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Table of Contents
Genetically Modified Organisms Act, 1997 (Act No. 15 of 1997)
Notice No. 727 of 1997
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
3. Executive Council of Genetically Modified Organisms
4. Objectives of Council
5. Powers and duties of Council
6. Vacancies in Council
7. Meetings of Council
8. Appointment of registrar
9. Functions of registrar
10. Advisory Committee
11. Functions of Committee
12. Funding
13. Conflict of interest
14. Prohibition of activities concerning genetically modified organisms
15. Inspectors
16. Routine inspections by inspectors
17. Determination of risks and liability
17A. Recovery of costs
18. Confidentiality
19. Appeals
20. Regulations
21. Offences and penalties
22. Delegation of powers
23. Short title and commencement
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Annex I : Information required in notifications under Articles 8, 10 and 13
Annex II : Information required concerning living modified organisms
Annex III : Risk assessment
Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 120 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Authority to conduct an activity
3. Applications and decision-making
4. Scientifically based risk assessment
5. Socio-economic considerations
6. Environmental impact assessment
7. Risk management
8. Registration of a facility
9. Public notification of proposed release or commodity clearance of genetically modified organisms
10. Notification of an accident
11. Provisions with regard to appeal
12. Matters concerning the Biosafety Clearing House
13. Offences and penalties
14. Address for the submission of documents
Table 1 : Applications and the period required for processing and decisions
Table 2 : Fees payable
Commencement of Genetically Modified Organisms Amendment Act, 2006 (Act No. 23 of 2006)
Proclamation No. R. 3
means the Minister for Agriculture;
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