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Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000)
Notice No. 343 of 2001
Chapter 1 : Introductory Provisions
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Act
Chapter 2 : Prohibitions
3. General prohibition in respect of firearms
4. Prohibited firearms
Chapter 3 : Special provisions in respect of certain devices
5. Devices not firearms for purposes of this Act
Chapter 4 : Competency certificates, licences, permits, authorisations and accreditations
6. Competency certificates, licences, permits and authorisations
7. Applications by persons other than natural persons
8. Accreditation
Chapter 5 : Competency certificates
9. Application for competency certificate
10. Competency certificate
10A. Renewal of competency certificate
Chapter 6 : Licence to possess firearm
11. Separate licence in respect of each firearm
12. Additional licences
13. Licence to possess firearm for self-defence
14. Licence to possess restricted firearm for self-defence
15. Licence to possess firearm for occasional hunting and sports-shooting
16. Licence to possess firearm for dedicated hunting and dedicated sports-shooting
16A. Licence to possess firearm for professional hunting
17. Licence to possess firearm in private collection
18. Permit to possess ammunition in private collection
19. Licence to possess a firearm, and permit to possess ammunition, in public collection
20. Licence to possess firearm for business purposes
21. Temporary authorisation to possess firearm
22. Holder of licence may allow another person to use firearm
23. Identification marks on firearms
24. Renewal of firearm licences
25. Notification of change of address
26. Notification of change of circumstances
27. Period of validity of licence or permit
28. Termination of firearm licence
29. Defaced, lost or stolen licences, permits and authorisations
30. Central firearms database
Chapter 7 : Licences issued to particular categories of persons - dealers, manufacturers and gunsmiths
Part 1 : Dealers
31. Prohibition of unlicensed trading in firearms or ammunition
32. Requirements for dealer's licence
33. Conditions imposed on dealer
34. Dealer's licence
35. Renewal of dealer's licence
36. Temporary authorisation to trade in firearms and ammunition on premises other than those specified in dealer's licence
37. Change of premises
38. Notification of change of circumstances
39. Duties of dealer
40. Establishment of centralised dealers' database
41. Suspension of dealer's licence
42. Termination of dealer's licence
43. Application of other laws
44. Defaced, lost or stolen licences
Part 2 : Manufacturers
45. Prohibition of unlicensed manufacture of firearms, muzzle loading firearms and ammunition
46. Requirements for manufacturer's licence
47. Conditions imposed on manufacturer
48. Manufacturer's licence
49. Renewal of manufacturer's licence
50. Temporary authorisation to display firearms and ammunition on premises other than those specified in manufacturer's licence
51. Change of premises
52. Notification of change of circumstances
53. Duties of manufacturer
54. Establishment of centralised manufacturers' database
55. Suspension of manufacturer's licence
56. Termination of manufacturer's licence
57. Application of other laws
58. Defaced, lost or stolen licences
Part 3 : Gunsmiths
59. Prohibition of certain work
60. Requirement for gunsmith's licence
61. Conditions imposed on gunsmith
62. Gunsmith's licence
63. Renewal of gunsmith's licence
64. Temporary authorisation to conduct business as gunsmith on premises other than those specified in gunsmith's licence
65. Change of premises
66. Notification of change of circumstances
67. Duties of gunsmith
68. Establishment of centralised gunsmiths' database
69. Suspension of gunsmith's licence
70. Termination of gunsmith's licence
71. Application of other laws
72. Defaced, lost or stolen licences
Chapter 8 : Import, export and carriage in-transit of firearms and ammunition
73. Prohibition of import, export or carriage in-transit of firearms, muzzle loading firearms and ammunition without permit
74. Requirements for import, export or in-transit permit
75. Conditions imposed on holder of permit
76. Import, export or in-transit permit
77. Permit constitutes licence to possess firearm or ammunition
78. Duties of holder of permit
79. Establishment of central importers' and exporters' database
80. Suspension of import, export and in-transit permits
81. Termination of import, export and in-transit permits
82. Defaced, lost or stolen permits
Chapter 9 : Storage, transport and carrying of firearms and ammunition
83. Storage and transport of firearms and ammunition
84. Carrying of firearm in public place
85. Conditions imposed on transporter of firearm
86. Firearm transporter's permit
87. Duties of holder of permit
88. Cancellation of firearm transporter's permit
89. Records to be kept
Chapter 10 : Control of ammunition and firearm parts
90. Prohibition of possession of ammunition
91. Restrictions on possession of ammunition
92. Prohibitions and restrictions on use of certain ammunition
93. Loading or reloading of ammunition
94. Prohibition of possession of firearm parts
Chapter 11 : Exemptions
95. Definitions
96. Exemptions
97. Conditions applicable to institution accredited by Registrar
98. Possession and use of firearms by Official Institution
99. Register to be kept by Official Institution
100. Establishment of central Official Institution firearms databases
101. Official Institution's workstation
Chapter 12 : Declaration of persons as unfit to possess firearm
102. Declaration by Registrar of person as unfit to possess firearm or muzzle loading firearm
103. Declaration by court of person to be unfit to possess firearm or muzzle loading firearm
104. Effect of declaration of unfitness
105. Proof of declaration of unfitness
Chapter 13 : Inspections
106. Production of licences and firearms for inspection
107. Duty to comply with request of police official or authorised person
108. Request for information
109. Inspection of premises
Chapter 14 : Search and seizure
110. Chapter 2 of Criminal Procedure Act, 1977, to apply
111. Search and seizure in course of policing operations in terms of South African Police Service Act, 1995
112. Exercise of powers set out in section 37 of Criminal Procedure Act, 1977
113. Fingerprint, body-prints and bodily samples for investigative purposes
114. Ballistic testing
115. Inspection, search and seizure for inquiry or investigation (with special warrant)
116. Incidental discovery
Chapter 15 : Presumptions
117. Presumption of possession of firearm or ammunition
118. Presumptions relating to failure to report
119. Presumption of failure to take reasonable steps
Chapter 16 : Offences, penalties and administrative fines
120. Offences
121. Penalties
122. Administrative fines
Chapter 17 : Organisational structures
123. Registrar of Firearms
124. Functions of Registrar
125. Central Firearms Register
126. Certificate signed by Registrar to constitute prima facie evidence
127. Appointment and functions of Head of Office of Central Firearms Register
128. Establishment of Appeal Board
129. Conditions of service, remuneration and allowances of members of Appeal Board
130. Quorum, meetings and procedure of Appeal Board
131. Administrative work of Appeal Board
132. Establishment of Ministerial Committees
Chapter 18 : Right of appeal
133. Right of appeal
Chapter 19 : Compensation
134. Circumstances where no compensation is payable in respect of firearms and ammunition forfeited to State
135. Circumstances where no compensation is payable in respect of firearms, muzzle loading firearms and ammunition seized by State
136. No compensation payable where firearms or ammunition are destroyed by State
137. Application for compensation
Chapter 20 : Special powers relating to amnesties and firearm-free zones
138. Definition
139. Amnesty
140. Firearm-free zones
Chapter 21 : General provisions
141. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties
142. Designation as police officials
143. Service of documents
144. Return of service
145. Regulations
146. Disposal of firearms, muzzle loading firearms and ammunition in case of ceasing to carry on business
147. Disposal of firearms in case of death
148. Inherited firearms
149. Compulsory destruction of firearms, muzzle loading firearms and ammunition
150. Deactivation of firearms or muzzle loading firearms
151. Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts
152. Act binds State
153. Repeal of laws
154. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Transitional provisions
1. Existing licence to possess an arm
1A. Muzzle loading firearms
2. Existing dealer's licence
3. Existing permit for importation or exportation of arms and ammunition
4. Existing permit for manufacture of arms and ammunition
4A. Existing registration certificate to carry on trade of gunsmith
5. Existing authorisations and certain existing permits
6. Person unfit to possess a firearm
7. Register in terms of previous Act to be kept by Registrar
8. Matters pending under previous Act
9. Investigations by Commissioner under previous Act
10. Consideration of validity of existing licence, permit and authorisation
11. Renewal of licence
Schedule 2 : Crimes and offences giving rise to unfitness enquiry by court
Schedule 3 : Laws repealed
Schedule 4 : Penalties
Firearms Control Fees Amendment Regulations, 2020
Notice No. R. 345 of 2004
Chapter 1 : Introductory provisions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Accreditation
2. General provisions relating to accreditation
3. Accreditation of public collector
3A. Accreditation of a museum
4. Accreditation of hunting association or sports-shooting organisation
4A. Accreditation of professional hunting association
5. Accreditation of collectors association
6. Accreditation of shooting ranges
7. Accreditation to provide training in use of firearms
8. Accreditation to provide firearms for use in theatrical, film or television p
9. Accreditation of game rancher
10. Accreditation to conduct business in hunting
11. Accreditation for other business purposes as determined by the Registrar
12. Accreditation as an Official Institution
Chapter 3 : General provisions regarding application for competency certificate
13. General provisions regarding applications required in terms of the Act
14. Specific provisions regarding competency certificates
Chapter 4 : Licence to possess a firearm
15. Prohibited firearms and devices or restricted firearms ...
16. Safety measures for the display of firearms in a private collection
17. Conditions regarding the possession of ammunition in a private collection
18. Safety measures for the display of ammunition in a private collection
19. Prohibited firearms and devices and restricted firearms ...
20. Safety measures for the display of firearms in a public collection
21. Conditions regarding the providing of a firearm for use by another person
22. Registers in respect of a holder of a licence for business purposes
23. Application for a temporary authorisation to possess a firearm
24. Conditions applicable to a temporary authorisation to possess a firearm
25. Records in respect of temporary authorisations to possess a firearm
26. Annual report to be submitted to the Minister
27. Conditions in respect of use of firearm possessed in terms of section 21 of
28. Identification marks on firearms
29. The central firearms database
Chapter 5 : Licences issued to particular categories of persons
Part 1 : General provisions
30. Additional particulars to be provided with an application for a dealer, manumanufacturer and gunsmith's licence
Part 2 : Dealers
31. Conditions in respect of a dealer's licence
32. Information on a dealer's licence
33. Application for temporary authorisation to trade in firearms and ammunition
34. Conditions applicable to temporary authorisations to trade in firearms and a
35. Record of prescribed information regarding temporary authorisations in respe
36. Application by a dealer for the change of premises
37. Registers in respect of a dealer
38. Manner in which a workstation must be established, maintained and linked to
39. Weekly returns
40. Establishment of centralised dealer's database
Part 3 : Manufacturers
41. Conditions in respect of a manufacturer's licence
42. Information on manufacturer's licence
43. Applications in respect of temporary authorisation to display firearms and a
44. Conditions applicable to temporary authorisation to display firearms and amm
45. Record of prescribed information regarding temporary authorisations in respe
46. Application by a manufacturer for the change of premises
47. Registers in respect of a manufacturer
48. Manner in which a workstation must be established, maintained and linked to
49. Establishment of a centralised manufacturers' database
Part 4 : Gunsmiths
50. Other work that may be performed by gunsmith
51. Conditions in respect of the issue of gunsmith's licence
52. Information on gunsmith's licence
53. Applications for temporary authorisation to conduct business as gunsmith
54. Conditions applicable to temporary authorisations to conduct business as gun
55. Record of prescribed information regarding temporary authorisations in respe
56. Application for change of premises
57. Registers in respect of gunsmith
58. Manner in which workstation must be established, maintained and linked to ce
59. Weekly returns
60. Establishment of centralised gunsmiths' database
Chapter 6 : Import, export and carriage in-transit ...
61. Application regarding in-transit permit
62. Conditions in respect of application for import or export permit
63. Conditions in respect of in-transit permits
64. Information in respect of import, export and in-transit permits
65. Establishment of central importers' and exporters' database
66. Extension, renewal and replacement of import, export or in-transit permit
Chapter 7 : Storage, transport and carrying of firearms
Part 1 : Storage
67. Storage of firearms and ammunition
Part 2 : Firearm transporter's permit
68. Packaging of firearms and ammunition during transportation
69. Application in respect of a firearm transporter's permit
70. Conditions in respect of firearm transporter's permit
71. Duplicate transporter's permit
72. Cancellation of transporter's permit
73. Record of prescribed information in respect of firearm transporter's permits
Chapter 8 : Control of ammunition and firearm parts
74. Application for authorisation to possess more than 2400 primers and to posse
75. Register of firearm parts
Chapter 9 : Official Institutions
76. Conditions in respect of acquisition, use, safe custody and disposal of fire
77. Information that the permit issued under section 98 of the Act must contain
78. Carrying of handgun by employee of Official Institution in holster
79. Prescribed training and test in respect of employee of Official Institution
80. Provision of firearm training by Official Institutions
81. Registers to be kept by Official Institution
82. Particulars that register must contain
83. Identification marks in respect of firearms under control of Official Instit
84. Establishment of central Official Institution firearms database
85. Establishment and maintenance of Official Institution's workstation
Chapter 10 : Safe custody of firearms and ammunition
86. Safes and safe custody
Chapter 11 : Organisational Structures
Part 1 : The Central Firearms Register
87. Information that the central database must contain
88. Other documentation and information that central database must contain
Part 2 : Administrative justice and appeals
89. Administrative justice
90. Appeal board
91. Appeal procedure
Chapter 12 : General provisions
92. Application for compensation
93. Disposal of firearms or ammunition surrendered in compliance with amnesty
94. Surrendering of firearms and ammunition
95. Production and discharge of firearms or ammunition for identification purpos
96. Payment of fees
97. Payment of administrative fines
98. Surrendering and disposal of competency certificate, licence, permit or auth
99. Deferment of licences, permits or authorisations in case of theft or loss of
100. Change of address
101. Equipment and material designed for loading of ammunition
102. Disposal of firearms where business ceases to carry on business
103. Disposal of firearms in insolvent or deceased estate
104. Destruction of firearms
105. Deactivation of firearms
106. Proofing of firearms
107. Change of circumstances
108. Correction of information
109. Firearm Free Zones
110. Offences and penalties
111. Receipts
112. Official address
113. Repeal of regulations
114. Title and commencement
Annexure A : Forms
Annexure B : List of Fees Payable
Declaration of an Amnesty in terms of Section 139
Notice No. 314 of 2005
Notice No. 1112 of 2009
Notice No. 1527 of 2019
Notice No. 845 of 2020
Notice in terms of Item 11(1)(a) of Schedule 1
Notice No. R. 914 of 2005
Notice in terms of Item 11(1)(a) of Schedule 1
Notice No. R. 1248 of 2005
Establishment by The Minister of Police of Guidelines for Compensation under Section 137(5)
Notice No. 1071 of 2009
Notice in terms of Item 1A(3) of Schedule 1
Notice No. 1059 of 2011
Notice in terms of Section 136(1) of the Act
Notice No. 298 of 2019
Notice No. 2927 of 2023
Notice No. 4145 of 2023
Commencement of Certain Provisions
Notice No. 77 of 2010
Commencement of certain provisions
Notice No. R. 9 of 2012
Commencement of Certain Provisions of the Firearms Control Amendment Act, 2006 (Act No. 28 of 2006)
Notice No. 77 of 2010
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