South African Airways Act, 2007
R 385
Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972RegulationsRegulations relating to Hygiene Requirements for Milking Sheds, the Transport of Milk and Related MattersCertificate of Acceptability3. Application for a certificate of acceptability |
(1) | Any person wishing to apply for a certificate of acceptability in respect of a milking shed shall apply for it in writing to the local authority in whose area of jurisdiction the milking shed is situated on a form containing at least the particulars that are substantially the same as those contained in the form in Annexure A to these regulations. |
(2) | Such an application shall be submitted to the local authority in whose area of jurisdiction the milking shed is located or will be erected together with— |
(a) | a site plan with north indicated and with an indication of all adjacent and bordering buildings and their uses; |
(b) | a lay out sketch to a scale of 1:100 of all the milking shed or milk production facilities referred to in regulation 6, consisting of a floor or ground plan, a sectional view and a vertical elevation. |
(3) | Upon receipt of an application referred to in regulation 3, the local authority shall without delay refer the application to an inspector or any employee of the local authority concerned for consideration. |
(4) | An inspector may, in considering such an application, request such further information as he or she may deem necessary or expedient from the applicant or from any other person. |
(5) | A local authority shall not consider an application for the issue of the certificate of acceptability unless a full inspection of the premises concerned has been carried out by inspector, and his report on such inspection, and recommendation on such issue, is in the possession of such local authority. |
(6) | If the local authority, upon consideration of an application for the issue of a certificate of acceptability, the relevant report and recommendation by the inspector and any other documents tabled or information obtained, is satisfied that the milking shed concerned— |
(a) | complies with subregulations 6(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and regulation 7 of these regulations; and is deemed in all respects suitable for the production and hygienic handling of milk; |
(b) | it shall issue in the name of the applicant a certificate of acceptability, in a form that is substantially the same as the form in Annexure b of these regulations in respect of the milking shed concerned; provided that the issuance of such certificate does not constitute an approval for the applicant to use the milking shed in the absence of complying to all other relevant requirements of the authority concerned. |