R 385
Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001)RulesGas Act Rules, 2021AnnexuresAnnexure G : Application for the registration of a gas activity |
[Electronic copies of the Rules as set out in the Schedules are available at www.nersa.org.za.]
Application for the registration of a gas activity in terms of section 28 of the Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001)
1. | Before completing this form, read the following documents— |
(a) | the Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001) and its regulations; and |
(b) | the Rules made in terms of the Gas Act, especially Rule 14. |
2. | Please note that this form has four sections (A, B, C) and an applicant must provide all information and supporting documentation required. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. |
3. | The completed form with supporting documentation must be delivered to the Energy Regulator – |
(a) | by hand at: Kulawula House, 526 Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; or |
(b) | by registered mail to: P O Box 40343, Arcadia 0007; or |
(c) | electronically to: [email protected]; or |
(d) | by fax to: (012) 401 4700. |
4. | If you want to request the confidential treatment of certain information in your application, you must do so in accordance with Rule 4 read with Rule 14(4) of the Rules made in terms of the Gas Act. |
Contact: Executive Manager: Gas Regulation
Contact no.: (012) 401 4600
Fax no.: (012) 401 4700
Official Use Only
Date received: __________________________________
Reference number: __________________________________