South African Airways Act, 2007
R 385
Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972RegulationsRegulations relating to Hygiene Requirements for Milking Sheds, the Transport of Milk and Related MattersStandards and Requirements6. Milking sheds |
(a) | An approved milking shed shall consist of at least— |
(i) | a milking parlour referred to in paragraph (2); |
(ii) | a milking room referred to in paragraph (3) where milk shall be received from the milking parlour, and such milk shall be stored and where it may be treated, processed and packed provided that where due to the design and construction of a milking shed all the requirements included under paragraph (3) cannot be situated within the milking room, it should be otherwise provided on the premises; |
(iii) | a change room referred to in paragraph (4); and |
(iv) | a scullery for the washing, cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of milk containers and other unfixed apparatus and equipment used in the handling of milk. |
(i) | The facilities referred to in paragraph (a) shall, subject to the provisions of subparagraph (ii), be erected as separate rooms in one building complex or as separate detached buildings. |
(ii) | A scullery referred to in paragraph (a)(iv), may be erected as an integral part of a milk room or as a separate room. |
(2) | In the case of a milking parlour— |
(a) | there shall be no direct connection with a latrine or with a room where gases, smoke, vapors, dust or soot deposit are present or may originate owing to the nature of the activities in such room; |
(b) | which, provides standing-room of more than one row of dairy stock parallel with one another, there shall be a dividing corridor of at least one meter wide between the rows; |
(c) | the partitions, if any, that separate dairy stock from each other when they are being milked, shall be of smoothly finished, non-absorbing and corrosion resistant material, free of any open seams and cracks; |
(d) | mangers shall be arranged so that fodder which accumulates behind the mangers can be removed and be disposed of appropriately; |
(e) | where walls are provided, the exterior walls— |
(i) | shall be at least 2,4 metres high on the inside; |
(ii) | shall, at places where dairy stock are milked, extend to at least 2,1 metres above the level on which the dairy stock stand; |
(f) | the interior surfaces of the walls, if provided shall be made of impervious materials with no toxic effect in intended use; |
(g) | the ceilings, if provided or overhead structures and fixtures shall be constructed and finished to minimize the build-up of dirt and condensation, and the shedding of particles; |
(h) | the floors shall be constructed to allow adequate drainage and cleaning; |
(i) | such parlour shall be adequately ventilated and illuminated; |
(j) | such parlour shall be provided with at least one water tap with running water to which a flexible pipe may be connected for washing purposes; and |
(k) | the entrances and exists for dairy stock shall have a floor covering with an impenetrable surface connected to a disposal system, and such floor covering shall be installed in such a way that any milk animal entering or leaving the milking parlour shall walk on it for a distance of at least 4 metres. |
(3) | In the case of a milking room— |
(a) | such milking room shall comply mutatis mutandis with the provisions of subregulation (2 (e)(i), (f), (g), (h) and (i); |
(b) | where the scullery forms an integral part of the milking room as referred to in subregulation (1)(b)(ii) there shall be sufficient space to allow for the cleaning and disinfections of all milk containers, and the storage of milk; |
(c) | such milking room shall be provided with at least one sink, with hot and cold water (or temperature controlled water), and running water with the run-off connected to a disposal system; |
(d) | such milking room shall be erected so that a milk tanker can be connected to a bulk farm tank through a suitable opening and the distance between the two connection points shall not exceed 6 meters; |
(e) | such milking room shall be rodent-proof; |
(f) | the doors should have smooth, non- absorbent surfaces, and be easy to clean and, where necessary disinfect; |
(g) | windows should be easy to clean, be constructed to minimize the build-up of dirt and where necessary, be fitted with removable and cleanable insect-proof screens. Where necessary windows should be fixed; |
(h) | such milking room may be equipped with a farm tank referred to in regulation 7(3) for the storage of milk. |
(4) | A change room shall— |
(a) | comply mutatis mutandis with subregulation (2)(e)(i), (f), (g), (h) and (i); |
(b) | have at least one hand-basin and shower provided with hot and cold running water, soap, disinfectant and disposable towels, and the used water from such hand wash-basin and shower shall adequately drain into a disposal system; |
(c) | be within easy reach of the milking parlour and milking room. |
(5) | Any effluent originating from a milking shed shall— |
(a) | not be stored, treated or dumped in any place except in or on suitable disposal system; |
(b) | not be conveyed to or dumped in or on a suitable disposal system in any other way than by means of a pipeline, or cement ditches or in a container; |
(c) | not be dumped so that a water source is or may be polluted by it; |
(d) | not constitute a nuisance or cause a condition that is a health hazard. |
(6) | A holder shall see to it that— |
(a) | in or at a milking shed— |
(i) | a nuisance or a condition that is a health hazard is not caused or does not arise; |
(ii) | no poisonous or hazardous substances or gases are stored; |
(iii) | no activity is carried on which can pollute or harm or contaminate or spoil the milk; |
(iv) | appropriate storage conditions to avoid feed contamination. |
(b) | rodents and flies, cockroaches and other insects on the premises of the milking shed are controlled. |
(c) | raw milk destined for human consumption or raw milk intended for further processing shall comply to the Regulations relating to Milk and Dairy Products, R. 1555 of 21 November 1997, published under the Act. |
(7) | A milking shed shall not be used for any other purpose except the production and handling of milk. |
(8) | Unfixed milk containers and other apparatus and equipment used in the handling of milk shall not be washed, cleaned, disinfected or sterilised in a place other than the scullery referred to in subregulation (1)(a)(iv). |
(9) | No person shall smoke, use or handle tobacco in any form or eat in a milking shed except in the change room or dining room of a milking shed. |
(10) | As soon as milk animal have left a milking shed, all manure shall be removed from the milking shed and from the floor, and all entrances and exits of the milking shed shall be cleaned. |