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Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)ICASANotice regarding Final Radio Frequency Assignment Plans for the Frequency Band 406.1 to 410 MHz in terms of Regulation 3 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations, 20152. Purpose |
2.1 | Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan (RFSAP) provides information on the requirements attached to the use of a frequency band in line with the allocation and other information in the National Radio Frequency Plan (NRFP). This information includes technical characteristics of radio systems, frequency channelling, coordination, and details on the required migration of existing users of the band and the expected method of assignment. |
2.2 | This Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan states the requirements for the utilisation of the frequency band 406.1 - 410 MHz as for Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) and Fixed Services along with the Radio Astronomy Service. |
2.3 | This follows the feasibility study concerning the 406.1 - 410 MHz band1, as mandated by the 20132 and 20193 Radio Frequency migration plans, in which the Authority has concluded that the most efficient use of this band is for these aforementioned (in 2.2) services. |
2.4 | This Authority’s decision is consistent with both the ITU and South African allocations for the 406.1 - 410 MHz band, as shown in Appendix 1. |
2.5 | Therefore, the intention of this RFSAP is to assign this band for DMR, Fixed and Radio Astronomy Services. |
2.5.1 | This will result in all other users being migrated, making this a dedicated band for public safety |
2.5.2 | Therefore, all other uses (e.g., all existing analogue PMR or analogue mobile) will migrate out of the band. |
2.6 | Radio Astronomy is a unique radio service which operates in this band. Therefore, exclusion/quiet zones will need to be maintained around the Radio Astronomy sites, e.g., the Square Kilometre Array in South Africa. |
1 | Implementation of the Radio Frequency Migration Plan and the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Roadmap for public consultation, Government Gazette No. 45690, 24 December 2021. |
2 | Frequency Migration regulation and Radio Frequency Migration Plan March 2013, Government Gazette No 36334, 3 April 2013 |
3 | ICASA. 2019. Radio Frequency Migration Plan 2019. Government Gazette No 42337, 29 March 2019 |