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Financial and Fiscal Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 99 of 1997)ProclamationsDetermination of Remuneration of Members of Financial and Fiscal CommissionProclamation No. R. 52 of 2019 |
1 October 2019
GG 42734
Proclamation No. R. 52 of 2019
by the
President of the Republic of South Africa
In terms of section 9(1) of the Financial and Fiscal Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 99 of 1997), I hereby, with effect from one year before the date of publication of the proclamation, determine the following remuneration for the members of the Financial and Fiscal Commission:
(a) | Chairperson in a full-time capacity: R1 880 736 per annum; |
(b) | Deputy Chairperson in a part-time capacity: |
(i) | R695 per hour for attending meetings; |
(ii) | R232 per hour for preparation for meeting; and |
(iii) | R232 per hour for travelling time; and |
(c) | Other members in a part-time capacity: |
(i) | R572 per hour for attending meetings; |
(ii) | R191 per hour for preparation for meeting; and |
(iii) | R191 per hour for travelling time. |
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town this 19th day of Two Thousand and Nineteen.
By Order of the President-in-Cabinet:
Minister of the Cabinet