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Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006)Regulations for the Registration of Private Further Education and Training Colleges, 2007Chapter 1 : Definitions1. Definitions |
In these regulations, any word to which a meaning has been assigned in the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2O06), has the same meaning and, unless the context indicates otherwise -
means a private education institution that applies for registration as a private college in terms regulation 3, or a private college that applies for the amendment of its registration or provisional registration in terms of regulation 4;
means accreditation as defined in section 1 of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001 );
means an alteration, as contemplated in sections 35 and 38 of the Act, in the conditions of registration or provisional registration of a private college;
means an application made in terms of section 35 of the Act;
means a stipulation or directive, as contemplated in section 37 of the Act, that the registrar may impose on a private college;
means a change of provisional registration of a private college to full registration in terms of section 31(6);
means the director of a company as defined in section 1 of the Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973);
means a date on which provisional registration contemplated in section 31(3) of the Act expires;
means an applicant who is a foreign juristic person as defined in section 1 of the Act:
means the National Qualifications Framework as contemplated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995);
means a college as defined in section 1 of the Act;
means the sequential learning activities associated with curriculum implementation and leading to the achievement of a qualification registered at levels 2 to 4 of the NQF;
means a qualification as defined in section 1 of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001);
means the legal authority or licence granted by the registrar of private colleges to a private institution to offer qualifications that are registered at levels 2, 3 or 4 of the NQF in terms of the Act;
means the prescribed criteria contemplated in Chapter 3 of these regulations or any other criteria prescribed in the Act that an applicant or private college must fulfil in order to be registered or maintain its registration;
means any learning centre, including a campus or learning centre controlled and administered by an applicant or private college;
means the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006); and
means the Council defined in section 1 of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001).