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Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006)

Regulations for the Registration of Private Further Education and Training Colleges, 2007

Chapter 4 : Determination

15. Notification of registration matters


1) The registrar must notify the head of the relevant provincial education department of all determinations made in terms of this chapter in respect of a private college that has its head office or a site in that province.


2) The private college must take reasonable steps to ensure that a notice dealing with the lapse or cancellation of its registration is brought to the attention of students enrolled at the private college without delay.


3) The registrar must keep a national register of private colleges on the website of the Department of Education.


4) The register contemplated in subregulation (3) should contain the following information:
a) The name, and any approved translation of the name, and any approved abbreviation. acronym or trade name, of the private college;
b) the approved qualifications offered by the private college;
c) the approved sites at which the approved qualifications are offered;
d) the date by which all the requirements for registration must be met, if the private college is provisionally registered in terms of section 31(3) of the Act; and
e) the registration number of the private college.