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General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001)Policy for the Quality Assurance of Private Adult Learning Centres, Private Further Education and Training Colleges and the Accreditation of Private Assessment Bodies in terms of Sections 17A(2)(a) and 23Chapter 3 : Criteria for the accreditation of programmes offered by a Private Adult Learning Centre and Private Further Education and Training College6. Criteria for the Quality Assurance of Private Adult Learning Centres |
1) | The accreditation system for learning programmes offered by a private adult learning centre or a private further education and training college pursues the principles of participation and transparency within the parameters of this policy for quality assurance. The criteria for accreditation of a programme are consulted with the private adult education and training and private further education and training college sectors, and form the basis for institutional self evaluation in preparation for external evaluation. |
2) | While the criteria as contemplated in this framework are stable, the indicators for accreditation of learning programmes, as determined by the QC may be applied in a differentiated manner informed by the mission, vision and purpose of the institution. The indicators will be adapted and supplemented to accommodate distance learning provision as required. |
3) | A private adult learning centre and private further education or training college is accredited to offer the specific qualifications or part qualifications and their associated curricula registered on the General and Further Education and Training sub-framework. |
4) | The criteria cover several key areas pertinent to the accreditation learning programmes offered by a private adult learning centre or private further education and training college in order to establish: |
a) | the effectiveness of leadership and governance which, in keeping with the institutional vision and mission, seek to improve and raise institutional performance; |
b) | the quality and the effective management of teaching, learning and assessment for qualifications on this sub-framework, which includes: |
i) | the enactment of agreed national core curricula in respect of qualifications; |
ii) | the planning and design of learning programmes; |
iii) | the planning and design of assessment of learning, and the use of assessment results to diagnose and remedy teaching, learning and assessment; |
iv) | learner support, |
v) | learner achievement, |
vi) | progression of learners, |
vii) | articulation routes for learners; and |
viii) | the resources needed for the implementation of these aspects. |
c) | the quality and the effective management of a qualification or part qualification certified by other QC; |
d) | the effectiveness of self-regulated quality assurance practices in order to direct continual improvement; |
e) | learner success and achievements; |
f) | the extent to which learners are able to access gainful employment; and |
g) | the extent to which institutions meet their own and national objectives, including the objectives of the Human Resource Development (HRD) strategy of South Africa. |
5) | The criteria cover five broad areas that form the focus of the policy are - |
a) | Mission directed leadership and management are concerned with the attainment of the vision and mission as informed by its legal framework and context, as well as national priorities, through strategic leadership and effective governance structures and strategies; and the effectiveness with which the qualification mix and provision is selected, planned, managed, quality assured and improved. Resources are appropriately allocated and used to ensure that the institution is viable and sustainable. It reflects the institutional commitment to monitoring and evaluation in order to improve quality and the establishment of the required infrastructure and processes to ensure quality provision. |
b) | Teaching and training enacts the curriculum and reflects appropriate instructional approaches that support learning, in respect of qualifications the institution is accredited for, and the development of suitable learning programmes and materials in support of these qualifications. |
c) | Learning and assessment are at the core of the enactment of the curriculum. It is evident that staff development and proficiency in respect of teaching and assessment are in keeping with learner profiles, the purpose and the context of qualifications offered at private adult education and training centres and private further education and training colleges. |
d) | Learner support is evident through academic guidance and support, financial support (if appropriate), work placement, tracking of graduates; and the availability of articulation and progression routes for learners. Support functions also include physical resources and efficient management of programme delivery on and off-site, as required. Flexible delivery modes are made available to open up access to education and training. |
e) | Achievement and results encapsulate the use of quantitative and qualitative data such as learner attainments, access rates, learner retention rates, learner progression and placement rates to improve learner success. This information is also used to track learner achievement. |