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Fund-raising Act, 1978 (Act No. 107 of 1978)
Notice No. 1356 of 1978
1. Definitions
Chapter 1 : Collection of Contributions by Fund-raising Organizations, other Organizations and Persons
2. Unauthorized collection of contributions prohibited
3. Appointment of Director of Fund-raising
4. Authority to organizations to collect
5. Branches of fund-raising organizations
6. Temporary authority to collect contributions
7. Collection of contributions for or on behalf of fund-raising organization, registered branch or holder
8. Amendment or withdrawal of authority or temporary authority
9. Director to furnish reasons
10. Appeal against decision of Director
11. Contributions may be used for authorized objects only
12. Accounting of financial activities
13. Procedure on lapsing or withdrawal of authority or registration certificate, on dissolution of organizations or branches or on discontinuance by holder of his activities
14. Dissolution of fund-raising organization and registered branch
Chapter II : Disaster Relief Fund, South African Defence Force Fund, Refugee Relief Fund, State President's Fund and Social Relief Fund
15. Definitions
16. Establishment of Disaster Relief Fund, South African Defence Force Fund, Refugee Relief Fund, State President's Fund and Social Relief Fund
17. Management of Fund
18. Objects of boards
19. Committees of boards
20. General powers and functions of boards
21. Collection of contributions for particular purposes and particular powers of boards
22. Finances of boards
23. Collection of contributions for or on behalf of board, authorized organization or authorized person
24. Disposal of assets and documents of authorized persons and authorized organizations
25. Performance of administrative work of boards
26. Declaration of certain events to be disasters
Chapter III : General and Supplementary Provisions
27. Responsibility of members of fund-raising organizations, registered branches and authorized and other organizations
28. Organizations and branches to have written constitutions, complying with prescribed conditions
29. Minister may prohibit collection of contributions for certain purposes or in certain manner or by or for or on behalf of certain persons or organizations
30. Inspection of affairs of organizations and for certain purposes or in certain manner or by or for or on behalf of certain persons or organizations
31. Disposal of unlawfully collected contributions
32. Savings
33. Application of certain provisions of this Act
34. Offences and penalties
35. Delegation of powers
36. Regulations
37. Repeal of laws
38. Short title and commencement
Regulations made under the Fundraising Act, 1978
Notice No. 1865 of 1979
1. Definitions
2. Application for an Authority or Temporary Authority ...
3. Notice of Intention to Apply for an Authority
4. Objections to the Granting of an Authority
5. Conditions of Authorities, Temporary Authorities and ...
6-8. Permission or Special Permission to Collect Contributions
9. Agreement to Collect Contributions for a Remuneration
10. Amendment, Substitution, Suspension or Withdrawal ...
11. Appeal
12. Accounting Records
13. Financial Statements
14. Liquidation and Distribution Account
15. Inspection of Financial Statements and Liquidation ...
16. Financial Year
17-24. Quorum for and Procedure at Meetings of the ...
25-26. Committees of Boards
27-28. Quorum and Meetings of Committees
29. Conditions of Special Authorities granted under the Act
30. Accounting Records and Financial Statements of Board
31. Preservation of Records of Boards
32. Constitution of Organisations and Branches
33. Service of Documents
34. Offences
35. Date of Commencement
"financial statements"
means the financial statements mentioned in
section 12(1)
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