R 385
Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)RegulationsLicensing Processes and Procedures Regulations, 2010FormsForm O : Notice of change of information in respect of an Individual Licence |
Form O
Notice of Change of Information in respect of an Individual Licence
(Regulation 14A)
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
(a) | Applicants must refer to the Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005) ("the Act") and any regulations published under that Act with regard to the requirements to be fulfilled by applicants. |
(b) | Licensees must refer to the Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005) ("the Act') and any regulations published under that Act with regard to the requirements to be fulfilled by licensees. |
(c) | Information required in terms of this Form which does not fit into the space provided may be included in an appendix attached to the Form. Each appendix must be numbered with reference to the relevant part of the Form. |
(d) | Where any information in this Form does not apply to the licensee, the licensee must indicate that the relevant information is not applicable. |
Indicate with an X where there is change |
(1) |
(2) |
Where the nature of the services provided by the licensee in terms of the licence has changed, provide updated information on the nature of the service provided:
The person signing the registration on behalf of the applicant must acknowledge as follows:
I acknowledge that the Authority reserves the right to have any licence amended pursuant to this notice set aside should any material statement made herein, at any time, be found to be false.
Signed: ............................................................ (LICENSEE)
I certify that this declaration was signed and sworn to before me at .............................. on the .......... day of ............................... 20......, by the deponent who acknowledged that he/she:
• | knows and understands the contents hereof; |
• | has no objection to taking the prescribed oath or affirmation; and |
• | considers this oath or affirmation to be truthful and binding on his/her conscience. |
[Form O substituted by regulation 8 of Notice 154 of 2016, GG 39871, dated 30 March 2016]