R 385
Films and Publications Act, 1996 (Act No. 65 of 1996)Chapter 2 : Film and Publication Board, Council, Appeal Tribunal and Enforcement Committee6C. Removal of members of Enforcement Committee from office |
(1) | The Council may remove a member of the Enforcement Committee from office on the grounds of incapacity, incompetence, misconduct or misrepresentation. |
(2) | A Decision to remove a member of the Enforcement Committee from office shall be based on a finding of a disciplinary committee appointed by the Coundil: Provided that a member shall have a right to be heard. |
(3) | The Council may suspend a member of the Enforcement Committee from office pending the finding of the disciplinary committee referred to in subsection (2A). |
(4) | A member of the Enforcement Committee shall vacate his or her office when any of the circumstances referred to in section 7 becomes applicable in repsect of him or her, and the Council issues him or her with a notice of removal to that effect. |
[Section 6C inserted by section 6 of Proc 52, GG 45959, dated 25 February 2022]