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Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005)RegulationsClass Licensing Processes and Procedures Regulations (as amended), 20107. Registration for a class licence (section 16 and 17 of the Act) |
(1) | The registration for the class community broadcasting licence may only be lodged with the Authority during the months February and October. |
(2) | Despite the window period mentioned above no broadcasting registration application may be submitted without the Authority issuing an ITA for a radio frequency spectrum licence. |
(3) | Notice of a registration for a licence in terms of section 16(2) and 17(1) of the Act, must be in the format as set out in Form A. Community broadcasting service registrant must not complete Form A. |
(4) | Notice of registration for a licence to provide a community broadcasting service in terms of sections 16(2) and 17(1) of the Act, must be in the format as set out in Form B. |
(5) | Programme syndication/network and programme sharing shall not exceed 20% of the community sound licensees’ programming. |
(6) | The registration application must be accompanied by the founding documents of the applicant, the certificate, including the Constitution and Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) and any other related information. |
(7) | The Authority will make a determination and publish a notice on the provinces/areas in which it invites registrations for class community sound broadcast licence. |
(8) | The Authority will exercise its discretion of holding public hearings in instances where there are competing registrations or issues of concern. |
[Regulation 7 substituted by regulation 4 of Notice 157 of 2016]