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General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (Act No. 58 of 2001)Policy for the Quality Assurance of Private Adult Learning Centres, Private Further Education and Training Colleges and the Accreditation of Private Assessment Bodies in terms of Sections 17A(2)(a) and 23Chapter 4 : Criteria for the accreditation and monitoring of assessment bodies7. Criteria for the accreditation and monitoring of assessment bodies |
1) | The quality assurance and monitoring of assessment structures are central to the quality assurance of national external examinations which form the basis for the determination of standards in public and private general and further education and training. |
2) | Several broad criteria pertinent to the accreditation, quality assurance and monitoring of assessment bodies have been developed. The criteria are grouped into three focus areas: strategic leadership and management (see (a) below); assessment standards (see (b) and (c) below); and, the administration of assessment (see (d) and (e) below) - |
a) | Leadership, planning and management are concerned with the vision and mission of the assessment body and the effectiveness of strategic leadership and governance that support the attainment of these. Assessment services are managed effectively, quality assured and improved. Resources are allocated and used to ensure a viable and sustainable assessment body/agency. Leadership and management are committed to quality improvement and have put resources, systems and infrastructure in place to ensure improvement. |
b) | Assessment standards are concerned with the maintenance and improvement of the standard of assessment products and conduct of the assessments. The standard in respect of internal and external assessment and examinations is moderated against applicable curriculum and national policies, and results are credible. The assessed curriculum covers the intended curriculum adequately. |
c) | Development and research is evident in the capacity development of staff such as examiners, moderators, markers and others, and in a research agenda and reports that support and provide meaningful feedback and guidance to its education institutions in order to drive the improvement of teaching, learning and internal assessment. Research informs improvement of assessment products, systems and approaches. |
d) | The conduct and administration of examinations and/or assessment that includes all the administrative and logistical processes associated with the conduct of examinations and/or assessments, such as the setting, translation, editing, printing and moderation of assessment materials; the registration of candidates and examination centres; the establishment of marking centres; data capturing of learner records and security systems; and security, is efficient and reliable with a low tolerance of irregularities and ensures a credible external assessment / examinations. |
e) | Resulting systems and processes encapsulate the reliable and accurate processing and issuing of results, as well as compliance with policy so that the integrity of the system is maintained. |