R 385
Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001)Rules in terms of the Gas Act, 2001AnnexuresAnnexure G : Form: Application for the registration of a gas activitySection B: Details of the Activity |
8. | Indicate the gas activity that you are engaged in by ticking the appropriate box: |
9. | The address or location of the gas activity to be registered. |
10. | Provide a detailed description of the gas activity to be registered (use a separate page, if necessary): |
11. | Production and importation of gas |
(a) | If you are involved in the production of gas you must complete the section below: |
(b) | If you are involved in the importation of gas you must complete the section below: |
For both production and importation, provide:
(a) | details of the gas usage; |
(b) | the type of users of the gas, for example industrial users or households; |
(c) | the number of users of the gas per type of usage; and |
(d) | details of the gas reticulation network utilised (where applicable). |
12. | Small biogas projects |
lf you are engaged in small biogas projects in rural communities not connected to the national pipeline grid, then provide the following information (on separate pages) for each of the small biogas projects—
(a) | the name of project; |
(b) | location of the project; |
(c) | a description of the material used to produce the biogas; |
(d) a description of the production process;
(e) the technical specifications of the gas produced;
(f) the quantity of gas produced in Gigajoules per annum;
(g) details of the reticulation network (where applicable); and
(h) the number of customers / users of the gas.