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Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)RegulationsConsumer Advisory Panel Regulations11. Meetings of the Panel |
11.1. | The Panel must meet at least four (4) times a year, or more frequently if the circumstances dictate that the Panel holds additional meetings. |
11.2. | Additional meetings must be agreed to and approved by the Authority prior to such a meeting being held. |
11.3. | The Panel may meet with the division primarily responsible for consumer affairs to provide input on its annual plans. |
11.4. | The Authority shall provide administrative support to the Panel. |
11.5. | The Chairperson of the Panel shall prepare an agenda, which shall be circulated with any relevant supporting documentation at least seven (7) days prior to each meeting to members of the Panel and standing invitees. |
11.6. | The Panel must establish an annual work plan for each year to ensure that all relevant matters are covered in accordance with these Regulations. |
11.7. | A Panel Member must be prepared for Panel meetings, to provide appropriate and constructive input on matters discussed. |
11.8. | The majority of Panel Members in attendance either through a physical or online presence shall constitute a quorum. |
11.9. | The Panel shall meet at a place and time as determined by the Chairperson, in consultation with the Authority. |
11.10. | Panel Members may participate through an online presence where the Authority has the requisite infrastructure. |
Conflict of Interest
11.11. | A Panel Member must declare a potential or existing conflict of interest. |
11.12. | A Panel Member must recuse her /himself from voting on or engaging in a discussion of a matter pending before the Panel, in which she or he has a direct or indirect interest. |
11.13. | Minutes of all Panel meetings must be adopted by the Panel and signed by the Chairperson. |
11.14. | The Authority must ensure administrative support is provided for meetings and that all meetings are recorded. |
11.15. | In the absence of the Chairperson the meeting may select a Chairperson for that meeting. |
Decisions of the Panel
11.16. | Decisions of the Panel are to be taken by majority vote of the Members present at a meeting. |
11.17. | In the event of a split vote the Chairperson has a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative vote. |
Funding of Activities
11.18. | Should any of the Panel activities require funding, the Authority shall be responsible provided that the expenditure is in terms of activities identified in the Panel's annual plan, in line with the Panel's approved budget and subject to the Authority's procurement processes. |