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Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001)RegulationsPiped Gas Regulations12. Fair administrative action |
(1) | The Gas Regulator must, in the case where its administrative action may materially and adversely affect the rights or legitimate expectations of any person, call for written representations to adduce the relevant facts. |
(2) | The Gas Regulator must, for purpose of subregulation (1), give— |
(a) | at least two week's notice of the deadline for written representations; |
(b) | a clear statement of the intended administrative action; and |
(c) | a reasonable opportunity for persons who may be affected by the proposed administrative action to make representations. |
(3) | The call for written representations must be given on the Gas Regulator's web site and on a public notice board at the Gas Regulator's offices. |
(4) | When considered appropriate by the Gas Regulator, notices of the call for written representations may be communicated by the Gas Regulator directly to the persons concerned. |
(5) | Licencees must provide the Gas Regulator with a list of all their potential customers or customers and persons likely to be materially and adversely affected together with their addresses and contact details within a time specified by the Gas Regulator if directed to do so in writing by the Gas Regulator. |
(6) | The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act shall be applicable to all administration action undertaken by the Gas Regulator. |