R 385
Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998)Code of Good PracticeIntegration of Employment Equity into Human Resource Policies and PracticesPart A : Commencing Employment8. Induction |
Induction refers to the process where an employer introduces a new employee. This includes familiarizing the new employee with the vision, mission, values, job requirements and the policies and practices, as well as colleagues and the workplace environment.
A carefully planned and implemented induction process will ensure that all new employees, and in particular designated groups, are effectively integrated into the workplace from the commencement of their employment. Proper induction can also function as a retention measure, since an employee who is properly integrated is less likely to be marginalized and more likely to thrive within the workplace.
8.3.1 | The induction process is an opportunity to convey the employer's expectations and values and to indicate its commitment to equity and diversity. This can occur, not only at the level of introducing the new employee to policies that prohibit unfair discrimination, but also through ensuring that existing employees and leadership demonstrate the necessary supportive behaviour toward all employees. |
8.3.2 | The induction process can be useful in demonstrating the leadership's commitment to employment equity by creating an opportunity to send the appropriate message about zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination, as well as support for affirmative action. It can also serve to project senior role models from among the designated groups already employed. |
8.3.3 | To ensure that the induction process contributes to the effective integration of new employees from designated groups in the workplace, the employer could ensure that managers and human resource staff receive training on the induction process. Managers could also receive training on avoiding stereotypes or assumptions about new employees based on their personal or physical or racial characteristics, ethnicity or other arbitrary criteria. |
8.3.4 | During the induction process, new employees should receive copies of the applicable policies. Such policies should include a grievance procedure and other dispute resolution mechanisms. Reasonable accommodation should be made for employees with disabilities. |
8.4.1 | Training and development and work assignment - Where gaps have been identified during the interview, a training and development plan should be prepared with the new employee and should be introduced during the induction process. |
8.4.2 | Elimination of barriers - A successful induction will ensure that the employee does not experience barriers in socialising and networking, which would inevitably impact on prospects for advancement. The integration of employees from designated groups should be a conscious effort that extends beyond the induction process. |
8.4.3 | Elimination of unfair discrimination - The employment environment should be free from unfair discrimination and harassment and should also promote a common understanding of what discrimination means and how it will be dealt with. |
8.4.4 | Grievance & resolution - The grievance procedure should be conducive to raising issues that arise in the induction process. |
8.4.5 | Performance Management - All new employees should be provided with information of the work they are required to perform and the standard to which this work must be produced. |