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Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975)RegulationsRegulations in terms of Section 25(1) of the Expropriation Act, 197518. Amendment of documents |
(1) | Any party wishing to amend any notice, process or any other document (other than an affidavit) filed in terms of these regulations in connection with any proceedings shall give all other parties notice of his intention to amend. |
(2) | The notice shall state that, unless written objection is made to the proposed amendment within seven days of delivery of the notice, process or other document referred to in subregulation (1), the party giving notice will amend the notice, process of other document concerned accordingly. |
(3) | Should no written objection be so made, the party receiving the notice shall be deemed to have agreed to the amendment. |
(4) | Should objection be made within the abovementioned period, the party wishing to proceed with the amendment shall, within 14 days of receipt of the objection, apply to the court for permission in terms of regulation 16(1)(vii) to amend. |
(5) | When an amendment has been granted, or when no objection has been made within the period prescribed by subregulation (2), the amending party shall deliver the amendment within the time fixed by the order, or within seven days of the expiry of the time prescribed in subregulation (2), as the case may be. |
(6) | When an amendment is delivered under this regulation, the other party concerned may reply thereto or amend accordingly any document referred to in subregulation (1) handed in by him within 14 days of receipt of the amendment referred to. |
(7) | Any party giving notice of amendment shall, unless the compensation court otherwise directs, be liable for the costs thereby incurred by the other party. |
(8) | A compensation court may, during the hearing of an application for the determination of compensation at any stage before judgment, grant leave for the amendment referred to in subregulation (1) of any notice, process or any other document on such conditions and with such orders relating to costs as it may deem fit. |
(9) | An amendment granted in terms of these regulation [sic] shall appear on a separate page, which shall be joined to the notice, process or other document concerned at a suitable place. |