R 385
Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 1997 (Act No. 62 of 1997)RegulationsFormsForm C : Notice to Remove Trespassing Animals |
Form C
[Note that the issuing of this notice does not exempt the owner or person in charge from complying with the requirements of applicable pound ordinances or regulations.]
[Fill in name and address of occupier]
[Note to person serving this notice: You must read out the-highlighted part in an official language which the occupier understands. If you yourself are not fluent in that language, you must use an interpreter. A copy of this notice must then be given to the occupier in that language, and in another official language. If possible the copy given to the occupier should be signed and dated by him or her and returned to the owner or person in charge as proof of service.]
This is an important notice. It is being given to you in terms of the Extension of Security of Tenure Act, which was passed by Parliament in 1997.
This notice is given to you by
[List the name of the owner or person in charge of the land.]
to inform you that the following animal/s
[Give a full description of the animal/s concerned].
have been found without permission on the land commonly known as:
[Give the common description of the land on which the animals is/are alleged to have been trespassing.]
In order to prevent the animal/s from damaging the land, it/they is/are currently being kept at:
[Give a detailed description of the current location of the animals if different from above. Otherwise, strike out this part of the notice.]
You must fetch the animal/s within __________hours or receiving this notice. If you do not do so, it/they may be impounded in accordance with applicable pound ordinance or regulations. The cost of impounding the animal/s will be charged to you. |
[Note: the period of notice given in this paragraph must not be less than 72 hours.]
The summary contained in this notice of your legal position is incomplete. If you want any further information, you should contact a lawyer, a non-government organisation or the Department of Land Affairs. |
Signed at on this day of
[Fill in the name of the district or closest town or city and today's date.]
[Sign here and state whether acting as owner or person in charge. If person in charge, state in which capacity he or she is acting.]
Full name of owner or person in charge of the land:
Contact tel. no.:
Contact address:
Received by me at on this day of
at h
[Fill in the name of the district or closest town or city, today's date and the time when the notice was received.]
[It is advisable for the occupier or other person accepting service on his or her behalf to sign here.]
I certify that this notice was served at on this day of
at h
[Fill in the name of the district or closest town or city, today's date, and the time when the notice was served.]
[Signature of person serving this notice.]
Full name of person serving this notice: _________________________________________
Capacity: ____________________________________________________________________
Contact tel no.: ______________________________________________________________
Contact address:
More information
The Extension of Security of Tenure Act gives you the right to live on the land where you were staying on 4 February 1997 or at any time thereafter, provided you had the permission of the owner or person in charge. It also gives you the right to carry on using any other land which the owner or person in charge gave you permission to use on or after that date.
The Act says that if an animal which belongs to you or which you are looking after is found on land belonging to somebody else, without permission, it may be taken to the pound. Before this happens, the owner or person in charge of the land must give you at least 72 hours' notice. During this time you may go and collect the animal from where it is being kept.