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Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975)RegulationsRegulations in terms of Section 25(1) of the Expropriation Act, 197516. Powers of a President of a Compensation Court |
(1) | The president of a compensation court shall be competent at any time before or after delivery of an application for the determination of compensation— |
(i) | to authorise the substituted service on any person of any notice, process of a compensation court, documents in an application referred to in regulation 17(1) or any other document requited in terms of these regulations, including an application for the determination of compensation; |
(ii) | to make other order, as to the delivery of the application for the determination of compensation or any other notice, process of a compensation court, documents in an application referred to in regulation 17(1) or any other document required in terms of these regulations; |
(iii) | to adjourn the hearing of the application for the determination of compensation, or a continuation thereof; |
(iv) | to grant leave for the taking of evidence on commission or in the form of affidavits; |
(v) | to grant leave to withdraw an application for the determination of compensation or any other process of the compensation court subject to the conditions, including such conditions relating to notice to such other person as the president may deem necessary or expedient; |
(vi) | to make an order permitting an applicant or a respondent to make inventories or surveys on the property of a respondent or an applicant respectively; |
(vii) | to permit any amendment to any notice or other process of the compensation court on such conditions as the president may deem necessary or expedient; |
(viii) | generally to make any such order or do any such act as may be necessary for the due compliance with any provision contained in these regulations or with any provision relating to practice and procedure in a compensation court contained in the Act; |
(ix) | to make an order that any party comply with the provisions of any of these regulations within a time fixed by the court, and in the event of such order not being complied with, to make a further order for the further continuation and disposal of the case without further reference to the party who did not comply with the order aforementioned; |
(x) | to make an order that more than one case shall be heard jointly, on such conditions with regard to costs or otherwise as the president may deem necessary or expedient. |
(2) | The president shall be competent to make such orders as to costs in connection with any order made or authorisation or leave granted by him, as he may deem fit. |