R 385
Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)ICASANotice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the IMT2300 Band in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 201511. Synchronisation |
11.1 | In order to avoid interference between TDD networks operating in adjacent frequency carriers, the radio transmissions of adjacent TDD networks should be synchronized with the uplink and downlink frames aligned in time. Such synchronization of TDD networks is very important because it is the best way to avoid interference between networks and ensures efficient use of spectrum resources by avoiding inter-operator guard bands and additional base station filtering. Otherwise, the uplink and downlink interference cannot be eliminated or avoided in terms of technical measures. |
11.2 | The Authority will align with the operators to define a unified national uplink and downlink frame as part of a future ITA for unassigned spectrum in this band (see Figure 1). |