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Estate Agency Affairs Act, 1976 (Act No. 112 of 1976)
Estate Agency Affairs Act, 1976
1. Definitions
I. Estate Agents Board
2. Establishment of Estate Agency Affairs Board
3. Constitution of board
4. Meetings of board
5. Remuneration and allowances of members of board
6. Staff of board and designation of inspectors
7. Objects of board
8. Powers of board
8A. Executive Committee
8B. Committees of inquiry
8C. Appeal against decisions of committee of inquiry
9. Funds of board
10. Keeping of accounting records, drawing up of financial statements...
11. Report by board
II. Estate Agents Fidelity Fund
12. Establishment and control of Estate Agents Fidelity Fund
12A. Determination of liabilities of fund and investment of moneys in fund
12B. Grants and other payments from fund
12C. Group insurance schemes
13. Payments out of fund
14. Auditing of accounts of fund
15. Contributions to fund by estate agents
16. Applications for and issue of fidelity fund certificates and registration certificates
17. (Repealed) Investment of moneys in fund
18. Application of moneys in fund
19. Claims against board in respect of fund
20. Defences relating to claims against fund
21. Transfer of rights and remedies to board
22. Computation of claims against future additions to fund
23. Board may conclude insurance contracts
24. Application of insurance moneys
25. Fund exempt from insurance laws
26. Prohibition of rendering of services as an estate agent in certain circumstances
27. Disqualifications relating to fidelity fund certificates
28. Withdrawal and lapse of fidelity fund certificates
III. General Provisions
29. Duty of estate agent to keep accounting records
30. Conduct deserving of sanction by estate agents
31. Appeal against decisions of board
32. Trust account of and investment of trust moneys by estate agent
32A. Powers of inspectors
33. Regulations
34. Offences and penalties
34A. Estate agent not entitled to remuneration in certain circumstances
34B. Prohibition of completion of documents by certain estate agents
35. Delegation of powers of Minister
36. Application of Act to South West Africa
37. Short title and commencement
Improper Conduct against any Estate Agent
Exemption of Category of Estate Agents
Conduct Deserving Of Sanction
Appeal Regulations, 2003
Appeal Regulations, 2003
1. Definitions
2. Notice of Appeal -
3. Determination of date of the appeal hearing and invitation to attend
4. Summary of arguments
5. Board's powers and duties in respect of appeal
6. Duties of the case presenter
7. Hearing of appeal
8. Decision of the Board
9. Service and delivery of notices
Trust Account of an Estate Agent and Investment of ...
Notice R. 1472 of 1977
Form of Auditor's Report referred to in regulation 2
Issuing of Fidelity Fund and Registration Certificates
Notice No. R. 2 of 2016
Standard of Training of Estate Agents Regulations, 2008
Notice No. R. 633 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Intern Estate Agents
3. Registration
4. Educational requirements
5. Fidelity fund certificate
6. Recognition of prior learning
7. Remedial Training
8. Continuing Professional Development
9. Short title
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
1. Definitions
2. General duty to protect the public's interest
3. Mandates
4. Duty to disclose
5. Duty not to make misrepresentations or false statements etc...
6. Duties in respect of offers and contracts
7. Prohibition against undue influence
8. Remuneration
9. Trust money and interest
10. Confidentiality
11. Vicarious responsibility
12. Repeal of Government Notices
13. Commencement
Board Notices
1 of 2001 - Examinations
15 of 2000 - Examination in terms of Government Notice No. R.1409
11 of 1999 - Examination in terms of Government Notice No. R.1409
81 of 1999 - Persons found guilty of Improper Conduct
116 of 1997 - Persons found guilty of Improper Conduct
1073 - Penalty payable to the Estates Agency Affairs Board
631 - Notice on Exemption of a category of Estate Agents...
373 of 2006 - Notice of Levies and Prescribed Examination Fees
fidelity fund certificate
means a fidelity fund certificate referred to in
section 16
, and includes for the purposes of
sections 26
33(1)(e) and (f)
, a registration certificate referred to in section 16.
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