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Government Employees Pension Law, 1996
Proclamation No. 21 of 1996
Annexure 1 : Government Employees Pension Law, 1996
1. Definitions
2. Continued existence, change of name and legal personality of certain fund
3. Object of the Fund
4. Members of Fund
5. Persons excluded from membership of Fund
6. Management of Fund by Board of Trustees
6A. Interim management of the Fund
7. Administration of Fund
8. Board to keep financial and related records
9. Annual financial statements
10. Report by Board on state of affairs, business and financial position of Fund
11. Auditors of Fund: Appointment and discharge of auditors
12. Powers and duties of auditors of Fund
13. Reports of auditors
14. Discontinuance of previous funds: transfer of assets and liabilities
15. Transfer to Fund of members and pensioners of Temporary Employees Pension Fund and Associated Institutions Pension Fund
16. Certain persons to be released from, and to forfeit certain obligations, rights and privileges when becoming members of Fund
17. Funding of Fund
18. Implementation of scheme to restore financial soundness of Fund
19. Age of retirement
20. Benefits may not be granted or varied except in accordance with an Act of Parliament
21. Prohibition on cession and attachment of benefits
22. Payment of gratuity to beneficiaries designated by member
23. Benefit not asset in insolvent estate
24. Application of benefits for payment of certain debts of pensioner
24A. Payment of pension interest upon divorce or dissolution of customary marriage
25. Increase of certain annuities and payment of allowances and bonuses
26. Period within which payment of benefits shall commence
27. Declaration of certain former members as dormant members of the Fund
28. Benefits not property for purposes of estate duty
29. Duty and power of Board to make rules
30. Protection of rights of members of previous funds, Temporary Employees Pension Fund and Associated Institutions Pension Fund
30A. Recognition of pensionable service of former members of non-statutory forces or services
31. Binding of the State
32. Withdrawal from the Fund
33. Dissolution of the Fund
33A. Transitional provision
34. Repeal and amendment of laws
35. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Rules of the Government Employees Pension Fund
1. Definitions
2. Nature of the Fund
3. Registered office
4. Management of the fund
4.1 General
4.2 Employer Trustees
4.3 Employee Trustees
4.4 Eligibility requirements to act as a trustee of the Board
4.5 Election of Employee Trustees
4.6 Term of Office of the Board of Trustees
4.7 Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board
4.8 Termination of office
4.9 Meetings of the Board
4.10 Duties of the Board
4.11 Powers of the Board
4.12 Signing authority
4.13 Bank account
4.14 Personal liability
4.15 Fidelity insurance
4.16 Registration and safe keeping of securities
4.17 Actuary
4.18 Actuarial valuations
4.19 Report to or by the Board
5. Membership
6. Furnishing of proof by member, pensioner or beneficiary
7. Contributions
8. Collection of contributions
9. Non-recognition of previous and other periods of services
10. Recognition of previous and other periods of services
11. Payments in respect of pensionable service
12. Transfers between funds
13. Change in working status
14. Benefits payable to members
14.1 Discharge prior to 10 years pensionable service
14.2 Discharge after at least 10 years pensionable service
14.3 Benefits on retirement of members
14.4 Benefits on resignation or discharge
14.5 Benefits on the death of a member
14.6 Benefits on the death of a pensioner
14.7 Protection of the interests of officials who retire, are retired or discharged
14.8 Benefits in terms of a severance package
14.9 Funeral benefits
14.10 Assignment of a share of a member's pension interest to his or her former spouse
15. Compensation of members for injuries on duty
16. Dormant members
17. Accrued pensionable benefits maintained
18. Payment of benefits
19. Access to documents of the fund
20. Compensation to the fund on retirement or discharge of a member prior to attainmen
21. Withdrawal of an institution or body or part or function thereof
22. Communication
23. Annual increases in annuities
Annexure : Pension Benefits in terms of Severance Package
Part A : Pension Benefits in terms of PSCBC Resolution 3 of 1999
Part B : Pension Benefits in terms of PSCBC Resolution 7 of 2002 and any other Resolution, Directive, Determination or the like referring to such Benefits
Schedule 2 : Laws Repealed
Schedule 3 : Laws Amended
Annexure 2 : Government Employees Pension Law Transitional Provisions
1. Definitions
2. Determination of the transfer date
3. Continuation of the pension fund management and administration
4. Human resources arrangements
5. Responsibility and powers of the Minister of Finance
means the Minister of Finance;
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