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Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)RegulationsRadio Frequency Spectrum Licence Fee Amendment Regulations, 20151. Definitions |
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise indicates, a word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act has the meaning so assigned, unless otherwise defined in these regulations:
means the Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005);
means the Area Sterilized Factor;
means a factor that is applied to reflect an area that is denied to other users of a frequency assignment;
means Bandwidth;
means MHz paired;
means the Congestion Factor;
means the factor that is applied to reflect where a frequency spectrum is congested and demand exceeds supply;
means consumer price index;
[Definition inserted by regulation 2.1 of Notice 280 of 2015, GG 38642, dated 30 March 2015]
means the Frequency Factor;
means the factor that is applied to reflect the frequency band or the spectrum location in which the frequency assignment is positioned;
means the Geographic Factor;
means the factor that is applied to reflect the geographic area of South Africa covered by a frequency spectrum assignment;
means a radio frequency value designated in gigahertz;
[Definition substituted by regulation 2.2 of Notice 280 of 2015, GG 38642, dated 30 March 2015]
means the Minimum Hop Factor;
means the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, 2000 (Act No. 13 of 2000);
means the factor that is applied to a point to point frequency spectrum assignment when the hop length is shorter than the minimum hop length identified for the frequency;
means a radio frequency value designated in kilohertz;
[Definition substituted by regulation 2.3 of Notice 280 of 2015, GG 38642, dated 30 March 2015]
means a radio frequency value designated in megahertz;
[Definition substituted by regulation 2.4 of Notice 280 of 2015, GG 38642, dated 30 March 2015]
means the minimum fee paid for a radio frequency spectrum licence;
means Security Factor;
[Definition inserted by regulation 2.5 of Notice 280 of 2015, GG 38642, dated 30 March 2015]
means the factor that is applied to reflect the assignments made to the security services as defined in the Electronic Communications Act of 2005;
[Definition inserted by regulation 2.6 of Notice 280 of 2015, GG 38642, dated 30 March 2015]
means the Sharing Factor;
means the factor that is applied when the frequency spectrum that is the subject of an assignment can be shared;
means the Uni-directional factor;
means the factor that is applied when a single link only is assigned;
means the Unit Price per Megahertz paired;
means the price that is applied when the radio frequency spectrum licence fee is calculated by means of a formula;
means Very Small Aperture Terminal.