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Table of Contents
Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006)
Notice No. 1274 of 2006
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Purpose and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and application of Act
Chapter 2 : Public Colleges
3. Establishment of public college
4. Declaration of institution as public college
5. Consequences of declaration as public college
6. Merger of public colleges
7. Single council for two or more public colleges
8. Closure of public college
Chapter 3 : Governance of Public Colleges
9. Public college governance structures
10. Council of public college
11. Academic board of public college
12. Committees of council and academic board
13. Principal of public college
14. Student representative council
15. Disciplinary measures
16. Prohibition of corporal ...
17. Admission policy of public college
18. Standard college statute
Chapter 4 : Appointment of Management Staff, Lecturers and Support Staff in Public Colleges
19. Appointment of management staff
20. Appointment of lecturers and support staff
21. Dispute resolution between college, lecturers and support staff
Chapter 5 : Funding of Public Colleges
22. Responsibility of State
23. Norms and standards for funding of public colleges
24. Funds of public colleges
25. Financial records and statements of public colleges
26. Failure of council to comply with Act or certain conditions
Chapter 6 : Private Colleges
27. Designation of registrar
28. Registration of private college
29. Application for registration
30. Requirements for registration
31. Determination of application for registration
32. Certificate of registration
33. Inspection of register and auditor's report
34. Records and audits
35. Amendment of registration and provisional registration
36. Requirements for amendment of registration or provisional registration and det
37. Conditions for registration
38. Amendment or cancellation of conditions
39. Cancellation of registration
40. Steps before amendment or cancellation
41. Appeal to Minister
Chapter 6A
41A. Objectives of Chapter
41B. Determination of national education policy for colleges
41C. Directive principles of national education policy
41D. Consultation on national education policy
41E. Consultation on legislation
41F. Publication of national education policy
41G. Monitoring and evaluation of further education and training
41H. Council of Education Ministers
41I. Heads of Education Departments Committee
41J. Allowances and remuneration of members of subcommittees
41K. Administrative functions of Council and Committee
41L. Consultative bodies
41M. Transitional arrangements regarding policy
Chapter 7 : Promotion of Quality
42. Promotion of quality in continuing education and training
43. Continuing education and training qualifications...
Chapter 7A : South African Institute for Vocational...
43A. Establishment of Institute
43B. Functions of Institute
43C. Board of Institute
43D. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
43E. Funds and accountability of Institute
43F. Intervention by Minister
43G. Appointment of administrator
43H. Assistance to administrator
43I. Remuneration and allowances
43J. Dissolution of board
43K. Closure and disestablishment of Institute
Chapter 8 : General
44. Strategic plan and annual report
45. Duty of colleges to provide information
46. Investigation at public college, and appointment of administrator
47. Name change of public college
48. Offences
49. Limitation of liability
50. Delegation of functions
51. Regulations
52. Application of Act when in conflict with other laws
Chapter 9 : Transitional and other Arrangements
53. Existing public further education and training institutions, structures and bo
54. Staff
55. Application for registration by private colleges
56. National Board for Further Education and Training (NBFET)
57. Disciplinary measures
58. Repeal or amendment of laws
59. Short title
Schedule 1 : Standard College Statute
Definitions and Application
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Name, seat and powers
4. Constitution of college
5. Functions of council
6. Composition of council
7. Termination of membership and filling of vacancies
8. Election and term of office of chairperson, vice-chairperson and sec
9. Meetings of council
10. Council meeting procedures
11. Conflict of interest of council members
12. Committees of council
13. Minutes of council and committee meetings
14. Drafting, amending or rescinding statute
Academic Board
15. Functions of academic board
16. Termination of membership of academic board
17. Composition of academic board
18. Term of office of members of academic board
19. Chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary of academic board
20. Meeting procedure of academic board
21. Committees of the academic board
22. Joint committees of council and academic board
Student Representative Council (SRC)
23. Functions of SRC
24. Composition of SRC
25. Office-bearers of SRC
26. Term of office of SRC members
27. Meetings of SRC
28. SRC committees
29. General meeting
30. Management
31. Functions of principal
32. Vice-principal and financial officer
33. Appointment of lecturers, support staff and financial officers
34. Conditions of employment
35. Evaluation
36. Disciplinary code of lecturers and support staff
37. Representative organisation of employees
38. Admission and registration of students
39. Student disciplinary code
40. Donors
Schedule 2 : Existing public further education and training institutions, structures and bodies
Existing further education and training institutions, structures and bodies
Notice No. 986 of 2010 - Schedule of Names and Qualifications of Provisionally Registered Private Further Education and Training Colleges
Regulations, 2007
Notice No. R. 1134 of 2007
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Application Process
2. Eligibility
3. Application for registration
4. Application for amendment
5. Withdrawal of application
6. Subsequent application for registration
Chapter 3 : Requirements for Registration
7. Compliance with the Act
8. Name of applicant
9. Quality assurance, prohibition of discrimination and occupational health and safety
10. Finance
11. Foreign applicants
Chapter 4 : Determination
12. Determination of an application
13. Application for amendment
14. Cancellation of registration
15. Notification of registration matters
Chapter 5 : Registration Certificate
16. Registration
17. Certificate of registration
Chapter 6 : Responsibility of a Private College
18. Maintenance of registration
19. Display of registration status
20. Programmes and qualifications offered
21. Information for students and the public
22. Academic records
23. Official documents, marketing and advertising material
24. Complaints
25. Information required by the registrar
26. Lapse or cancellation of registration
Chapter 7 : Appeals
27. Procedure
28. Conflict of interest
29. Transitional arrangements
30. Revocation of Regulations
31. Short Title and commencement
National Norms and Standards for Funding Further Education and Training Colleges (NSF-FET Colleges)
Notice No. 294 of 2009
A. Introduction
B. A framework for the public funding of technical and vocational further education and training
C. The system for funding Public Further Education and Training Colleges
D. Formula funding of programmes
E. Other funding streams
F. Financial management at Public Further Education and Training Colleges
G. National and provincial planning
H. The annual PED-College planning process
I. Transition to the new system
Appendix A :The formula funding grid
Public Service Act
means the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994);
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