R 385
Financial Sector Regulation Act, 2017 (Act No. 9 of 2017)Chapter 14 : OmbudsPart 1 : Ombud Council190. Delegations |
(1) | The Chief Ombud may, in writing— |
(a) | delegate any of his or her powers or duties in terms of a financial sector law, except the power to delegate contained in this subsection, to a staff member of the Ombud Council; and |
(b) | at any time, amend or revoke a delegation made in terms of paragraph (a), subject to any rights that may have accrued. |
(2) | A delegation in terms of subsection (1) may be to a specific person or to a person holding a specific position. |
(3) | A delegation in terms this section— |
(a) | is subject to the limitations and conditions specified in the delegation; and |
(b) | does not divest the Chief Ombud of responsibility in respect of the delegated power or duty. |
(4) | Anything done by a delegate in terms of the delegation must be regarded as having been done by the Ombud Council. |
[Section 190 to take effect on 1 April 2020, per Notice No. 1130 of 2019, GG 42677, dated 30 August 2019]