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Films and Publications Act, 1996 (Act No. 65 of 1996)NoticesClassification Guidelines for the Classification of Films, Interactive Computer Games and Certain Publications, 20192. Definitions |
Words or expressions used in these Guidelines have the same meaning assigned to them in the Act, unless the context indicates otherwise.
means a real act that does not merely exist potentially;
means a film genre in which characters are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include violence, extended fighting, physical feats, and frantic chases;
means kissing or embracing in non-sexual contexts;
means to treat in a wrong, harmful or improper way or to misuse;
means a person who commits an act which causes penetration to any extent whatsoever by the genital organs of, into or beyond the mouth, genital organs or anus of an animal, or an animal into or beyond the mouth, genital organs or anus of, or of masturbation of an animal, or of masturbation with an animal, unless such act is committed for scientific reasons or breeding purposes;
includes any image, however created, or any description of a person real or simulated, who is, or who is depicted, made to appear, look like, represented or described as being under the age of 18 years –
(a) | Engaged in sexual conduct; |
(b) | Participating in, or assisting another person to participate in, sexual conduct; or |
(c) | Showing or describing the body, or parts of the body, of such a person in a manner or in circumstances which, within context, amount to sexual exploitation, or in such a manner that it is capable of being used for the purposes of sexual exploitation; |
means a specific consideration, as set out in these Guidelines, which may influence the age restriction or other classification of content if it is present, based on the impact it has within a specific context;
means the degree to which a player gets personally involved, and the level of excitement created in the player, as he or she engages with the various game levels in order to gain incentives and rewards (this includes the compulsive nature of gaming that could lead to addiction).
means the circumstances or background of content that should be viewed as a whole to understand the full meaning; in specific cases, it is the circumstances or background that come before and/or after a particular incident that contribute to understanding its full meaning;
means the increase in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions of classifiable elements;
means depictions or descriptions of—
(a) | Physical abuse; |
(b) | Sexual abuse; or |
(c) | Emotional, verbal and psychological abuse; |
Between persons in a domestic relationship that includes spouses, partners, children, blood relatives, or any other intimate partnerships;
means the act or process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and or generally preparing for mature life;
(a) | Fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated, forthright and unreserved in expression, leaving nothing merely implied; or |
(b) | In realistic detail; |
means graphic and detailed visual presentation or descriptions of any conduct contemplated in the definition of "sexual conduct";
means making use of someone or something for selfish or improper reasons;
means to the greatest or utmost degree, extending significantly beyond the norm;
means exceptionally intense, graphic or prolonged scenes of violence;
means the player is the main character, and viewing is through the player’s eyes; it may mean the player is not seen in action but can view surroundings as in real life, and will be regarded as such even if views from other perspectives are also possible;
means an imbalance in brain-cell activity cause by exposure to low-frequency flickering (or flashing) of a relatively bright light;
means the Films and Publications Act, Act No. 65 of 1996 as amended;
means the relevant Government Gazettes applicable at the time;
means a computer game, video game or other interactive computer software for interactive game playing, where the result achieved at various stages of the games are determined in response to the decisions, inputs and direct involvements of the game plater or players;
means contextually unwarranted, uncalled for, or included without justification;
is a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasising about and engaging in sexual behaviour that is atypical and extreme. It may cause distress or serious problems for the paraphiliacs or persons associated with them;
means the use of frightening elements to scare or unsettle the audience;
means group identification by race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language, birth or nationality;
means the potential effect of a single classifiable element or the cumulative effect of a number of classifiable elements;
means to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement;
means unconstitutional content that has a clear intention to provoke, encourage or propagate violence in terms of propaganda for war; inciting imminent violence or advocating hatred based on any identifiable group characteristics and constitutes incitement to cause harm;
means a person within the following degrees of consanguinity (blood relationship), namely, ascendants and descendants in the direct line, or collaterals, if either of them is related to their common ancestor in the first degree of descent, or the prohibited degrees of affinity are relations by marriage in the ascending and descending line, or an adoptive relationship, who unlawfully and intentionally engages in an act of sexual penetration with another, despite their mutual consent to engage in such act.
means the strength of the treatment of, or engagement with, the classifiable elements in classifiable content;
means the ability of a user to participate and control user action, data input and commands so as to influence outcomes that may affect what options are available for subsequent interaction;
refers to relative cognitive, moral and emotional maturity;
means discussions, debates or opinions on matter pertaining to the common well-being or general welfare of the public or serving the interests of the public, and includes discussions, debates and opinions on matters pertaining to religion, belief or conscience;
means an intention to inflict psychological harm, a source of danger or threat, and the act of threatening and arousing fear; "menacing" has the same meaning;
means desensitising to the effects of violence, diminished empathy, encouraging a dehumanised view of others, suppressing pro-social attitudes, encouraging anti-social attitudes, reinforcing unhealthy fantasies, or eroding a sense of moral responsibility, retarding social and moral development in children, distorting a child’s sense of right and wrong, and limiting a child’s capacity to compassion;
means the state or fact of being naked;
means that the content may contain classifiable elements that may be disturbing or harmful for young viewers, and that parents or caregivers are in the best position to decide whether or not a child in their care may access content classified as "PG" subject to the specified rating applicable to such content;
means explicit description or exhibition of sexual subjects or activity in publications, films and computer games, in a manner, judged contextually, that is intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic feelings in a reasonable person;
means a pre-conceived judgement, or an adverse opinion or inclination, formed without just or rational grounds or before sufficient knowledge is gained, or that is based on group (such as race, ethnicity, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language; birth or other identifiable group characteristics) stereotypes, and that is degrading of human dignity;
means representing things in a way that is accurate and true to life;
includes –
(i) | Male genitals in a state of arousal or stimulation; |
(ii) | The undue display of genitals or of the anal region; |
(iii) | Masturbation; |
(iv) | Bestiality; |
(v) | Sexual intercourse, whether real or simulated, including anal intercourse; |
(vi) | Sexual contact involving the direct or indirect fondling or touching of the intimate parts of a body, including the breasts, with or without any object; |
(vii) | The penetration of a vagina or anus with any object; |
(viii) | Oral genital contact; or |
(ix) | Oral anal contact; |
means conduct or acts contemplated in the definitions of "sexually related activity", "sexual conduct" and "explicit sexual conduct" that are accompanied by force or coercion, actual or threatened, or that induce fear or psychological trauma in a victim;
in the context of "sexual intercourse" means the explicit depiction of sexual conduct that creates the appearance of actual sexual conduct and during which a person engaging in the said conduct exhibits any uncovered portion of the breasts, genitals, or buttocks;
means a set of inaccurate, simplistic generalisations about a group that allow others to categorise them and treat them accordingly;
means crude words, threats, abuse, profanity or language that amounts to prejudice;
means using artistic forms and conventions to create effects that are unrealistic or not spontaneous;
means chemical, psychoactive substances that are prone to be abused, including tobacco, alcohol, over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs and substances defined in the Drug and Drug Trafficking Act (No. 140 of 1992) as amended, or proscribed by the Minister of Health after consultation with the Medicines Control Council;
means the sustained or sporadic excessive use of substances, any use of illicit substances and the unlawful use of substances;
means the message or idea that is conveyed by the classifiable content;
means the player is seen as a visible character on the screen, and the surrounding environment can be viewed; but the game will, however, only be regarded as such if there is no option for first-person game play;
means an indication of impending physical or psychological harm;
(a) | A drawing, picture, illustration, painting, photograph or image; or |
(b) | A drawing, picture, illustration, painting, photograph or image or any combinations thereof, produced through or by means of computer software on a screen or a computer printout; |
means any physical harm, or psychological, emotional or verbal abuse, whether self-inflicted, interpersonal or collective, including gender-based violence.
2.1 | Classifiable Elements |
(1) | A classification decision may include consumer advice, including information about the content of a film. Classifiable elements are indicated by alphabetic symbols or words and alert the public to particular elements that are significant and may be potentially disturbing, harmful or inappropriate for children below a specified age. |
(2) | Consumer advice should be indicated together with classification information on the outside of all content as applicable. |
(3) | The following classifiable elements and mandatory consumer advice must be considered: |
(a) | Competitive Intensity "CI" |
(i) | The level of competitive intensity in a game, to the extent that it is linked to in-game violence, must be treated as a classifiable element to determine age restrictions; |
(ii) | Higher levels of competitiveness in games involving violence may result in much higher aggression levels than in less competitive games involving violence, and are therefore a factor that must be considered in the determination of an age restriction; and |
(iii) | Competitive intensity is heightened by the degree of interactivity of a game. |
(b) | Criminal Techniques "CT" |
(i) | Criminal techniques and instructional details of illegal or dangerous acts that may be life-threatening and detailed enough to be re-enacted or self-instructional must be treated as a classifiable element to determine age restrictions. This may require a higher age restriction. |
(c) | Substance Abuse "D" alerts to the sustained or sporadic excessive use of substances, any use of illicit substances and the unlawful use of substances; |
(i) | Any occurrences of substance abuse must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate restriction; and |
(ii) | Regardless of the level of age restriction, the public must be alerted to the occurrence of substance abuse of a mild, moderate, strong or very strong impact. |
(d) | Imitative Acts and techniques "IAT" |
(i) | Imitative acts and techniques" is a classifiable element that determines age restrictions where there is a reasonable likelihood that such acts or techniques may be copied or imitated, especially by children. |
(e) | Horror "H" alters that there are occurrences of horror; |
(i) | Any occurrences of horror of a mild, moderate, strong or very strong nature must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate age restriction. |
(f) | Language "L" alerts that there is use of strong language; |
(i) | The use of strong language must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate age restriction; and |
(ii) | Regardless of the level of age restriction, the public must be alerted to the occurrence of strong language of a mild, moderate, strong or very impact. |
(g) | Nudity "N" warns that there are occurrences of nudity; |
(i) | Nudity in natural non-sexual contexts, such as breast-feeding or bona fide cultural traditions, is not considered in the allocation of age-restrictions; |
(ii) | The undue exposure of intimate parts must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate age restriction, based on the context and impact; and |
(iii) | Regardless of the level of age restriction, the public must be alerted to the occurrence of nudity, sexual or nonsexual, of a mild, moderate, strong or very strong impact. |
(h) | Prejudice "P" warns of occurrences or language that are biased or prejudiced with regard to race, ethnicity, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language; birth or other identifiable group characteristics; |
(i) | Any occurrences or language of prejudice must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate age restriction; and |
(ii) | The advocacy of hatred constituting incitement to cause harm, based on an identifiable group characteristic, must be refused classification. |
(i) | Sexually-related Activity "S" indicates occurrences involving sexually-related activity; |
(i) | Any mild, moderate, strong or very strong impact occurrences of sexually related activity, including consensual sexually-related activity, must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate age-restriction or distribution restriction; and |
(ii) | Any occurrences of consensual explicit sexual conduct must be regarded as having a very strong or extreme impact, and must be classified appropriately. |
(j) | Sexual Violence "SV" indicates occurrences involving sexual violence; |
(i) | Any occurrence of sexual violence must be considered in the allocation of an appropriate age restriction; and |
(ii) | Any occurrences involving sexual violence, actual or implied, must be regarded as having a moderate, strong or every strong impact, and must be classified appropriately. |
(k) | Violence "V" warns of violent occurrences; |
(i) | Regardless of the level of age restriction, the public must be alerted to the occurrence of violence of a mild, moderate, strong or very strong impact; and |
(ii) | Any occurrences of extreme violence must be regarded as having a strong or very strong impact, and must be classified appropriately. |