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General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001)Policy for the Quality Assurance of Private Adult Learning Centres, Private Further Education and Training Colleges and the Accreditation of Private Assessment Bodies in terms of Sections 17A(2)(a) and 23Chapter 2 : Rationale and application of the policy5. Application of the Policy |
1) | The quality assurance of a private adult learning centre or a private further education and training college entails the recognition of the private adult learning centre or private further education and training college that offers the qualifications on the General and Further Education and Training sub-framework. A private adult learning centre or a private further education and training college must have- |
a) | a mission in line with national goals and appropriate to the sector; |
b) | sufficient resources, programmes, and services to accomplish and sustain the mission; |
c) | clearly specified educational objectives consistent with the mission; |
d) | quality assurance practices that will ensure continuous improvement in terms of the enactment of the curriculum through teaching, learning and assessment; |
e) | the capacity to use assessment results (internal and external) to diagnose and, if required, remedy teaching, learning and assessment, and |
f) | take responsibility for the standard of internal continuous assessment, as well as undertake external assessment per the directives of the QC and the relevant assessment body. |
2) | The accreditation of an assessment body or agency entails the recognition of the private assessment body that assess the qualifications or part qualification on the General and Further Education and Training sub-framework. |
3) | An Assessment body conduct formal, externally quality assured assessments for qualifications on the General and Further Education and Training sub-framework and quality assure any internal continuous assessment relevant to the qualification. |
4) | The assessment system may have different forms of delivery and conception in respect of the development of assessment instruments and assessment items, quality assurance measures and approaches. |
5) | An Assessment body must have- |
a) | clearly defined goals that are in line with national policies and that relate to the assessment of national qualifications; |
b) | sufficient resources to realise their goals; |
c) | demonstrated evidence of achieving their goals; |
d) | demonstrated capacity to fulfil their functions; and, |
e) | provide sufficient reason for the QC to believe that they can continue to achieve its goals. |
6) | The public assessment system will be monitored against the criteria of this policy. |