R 385
Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001)RulesGas Act Rules, 2021AnnexuresAnnexure C : Notice of incomplete information |
[Electronic copies of the Rules as set out in the Schedules are available at www.nersa.org.za.]
Notice in terms of Rules 7(5), 12(6), 13(4), 14(5) and 17(7) of the Rules made in terms of the Gas Act, 2001 (Act No.48 of 2001)
Name of applicant |
Type of application/referral to the Energy Regulator |
Date Received |
Reference Number |
(a) | The Energy Regulator hereby informs you that your application or referral with the abovementioned details does not meet the requirements for adequacy specified in the Gas Act Rules and is therefore considered incomplete and not accepted. |
(b) | You have not submitted the following required informationI documentation to the Energy Regulator: |
1. |
2. |
3. | (add more lines if necessary) |
(c) | The abovementioned information/ documentation must be submitted by no later than …………………… (insert date) before your application or referral may be considered complete and consequently be accepted. |
(d) | Failure to submit the abovementioned information/ documentation by the specified date will result in your application or referral being instantly rejected and removed from the database of matters still awaiting to be considered by the Energy Regulator. |
(e) | The official date of application will be whichever occurs last between the date on which you submit all required information as specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) above to the Energy Regulator; or the date on which you submit an altered application in line with the directive issued to you by the Energy Regulator in terms of section 18(b) of the Gas Act read with Rule 7(5) of the Gas Act Rules, on ………………………. (insert applicable date). |