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Object of the Regulations
3. Scope of Regulations
4. Criteria for Identifying National Sporting Events of Public Interest
5. Listed National Sporting Events
6. Broadcasting of National Sporting Events
7. Review of Listed Events
8. Dispute Resolution
9. Monitoring
10. Penalties
11. Repeal of Existing Regulations
12. Short Title and Commencement
Interconnection Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 282 of 2010
Part 1 : Preliminaries
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of regulations
Part II : Interconnection
3. Requests for interconnection
4. Financial feasibility
5. Technical feasibility
6. Maintenance of any to any connectivity
Part III : Principles for interconnection agreements
7. Quality of service and standards
8. Service level parameters
9. Confidentiality
10. Non discrimination
11. Transparency
12. Interconnection information
13. Point of interconnection
14. Exemption
Part IV : Framework, model terms and conditions of agreements
15. Terms and conditions of interconnection agreements
Part V
16. Dispute resolution
Part VI : Submission, filing, review and timeframes of agreements
17. Submission and review of interconnection agreements
18. Consideration by the Authority for compliance
Part VII : General
19. Filing of interconnection agreement
20. Commencement date
21. Suspension and termination of agreement
22. Contraventions and Penalties
23. Short title and commencement
24. Transitional provisions
25. Repeals
Mobile Television Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 318 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Scope
4. Eligibility to Apply
5. Designation of Use of Radio Frequency Spectrum
6. Application Procedures and Criteria for Awarding Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences
7. Authorisation of Mobile TV Broadcasting Channels
8. Duration of licence
9. Offences and Penalties
10. Short Title and Commencement
Schedule 1 : Procedures and Criteria for Awarding Radio Frequency Spectrum for the Provision of Mobile Television Broadcasting Service
Appendix A : Application Information
Appendix B : Substantive Information
Appendix C : Warranty Undertaking
Licensing Processes and Procedures Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 522 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Scope of the regulations
4. The prescribed forms
5. Submission of applications and other documents
6. Amendment of applications
7. Liability for cost of applications and notices
8. Application for an Individual Licence (section 9 of the Act)
9. Application to amend an individual Licence (section 10 of the Act)
10. Application to renew an individual Licence (section 11 of the Act)
11. Application to transfer or to transfer control of an individual Licence (section 13 of the Act)
12. Restrictions on transfer and removal of an individual Licence
13. Surrender of an individual Licence (section 12 of the Act)
14. Application for a special temporary authorisation for testing purposes, demonstrations and research and development (section 5(7)(a)(iv))
14A. Notice of change of information in respect of an individual Licence
15. Publication of the notice for online application process
16. Contraventions
Schedule 1 : Repealed Regulations
Form C : Application to amend an Individual licence
Form E : Application to Renew an Individual Licence
Form G : Application to Transfer Ownership and/or Control of an Individual Licence
Form O : Notice of change of information in respect of an Individual Licence
Regulations Regarding Standard Terms and Conditions for Individual Licences under Chapter 3
Notice No. R. 523 of 2010
Schedule 1 : Standard Terms and Conditions for Individual Broadcasting Services, 2010
1. Definitions
2. Notification of Licensee Details and Information
3. Licence Area
4. Duration of the Licence
5. Commencement of Operations
6. Hours of Operations
7. Services to be provided by the Licensee
8. Safety Measures
9. Provision of Information
10. Public Service Announcements
11. General Obligations of Licensees
12. Specific Terms and Conditions
13. Obligations that apply in respect of Subscription Broadcasting Services Only
14. Contravention and Fines
15. Notices and Addresses
16. Short Title and Commencement
17. Repeal of Regulations
Annexure A Individual Broadcasting Services Licence
Schedule 2 : Individual Electronic Communications Network Services Licences
1. Definitions
2. Notification of Licensee Details and Information
3. Licence Area
4. Duration of the Licence
5. Commencement and Operation of Service
6. Services to be provided by the Licensee
7. Safety Measures
8. Provision of Information
9. Publication of Tariffs and Fees
10. Metering and Billing arrangements
11. Specific Terms and Conditions
12. Contravention and Fines
13. Notices and Addresses
14. Short Title and Commencement
15. Repeal of Regulations
Amendment Standard Terms and Conditions for Class Licences, 2021
Notice No. R. 525 of 2010
Schedule 1 : Standard Terms and Conditions for Class Broadcasting Services Regulations, 2010
1. Definitions
2. Notification of Change in Licensee Details and Information
3. Licence Area
4. Duration of the Licence
5. Commencement of Operations
6. Hours of Operations
7. Services to be provided by The Licensee
8. Safety Measures
9. Provision of Information
10. Public Service Announcements
10A. General Obligations of Licensees
10B. Provisions for Low Power Sound Broadcasting Service Programming
10C. Provisions for Special Event Licences
11. Offences and Penalties
12. Short Title and Commencement
13. Repeal of Regulations
Schedule 2 : Class Electronic Communications Network Services
1. Definitions
2. Notification of change in Licensee details and information
3. Licence Area
4. Duration of the Licence
5. Commencement of Operations
6. Hours of Operations
7. Services to be provided by The Licensee
8. Safety Measures
9. Provision of Information
10. Publication of Tariffs and Fees
11. Metering and Billing Arrangements
12. Offences and Penalties
13. Short Title and Commencement
Schedule 3 : Class Electronic Communications Service Licences
1. Definitions
2. Notification of change in Licensee details and information
3. Licence Area
4. Duration of the Licence
5. Commencement of Operations
6. Hours of Operations
7. Services to be provided by the Licensee
8. Safety Measures
9. Provision of Information to the Authority
10. Publication of Tariffs and Fees
11. Metering and Billing Arrangements
12. Offences and Penalties
13. Short Title and Commencement
14. Repeal of Regulations
Reasons Document on the Amendment Standard Terms and Conditions Regulations for Class Licences, 2021 - March 2021
Class Licensing Processes and Procedures Regulations (as amended), 2010
Notice No. R. 526 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Application of these regulations
4. The prescribed forms
5. Submission of applications and other documents
6. Liability for costs of applications, notices and registrations
7. Registration for a class licence (section 16 and 17 of the Act)
8. Application to amend a Class Licence
9. Notice to renew a class licence (section 19(2) of the Act)
10. Application to transfer a class licence (section 16(6) of the Act)
11. Surrender of class licence
12. Notice of change of information in respect of a class licence
13. Licence exempt services and networks
13A. Registration for class licence to provide a Special Event and Temporary Community Broadcasting Service
14. Holding of hearings
14A. Contraventions
15. Short title and Commencement
16. Repeal and Amendment of these Regulations
Schedule 1 : Repealed Regulations
Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Fee Amendment Regulations, 2015
Notice 754 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Object of the regulations
3. Fee Determination
4. Competing Applications
5. Formulae
6. Factors and Look Up Tables
7. Minimum Fees
8. Multi Year licences
9. Reference Table for Calculating Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Fees.
9A. Radio Spectrum Fee Increase
10. Information requirements
11. [Repealed] Contraventions and penalties
12. Short title and commencement
13. Repeal and amendment
Annexure "A"
Reasons Document: Radio Frequency Spectrum Fees Regulations
Notice 827 of 2010
1. Introduction
2. Legislative Framework
3. Policy Framework
4. Comments on Policy Issues
5. Comments On Appropriate Model
6. Comments on Formula Parameters and Factors
7. Alternative Formulas and General Comments
8. Conclusion
Carrier Pre-Selection Regulations, 2010
Notice No. 924 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these regulations
3. CPS Phase 1: The electronic services subject to carrier pre-selection
4. Framework
5. Establishment
6. Charges
7. Routing
8. Service and other requirements
10. Contraventions and Penalties
11. Short title and commencement
12. Repeal of the regulations
Reasons Document with respect to Carrier Pre-Selection Regulations, 2010
Section A: Introduction and Background
Section B
USAF Regulations, 2011
Notice No. R. 93 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Object of the Regulations
3. Contributions to the Universal Service and Access Fund
4. Payment of Contributions
5. Interest
6. Amendment or Repeal
7. Contraventions and Penalties
8. Short Title and Commencement
Position Paper - USAF Regulations Review
Municipal Elections Party Elections Broadcasts and Political Advertisements Regulations, 2011
Notice No. R. 203 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Object of the regulations
3. Scope of the Regulations
4. Party election broadcasts
5. Allocation of air-time in respect of party election broadcasts
6. Political Advertising
7. Complaints
8. General
9. Penalty
10. Short title and Commencement
Annexure A
Schedule 1 : Formula to Calculate the Allocation of Party Election Broadcasts for the 2011 Municipal Elections
Schedule 2 : Guidelines
Amendment of the Municipal Elections Broadcasts and Politicall Advertisements Regulations, 2021
Reasons for Decision October 2021
Compliance Procedure Manual Regulations, 2011
Notice No. 902 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Application
4. Submission Instructions
5. Prescribed Forms
6. Contraventions and Penalties
7. Special Provision
8. Short Title and Commencement
Form 1 : Standard Terms and Conditions for ECS, ECNS ...
Form 2 : Basic Financial Reporting Form Payment of ...
Form 3 : Universal Service and Access Obligations
Form 4 : E - Rate Form
Form 5 : Tariff Reporting Form
Form 6A : Sectoral Planning Data
Form 6B : Sectoral Planning
Form 7A : Code of Conduct for ECS and ECNS
Form 7B : Code of Practice for Postal Services
Form 7C : Code on People with Disabilities
Form 8 : Broadcasting
Form 8A : Programme Record
Form 8B : Pro-Forma Advertising Log
Form 8C : Pro-Forma Sponsorship Log
Form 8D : Format Factor Log Sheet
Form 8E : Pro-Forma Music Log
Form 9 : Broadcasting
Form 9A : General Logsheet
Form 9B : Pro-Forma Sponsorship Log
Form 9C : Format Factor Log Sheet for Radio
Form 10 : General Logsheet
Form 11 : Judgement For
Form 12A : Complaints Report
Form 12B : Postal Services Complaints Report
Form 13 : Customer Care Standards
Form 14 : Courier Undertaking
[Repealed] Numbering Plan Regulations, 2012
Digital Migration Regulations, 2012
Notice No. 1070 of 2012
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Framework for digital migration
4. Multiplex allocation - Multiplex 1
5. Multiplex allocation - Multiplex 2
6. Digital incentive channel authorisation procedure
7. Authorisation for the SABC to Broadcast a digital incentive channel in Multiplex 1
8. Authorisation to broadcast a digital incentive channel in Multiplex 2
9. Signal distribution of the DTT services broadcast in Multiplex 1 and Multiplex 2
10. Roll-out targets
11. General obligations
12. Transitional provisions
13. Joint Spectrum Advisory Group
14. Digital Television Content Advisory Group
15. Penalties
16. Repeal of Regulations
17. Short title and commencement
ICASA General Licence Fees Regulations, 2012
Notice 299 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Application
4. Exemptions
5. Payment of annual licence fees
6. Interest
7. Contraventions and Penalties
8. Short title and commencement
9. Repeal
Schedule 1: Administrative fees
Schedule 2: Annual licence fees
Schedule 3: Payments in respect of licence fees
Type Approval Regulations, 2013
Notice No. 871 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Equipment requiring Type Approval
4. Registration of Supplier
5. Standard Type Approval
6. Simplified Type Approval
7. Applicable Standards
8. Test Reports
9. Provisional Type Approval
10. Type Approval Fees
11. Validity of the Type Approval Certificates
12. Labelling
13. Market Surveillance
14. Revocation of Type Approval Certificate
15. Application Forms
16. Offences
17. Penalties
18. Repealed Regulations
19. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Equipment Type Approval Fees
Schedule 2 : Type Approval Application Forms
Schedule 2.1 : Standard application form for Radio Equipment
Schedule 2.2 : Standard application form for TTE
Schedule 2.3 : Simplified application form for Radio Equipment and TTE
Schedule 2.4 : Provisional Type Approval application form
Schedule 2.5 : Supplier registration form
National and Provincial Party Elections Broadcasts and Political Advertisements Second Amendment Regulations, 2024
Notice No. 101 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Application of these Regulations
4. Party Election Broadcasts
5. Allocation of air-time in respect of Party Election Broadcasts
6. Political Advertising
7. Complaints
8. General
9. Penalty
10. Short Title and Commencement
Annexure A : Principles for airtime allocation in respect of PEBs
Annexure B : Guidelines
Annexure C : Technical standards and quality
Reasons Document - April 2024
1. Introduction
2. Legislative Framework
3. The Process
4. Amendment of the Regulations
5. Conclusion
Promotion of Diversity and Competition on Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations, 2014
Notice 682 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Framework for Promoting Diversity and Competition on DTT
4. Multiplex allocation - Multiplex 1
5. Multiplex allocation - Multiplex 3
6. Digital Television Channel Authorisation Procedure
7. General obligations and provisions
8. Penalties
9. Amendment of Regulations
10. Short title and commencement
Call Termination Regulations, 2014
Notice 844 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Market definition
4. Methodology
5. Effectiveness of competition
6. SMP determination
7. Pro-competitive terms and conditions
8. Schedule for review or revision of markets
9. Contraventions and penalties
10. Short title and commencement
11. Repealed Regulations
Annexure A : Application of the Fair and Reasonable Obligation
Annexure B : Minimum content of a Reference Interconnection Offer ("RIO")
Reasons Document to the Amendment of the Call Termination Regulations, 2014
Notice No. 1408 of 2018
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. The Review of the 2014 Regulations and an Outline of the Process followed
4. Call Termination Cost Modelling Process
5. Concerns raised around the Public Consultation Process followed by the Authority
6. Issues raised and reasons for decision
Radio Frequency Spectrum Amendment Regulations, 2021
Notice 279 of 2015
Part I - Preliminary
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
Part II - Radio Frequency Spectrum Planning
3. Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans
Part III - Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions
4. Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemption
Part IV - Procedures for Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing and Assignment
5. Standard Application Procedure
6. Extended Application Procedure
7. Procedure Where There is Insufficient Spectrum to Meet Demand or Where an ITA is Published
8. Amendment of Applications Pursuant to an ITA
9. Procedure to Amend a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
10. Renewal of a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
11. Failure to Renew a Licence
12. Procedure to Transfer a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
13. Procedure to Surrender a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
14. Procedure to Withdraw a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
15. Permission to Assign, Cede or Transfer Control of a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
16. Procedures for Coordination with Shared Frequencies
16A. Channel Plans
16B. Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemption
Part V - Standard Terms and Conditions of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences
17. Duration of a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
18. Spectrum Sharing
19. Spectrum Coordination
20. Spectrum Dispute Resolution in the Use of Shared Frequencies
21. Application Fees and Examination Certificates Fees
Part VI - Specific Services
22. Radio Apparatus
23. Amateur Radio Communications
24. Communal Repeater Station Services.
25. Burglar Alarm Services
26. Simplex Radio Rental Services
27. Citizen Band Services
28. Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing for Registered Association or Clubs
29. Allocation and Display of Call Sign
30. Modifications to a Station
31. Interference, Condition of Station and Compliance with Requirements of the Authority and
32. Indecent Language and Fraudulent Transmissions over Stations
33. Distress Signal
34. Change of Contact Details
35. Radio Receiving Apparatus with Continuous Tuning
36. Operation of Radio Apparatus on Board Ship while it is in Harbour
37. Recognition of Licences Issued by other Countries
38. Possession of Radio Apparatus without Licence
39. Radio Reception Blocking Devices
40. Licences for Trials, Experimentation and Demonstration of Systems
Part VIII - Other
41. Rights
41. Liability for Costs
42. Offences and Penalties
42. Short title and commencement
43. Repealed Regulations
Part IX - Annexures
Annexure A
Form A
Form B
Form C
Form D
Form E
Annexure B
Reasons Document for the Annexure B of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations 2015 - December 2021
1. Acknowledgements
2. Introduction
3. Legislative and Regulatory Framework
4. The ITU Frequency Allocations
5. General Submissions
6. Application-Specific Submissions
6.1 Inductive Application
6.2. Active Medical Implants
6.3 Low Power Radio and Security Systems
6.4. Radiodetermination Application
6.5. Wireless Microphone Applications
6.7 Broadband Fixed Wireless Access systems (BFWA)
6.8 Non-Specific SRDs
6.9 Point-to-point (P-P) Digital Fixed Radio Systems (DFRS)
6.10 KCAAA Regulations
6.11 RFID Applications
6.12 MW Broadcasting
6.13 Low power Video Surveillance
6.14 Transport and Traffic Telematics
6.15 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Annexure C
Annexure C1 : E-band link registration database fields
Annexure D
Annexure E
Annexure F
Annexure G
Annexure H
Annexure I
Annexure J
End-User and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations, 2016
Notice 189 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Scope and application of the Regulations
4. Provision of information to end-users
5. Promotions
6. International roaming
7. Awareness of the Charter and compliance
8. Billing
8A. Voice and SMS services
8B. Data services
8C. Consumer education and awareness
9. Quality of service
10. Electronic Communications Network Monitoring
11. Service Upgrades and Network Outages
12. Complaints
13. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
14. Rebate
15. Service care line centre
16. Impossibility of performance
17. Compliance reporting
18. Contravention and penalties
19. Repeal of Regulations
20. Short title and commencement
Reasons Document
End-User and Subscriber Services Charter Amendment Regulations, 2018
Notice 233 of 2018
1. Introduction
2. Legislative Framework
3. Submissions received on the second draft EUSSC Regulations and the Authority's response
Amendment of the Reasons Document for the End-User and Subscriber Services Charter Amendment Regulations, 2018
1. Introduction
2. Additional submission received and the Authority’s response
ICASA Code of Conduct for Premium Rated Services Regulations, 2016
Notice No. 1376 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. The scope and application of these Regulations
3. Numbering structure of premium rated services
4. Migration of premium rated services
5. Premium rated services offered indirectly by licensees
6. General provisions of premium rated services
7. Premium rated service number re-use or masking
8. Information on premium rated services
9. Subscription services
10. Contact and dating services
11. Adult services
12. Children services
13. Advertising and promotional materials of premium rated services
14. End-User Information (EUI) obtained by premium rated service providers
15. Billing of premium rated services
16. Complaints procedure
17. Transitional arrangements
18. Contraventions and fines
19. Short title and commencement
Numbering Plan Amendment Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 370 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Releasing numbers
4. Harmonising and mandating numbers
5. Allocating and reserving numbers
6. Conditions of use of an allocation of the numbering resource
7. Withdrawing numbers
8. Auditing numbering usage
9. Barring numbers
10. Returning numbers
11. Transferring numbers
12. Supplying information about numbers
13. Prefixes
14. International and National numbers
15. Geographic numbers
16. Non-Geographic numbers
17. Short codes beginning with "1"
18. Short codes beginning with "3" or "4"
19. Supplementary codes
20. Toll free service implementation
21. Premium rate number changes and migration
22. Machine related number changes and migration
23. Fees
24. Complaints
25. Contraventions and penalties
26. Short title and commencement
27. Amendment of other Regulations
Schedule 1: Short code strategy
Schedule 2: Toll-free framework
Schedule 3: Application form for numbering application
Reasons Document
1. Background
2. Definitions
3. Purpose of the Regulations
4. Allocating and reserving numbers
5. Conditions of use of an allocation of the numbering resource
6. Transferring numbers
7. Prefixes
8. Geographic numbers
9. Short codes beginning with "1"
10. Toll free number changes
12. Premium rated services
13. Machine related number changes and migration
Reasons Document, 2020
1. Implementation of the Short Code "116" for Child Helpline Services
2. Stakeholders Submissions
3. Authority's Reasons
4. Mandating vs Harmonisation
[Repealed] Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations
Notice 241 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Establishment of the Panel
4. Functions of the Panel
5. Duties of Chairperson and Panel Members
6. Membership
7. Disqualification of a Panel Member
8. Appointment of Chairperson and Panel Members
9. Removal of a Panel Member
10. Term of Office for Panel Members and Chairperson
11. Meetings of the Panel
12. Remuneration of Panel Members
13. Travel and Accommodation Costs
14. Proceedings of the Panel
15. Reports by the Panel
16. Interaction with the Media
17. Amendment of the Regulations
18. Repeal of Regulations
19. Short Title
[Repealed] Number Portability Regulations, 2018
Notice No. 392 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Scope of these Regulations
4. Application of number portability
5. Number portability for geographic numbers
6. Number portability for mobile and non-geographic numbers
7. Ordering system specification
8. Ported numbers
9. Routing
10. Cost recovery and charging
11. Principles for ported numbers services
12. Complaints
13. Contraventions and penalties
13. Short title and commencement
14. Repealed Regulations
Schedule A : Functional System Specification ("FSS") for Number Portability
Regulations on the use of Television White Spaces, 2018
Notice No. 147 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Characteristics of White Space Devices
4. White Space Device Authorisation
5. Avoidance of Harmful Interference
6. Operational Parameters
7. Permitted Channels of Operation
8. Location Specific Maximum Permitted Radiated Power Levels
9. Operation of WSD Adjacent to a Broadcast TV Channel
10. Requirements for White Space Devices to Access the Secondary Geo-Location Spectrum Database
11. Requirements for Installers of White Space Devices
12. Antenna Requirements and Limits
13. Frequency of GLSD Access
14. Continuous Operations
15. Geo-location Spectrum Database Security Mechanisms
16. Responsibilities of Geo-Location Spectrum Database Operators Reference GLSD
17. Display of available Channels
18. Labelling Requirements
19. User Instructions regarding Correction of Harmful Interference
20. Compliance with Radio Frequency Exposure Requirements
21. Protection of Radio Astronomy Service
22. Default Values for WSD Technical Parameters
23. WSD Operations near International Borders
24. Offences, Contraventions and Penalities
25. Short Title
26. Commencement
Number Portability Regulations, 2018
Notice No. 1021 of 2018
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Scope of these Regulations
4. Application of number portability
5. Number portability for geographic numbers
6. Number of portability for mobile and non-geographic numbers
7. Ordering system specification
8. Ported numbers
9. Routing
10. Cost recovery and charging
11. Principles for ported numbers services
12. Complaints
13. Contraventions and penalties
14. Short title and commencement
15. Repealed Regulations
Schedule A : Functional System Specification ("FSS") for Number Portability
Amendment Regulations in respect of the Limitations of Control and Equity Ownership by Historically Disadvantaged Groups (HDGs) and the application of the ICT Sector Code, 2021
Notice No. 170 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Application of the HDG Equity Requirement (Section 9(2)(b) of the EC Act)
4. Application of B-BBEE Requirements on Licences
5. Dilutions of HDG and B-BBEE Shareholdings in an Individual Licensee
6. Contraventions and Penalties
7. Transitional Periods
8. Short Title
Appendix 1: Methodology to be used to compile Credible Assurance Report
1. Introduction
2. Assessing Compliance with the HDG Equity Requirement
3. Required Documents
4. Application of Ownership Principles
Appendix 2: Progressive Reporting on the B-BBEE Requirements
Explanatory Memorandum
Object of the Regulations
Regulation by Regulation Analysis
Annexure A: Memorandum Regarding Control
Mobile Broadband Services Regulations, 2021
Notice No. 1960 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Market Definition
4. Methodology
5. Effectiveness of Competition
6. Significant Market Power ("SMP") Determination
7. Pro-Competitive Terms and Conditions
8. Schedule for Review or Revision of Markets
9. Contraventions and Penalties
10. Short Title and Commencement
Reasons Document for the Mobile Broadband Services Amendment Regulations, 2024
1. Introduction
2. Submissions received on the draft Regulations and the Authority's response
Digital Sound Broadcasting Services Regulations, 2021
Notice No. 215 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Objectives
3. Scope
4. Framework for DSB Services
5. Multi-Channel Distribution of DSB Services
6. Standards applicable to DSB Services
7. DSB Mux Allocation
8. Licensing of DSB Services
9. Channel Authorisation
10. Contravention and Penalties
Short Title and Commencement
Annexure A : Channel Authorisation Application
Reasons Document for the Digital Sound Broadcasting Services Regulations: March 2021
Notice on the Implementation of the Number Portability Regulations, 2018
General Notice No. 731 of 2021
Equipment Authorisation Regulations, 2021
Notice No. 1949 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Essential Requirements
4. Equipment Requiring Authorisation
5. Equipment Exclusion
6. Equipment Authorisation Exemptions
7. Equipment Authorisation Process
8. Certification Application Process
9. Authorised Suppliers
10. Provisional Authorisation
11. Technical Documentation
12. Retention of Technical Documentation
13. Applicable Standards
14. Test Reports
15. Equipment Authorisation Fees
16. Validity of the Equipment Authorisation Certificate
17. Change of Information
18. Mark of Compliance Requirements
19. Mark of Compliance Design
20. Acquiring Marks of Compliance
21. Market Surveillance
22. Revocation of the Equipment Authorisation Certificate
23. Offences
24. Penalties
25. Transitional Provisions
26. Repealed Regulations
27. Short Title and Commencement
Appendix A: Equipment Exclusion
Appendix B: Equipment Authorisation Exemptions
Appendix C: Equipment Types and Corresponding Conformity Assessment Procedures
Notice in terms of Regulation 9A of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Fee Amendment Regulations, 2022
Notice No. 1955 of 2022
Annexure A
Notice in terms of Regulation 9A of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Fee Amendment Regulations, 2023
Notice No. 1711 of 2023
Annexure A
Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2023
General Notice 1917 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Regulations
3. Establishment and Functions of the Panel
4. The appointment process of the Panel
5. Membership of the Consumer Advisory Panel
6. Resignation
7. Eligibility of Panel Members
8. Disqualification
9. Removal of Panel Members from office
10. Induction of Panel Members
11. Functions of the Chairperson
12. Functions of Panel Members
13. Meetings of the Panel
14. Agenda of Meetings
15. Quorum of Meeting
16. Venue of Meetings
17. Declaration of Interest
18. Minutes
19. Decisions of the Panel
20. Funding of Panel activities
21. Remuneration of Panel Members
22. Recommendations of the Panel
23. Reports by the Panel
24. Engagements with other consumer bodies
25. Travel and Accommodation costs
26. Confidentiality
27. Interaction with Media and Public
28. Terms of Reference
29. Repeal of Regulations
30. Short title and commencement
Reasons Document on the Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2023
National Broadband Policy
Notice No. 617 of 2010
1. Introduction
2. Broadband Policy Objective
3. Benefits of Broadband
4. Key Priority Areas
5. Role Clarification and Implementation
6. Conclusion
7. Definitions and Acronyms
Commencement Date of the Regulations on the use of Television White Spaces, 2018
Notice No. 438 of 2020
Increase in fees for Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences
Notice No. 195 of 2020
Notice No. 175 of 2021
Notice No. 2386 of 2024
Policy Direction on the Introduction of Digital Sound Broadcasting in South Africa
Notice No. 759 of 2020
1. Definitions and Acronyms
2. Policy Direction
Notice to Enforce the Regulations on the use of Television Whitespaces 2018
Notice No. 164 of 2021
Increase of Administrative Fees in relation to Type Approval
Notice No. 196 of 2020
Notice No. 177 of 2021
Notice No. 1956 of 2022
Notice No. 1711 of 2023
Increase of Administrative Fees in relation to Service Licences
Notice No. 197 of 2020
Notice No. 175 of 2021
Notice No. 1954 of 2022
Notice No. 1711 of 2023
Notice No. 2386 of 2024
Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy: Announcement of Date for Final Switch-Off of the Analogue Signal and the end of Dual Illumination
Notice No. 3554 of 2023
Fees Increase in relation to Unreserved Postal Service Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 2386 of 2024
Official List of ICASA Regulated Standards for Technical Equipment and Electronic Communications Facilities, 2009
Notice No. 46 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Scope of these Regulations
4. Electromagnetic Compatability (EMC) Standards
5. Application of these Regulations
6. Consequential Amendments to Existing Standards
7. Repeal
8. Short Title and Commencement
9. Offences and Penalties
10. Official List of ICASA Regulated Standards for Technical Equipment
Radiocommunication Frequency Migration Plan 2019
Notice No. 166 of 2019
Part 1 : Frequency Migration Regulations Overview
1. Definitions
2. Overview
3. Purpose
4. Principles
5. Process for Radio Frequency Migration
6. Preparation of a Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan
7. Amendment of a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence
8. Short Title and Commencement
Part 2 : Radio Frequency Migration Plan 2019
1. Introduction
2. Review of Legislation and Regulations
3. Principles Governing Frequency Migration
4. Development of the Radio Frequency Migration Plan
5. Potential Impact of Spectrum Migration
6. Frequency Migration Plan
Appendix A : Glossary
Appendix B : ECA - Section 34
Appendix C : SABRE 2 - 2001
Appendix D : SATFA - 2004
Appendix E : National Radio Frequency Plan - 2010 and 2013
Appendix F : National Radio Frequency Plan - 2018
Appendix G : Summary of the Impact of the Proposed Frequency Migrations from 2013 included in this document
Appendix H : Articles 31 and 52 of the ITU Radio Regulations and Rec. ITU-R SM.1603
Article 31 of the ITU Radio Regulations
Article 52 of the ITU Radio Regulations
Rec. ITU-R SM.1603
Annex 1 : Redeployment issues
Attachment 1 to Annex 1 : An example of the spectrum redeployment process based on the French experience
Attachment 2 to Annex 1 : Examples of the spectrum redeployment process based on the UAE experience
Attachment 3 to Annex 1 : An example of the spectrum redeployment process at the regional level
Attachment 4 to Annex 1 : An example of spectrum redeployment process based on the Benin experience
Attachment 5 of Annex 1 : An example of the spectrum redeployment process based on the Ukrainian experience
Attachment 6 of Annex 1 : An example of the spectrum redeployment (refarming) process based on the United States of America experience
Renewal of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences
Notice No. 237 of 2020
[Repealed] ICT COVID-19 National Disaster Sixth Amendment Regulations
Notice No. 238 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Scope
4. Minimum Standards
5. Type Approval
6. Access to Radio Frequency Spectrum
7. Postal Services
8. Conflicts
9. Contravention and Penalties
10. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : COVID-19 Temporal Spectrum Access Framework
Harmonisation of Short Code "111" for COVID-19 National Emergency Services
Notice No. 244 of 2020
Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 470 to 694 MHz
Notice No. 284 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. General
4. ITU Recommendations, Resolutions and Reports
5. Transmit Configuration for DVB-T2
6. Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignement Plan to clear the IMT 700 and IMT 800 spectrum of the Broadcasting Services after analogue television switch-off
7. Re-Alignment of DTT Multiplexes
10. Requirements for usage of Radio Frequency Spectrum
11. Implementation
12. Co-ordination Requirements
13. Assignment
14. Amendment
15. Radio Frequency Migration
16. Commencement
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Interference Resolution Process
Appendix C : Interference Cases per Province
Appendix D : Percentage of Population located nationally in areas where interference is possible
Appendix E : Radio Astronomy
Annexure A : Digital Terrestrial Television Multiplex 1
Annexure B : Digital Terrestrial Television Multiplex 2
Annexure C : Interference Results for etv (Red Areas)
Annexure D : Interference Results for SABC 1 (Red Areas)
Annexure E : Interference Results for SABC 2 (Red Areas)
Annexure F : Interference Results for SABC 3 (Red Areas)
Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 2500 to 2690 MHz (IMT2600)
Notice No. 285 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channeling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Co-ordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Revocation
10. Radio Frequency Migration
11. Radio Frequency Licence Amendment
12. Commencement
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation model
Appendix C : Cross boarder coordination
Appendix D : Interference Resolution Process
Appendix E : Network synchronization for the frequency band 2500 to 2600 MHz
Framework to Qualify to Operate a Secondary Geo-Location Spectrum Database, 2020
Notice No. 311 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Qualification Materials
4. Aspects of the Qualification Framework
5. Qualification Period
6. White Label2 Provision of S-GLSD Services
7. Qualification Decision
8. Disqualification of S-GLSD Providers
9. Communication
10. Short Title and Commencement
Licensing process for Individual Electronic Communications Network Service Licence and Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence for the Wireless Open Access Network (WOAN), December 2020
Notice No. 696 of 2020
1. Background
2. Objectives
3. Legal Framework
4. Proposed spectrum for the award
5. Spectrum obligations
6. Timing
Extension of the use of the toll free number for Child Helpline Services
Notice No. 37 of 2021
Moratorium on Applications in respect of Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignments in Radio Frequency Bands identified for implementation of IMT Systems and the 3600 - 3800 MHz Radio Frequency Spectrum Band
Notice No. 47 of 2021
The ICT COVID-19 National State of Disaster Regulations, 2021
Notice No. 661 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Scope
4. Minimum Standards
5. Type Approval
6. Access to Radio Frequency Spectrum
7. Postal Services
8. Conflicts
9. Contravention and Penalties
10. Repeal of the 2020 Regulations
11. Short Title and Commencement
Annexure A : Provisional Radio Frequency Spectrum Regime Framework
Annexure B : Temporary Radio Frequency Spectrum (RFS) Acquisition Fees 2
Notice regarding Termination of the Information and Communications Technology ("ICT") COVID-19 National Disaster Regulations, 2021
Notice No. 1021 of 2022
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT3500 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2879 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
11. Synchronisation
12. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT-Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT700 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2886 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Transitional Arrangements
10. Amendment
11. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coorindation for IMT-Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT750 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2887 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. End of Transitional Arrangement
10. Revocation
11. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT-Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT800 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2888 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Transitional Arrangements
10. Amendment
11. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT-Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
[Repealed] Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT900 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2889 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
11. Radio Frequency Migration
12. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT-Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
[Repealed] Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT2300 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2890 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
11. Synchronisation
12. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT3300 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 2891 of 2022
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the usage of the radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT- Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the Frequency Band 138 to 144 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3761 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the Frequency Band 335.4 to 380 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3763 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Co-ordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment for the Frequency Band 380 to 399.9 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3764 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Co-ordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment for the Frequency Band 406.1 to 410 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3765 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Co-ordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Revocation
10. Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment for the Frequency Band 410 to 430 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3766 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment for the Frequency Band 440 to 450 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3767 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Co-ordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment for the Frequency Band 1518 to 1525 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3768 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for usage of radio frequency spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Co-ordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Frequency Migration
Appendix A
Appendix B
Notice regarding Final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the IMT900 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 2015
Notice No. 3999 of 2023
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the Usage of the Radio Frequency Spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
11. Repeals
Appendix A: National Radio Frequency Plan, 2021
Appendix B: Propagation Model
Appendix C: Coordination for IMT-Systems
Appendix D: Frequency Coordination Process
Illegal Provision of or Access to Satellite Internet Services and Possession, Distribution or Use of Satellite Broadband Terminals and Equipment in South Africa
General Notice No. 2203 of 2023
Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the IMT2300 Frequency Band
Notice No. 4824 of 2024
1. Glossary
2. Purpose
3. General
4. Channelling Plan
5. Requirements for the Usage of the Radio Frequency Spectrum
6. Implementation
7. Coordination Requirements
8. Assignment
9. Amendments
10. Radio Frequency Migration
11. Synchronisation
12. Repeals
Appendix A : National Radio Frequency Plan
Appendix B : Propagation Model
Appendix C : Coordination for IMT-Systems
Appendix D : Frequency Coordination Process
Notice in terms of Regulation 9A of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Fee Amendment Regulations, 2023
Notice No. 1711 of 2023
Annexure A
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