Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010
R 385
Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975)10. Offers of compensation |
1) | The Minister may in the notice of expropriation offer the owner concerned an amount of compensation for the property. |
2) | If no compensation was in the expropriation notice offered for the property in question and the owner concerned fails to furnish any relevant information in terms of section 9(1), the Minister shall within a reasonable period offer him an amount as compensation for such property. |
3) | ...... |
4) | If an owner has in terms of section 9(1) indicated what amount is claimed by him as compensation and has furnished the relevant information in terms of section 9 and the Minister is not prepared to pay that amount as compensation, the Minister shall within a reasonable period offer him an amount as compensation and indicate how much of that amount represents each of the respective amounts contemplated in section 12(1)(a)(i) and (ii) or (b) and furnish full particulars as to how such amounts are made up. |
5) |
a) | Unless the Minister and the owner have agreed otherwise the latter shall be deemed to have accepted an offer made to him by the Minister in terms of subsection (1), (2) or (4) if he fails to make an application to a court referred to in section 14(1), for the determination of the compensation, before the date determined by the Minister by written notice addressed to him. |
b) | A notice in terms of paragraph (a) shall be addressed to the owner concerned not later than eight months prior to the date contemplated therein, and the Minister shall not later than 60 days before such date by written notice direct the attention of such owner to the first-mentioned notice. |
6) | A claim for compensation in terms of section 9(1) and an offer of compensation in terms of subsection (1), (2) or (4) shall remain in force until it is replaced, either before or after the institution of proceedings contemplated in section 14(1), by another claim or an offer in terms of subsection (1), (2) or (4), according as to which subsection is applicable, or until the compensation has been determined by the court, unless the Minister and the owner have agreed otherwise. |
7) | The Minister may from time to time ask for reasonable particulars regarding the owner's claim for compensation, and the owner may from time to time ask for reasonable particulars regarding the Minister's offer of compensation, and particulars so asked for shall be furnished within a reasonable time. |
8) | If the Minister or the owner fails to comply with a request in terms of subsection (7), the court may, on application, issue an order directing him to comply therewith. |