R 385
Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)RegulationsCompliance Procedure Manual Regulations, 2011FormsForm 3 : Universal Service and Access Obligations |
(ECNS, BS and Postal Service Licensees where applicable)
This Form must be submitted in accordance with Specific Terms and Conditions of the licences issued to each Licensee.
SECTION A: To be completed by ECNS, ECS and BS
This Form should be submitted bi-annually in accordance with the Authority's Financial Year.
1. | Licence information |
Name of Licensee |
Licence/s held |
Registration or ID Number |
Date submitted |
Period under review |
2. | Obligations - complete the form below and provide a supplementary report using the same headings to provide further detail, if required. |
Licence / Regulation / other where obligation is set out |
Reporting Period |
Description of Licence Obligation |
Measure |
Requirement/ Obligation |
Achievement |
Comments |
Quantum, if any |
Distribution |
Type of Rollout |
Service Provided |
Tariffs |
Discounts |
Monitoring & Evaluations |
SECTION B: To be completed by Reserved Postal Services.
This Form should be submitted Quarterly in accordance with the Authority's Financial Year end within 21 days of the end of each relevant period
3. Postal Addresses (RPS)
Address Roll-Out |
Target |
Achieved |
Street addresses |
Post Boxes |
Total Addresses |
Total Addresses (Underserviced Areas) |
4. | Retail Outlet Rolf-Out (RPS) |
Targets are applicable as per approved licence conditions.
Number of existing outlets |
Number of outlets to be rolled out (Target) |
Outlets Relocated |
Outlets Refurbished / Upgraded |
Eastern Cape
Target |
Actual |
Target |
Actual |
Target |
Actual |
Free State
Kwa-Zulu Natal
Northern Cape
North West
Western Cape
Northern Cape
North West
Western Cape
5. Delivery Standards (RPS)
Category |
Standard |
Achieved |
Percentage |
Across Town |
Between Mail CentreS |
6. | I, ......................................................................., in my capacity as ...............................................................hereby verify that the information provided is true and correct. |
7. Signature