R 385
Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)RegulationsRadio Frequency Spectrum Amendment Regulations, 2021Part IX - AnnexuresAnnexure BReasons Document for the Annexure B of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations 2015 - December 20216. Application-Specific Submissions6.1 Inductive Application |
a. | In the draft Annexure B, the Authority sub-divided the frequency band 9-135 kHz for Inductive Applications into thirteen (13) sub-bands. |
b. | Submissions received |
AMCHAM Proposed to sub-divide the frequency range 9-135 kHz into three (3) sub-bands to improve readability.
Telkom recommends adding the band 100 Hz - 9 kHz to the RFSAR to align with REC 70-03.
c. | The Authority’s Response |
The Authority resolved not to sub-divide the band 9-135 kHz to align with the prescribed performance standard published in the Official List of Regulated Standards for Technical Equipment and Electronic Communications Equipment Regulations (“Official List”) in Government Gazette No 43132 of 24 March 2020.
The Authority notes the submission regarding adding the band 100Hz - 9 kHz, however the Authority maintains that this will not be possible because the frequency bands below 8.3 kHz are not catered for in the Radio Frequency Plan 2018.