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Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973)
1. Definitions
2. Declaration of grouped hazardous substances.
3. Sale of Group I and Group III, and letting, etc... of Group III, hazardous substnces
3A. Production, acquisition, disposal, and importtion and exportation, of Group IV hazardous substances.
4. Licensing.
5. Period of validity and renewal of licences.
6. Appeals to Minister against decisions of, and conditions imposed by, Director General.
7. Suspension and cancellation of licences.
8. Inspectors.
9. Powers of inspectors.
9A. Embargo.
9B. Seizure.
10. Analysts.
11. Further analysis or examination of samples.
12. Examination, control and disposal of imported substances.
13. Liability in regard to substance sold in a sealed package.
14. Special defences.
15. Warranties.
16. Liability of employer or principal.
17. Preservation of secrecy.
18. Offences.
19. Penalties.
20. Jurisdiction.
21. Forfeiture and disposal of goods.
22. Time limits and other requirements in connection with prosecution.
23. Proof and presumptions.
24. Administration of Act by authorized local authority.
25. Right to prosecute.
26. Delegation of powers.
27. Defects in form.
28. Restriction of liability.
29. Regulations.
30. Application of Act to grouped hazardous substances in transit.
31. Operation of Act in relation to other laws.
32. Repeal of section 133A of Act 36 of 1919, and Act 42 of 1971.
33. Short title and commencement.
Declaration of Leaded Paint as Group 1 Hazardous Substance
Notice No. 801 of 2009
1. Definitions
2. Hazardous substance
3. The declaration
4. The products containing leaded-paint
5. Labels
6. Commencement of notice
Group lll Hazardous Substances: Exemption
Notice No. R. 722 of 2020
Group I to IV Hazardous Substances Regulations
Group I Hazardous Substances
Regulations relating to Group I Hazardous Substances
Group I Hazardous Substances Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Licenses
3. Licenses
4. Conditions of Sale or Supply of Group I Hazardous Substances
5. Records to be Kept
6. Records to be Kept
7. Hazardous Substances in Category A or B of Group I not to be sold to persons...
8. Labelling
9. Duties of Inspectors and Analysts
10. Disposal of Empty Containers
11. Contravention or Failure to comply
A: Application for a Licence
B: Licence under Section 4
C: Certificate in terms of Section 10
Declaration of Group I Hazardous Substances
Declaration of Group I Hazardous Substances
Category A
Category B
Declaration of Carbon Tetrachloride as a Group I Category A Hazardous Substance
Exemptions from Group I Hazardous Substances
Cyanide cartridges
Flouroacetic Acid
Declaration of Prohibited Substances
Fluoroacetic acid
Group II Hazardous Substances
Declaration of Group II Hazardous Substances
Declaration of Lead in Paint as a Group II Hazardous Substance - effective May 2025
Notice No. 4831 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Hazardous Substance Declaration
3. Repeal
4. Commencement date
Group III Hazardous Substances
Regulations relating to Group III Hazardous Substances
Group III Hazardous Substances Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Licensing for the purpose of the sale of listed electronic products
3. Application for a licence
4. Appeal
5. Records to be kept by approved dealers
6. Provisions relating to a defect and non-compliance with an applicable standard
7. Provisions relating to a defect and non-compliance with an applicable standard
8. Provisions relating to a defect and non-compliance with an applicable standard
9. Repair and modification of a listed electronic product
10. Penalties
Declaration of Group III Hazardous Substances
Declaration of Group III Hazardous Substances
Group IV Hazardous Substances
Regulations relating to Group IV Hazardous Substances
Group IV Hazardous Substances Regulations
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2: For the Purposes of the Producing or Otherwise Acquiring of, or Disposing of, or the Importing, Exporting, being in Possession of, using or Conveying of Group IV Hazardous Substances
2. Application for Authority
3. Period of validity of authorities
Chapter 3 : Conditions Relating to Activities
4. Conditions applicable to authority
5. General responsibilities of holder
6. Radiation protection officer and acting radiation protection officer
7. Internal rules
8. Controlled areas
9. Stock records
10. Safekeeping of records and registers
11. Monitoring
12. Storage places
13. Disposal
14. Radiation workers
15. Medical examinations and health monitoring
16. Accidents and incidents
Chapter 4 : Safety Standards and Obligations of Persons with regard to Group IV Hazardous Substances
17. Transportation
18. Manufacture, distribution or installation of equipment
19. Notifications by medical practitioners and other persons
20. Employees
21. Restriction of exposure to ionising radiation
22. Dose limits and dosimetry
23. Dosimetry service
24. Assessment of hazards and contingency plans
25. Investigation into and notification of overexposure
26. Duties of radiation protection officer
27. Examination
28. Radiation protection adviser
29. Medical exposure
30. Duties of a medical physicist
31. Conduct in the event of death, sequestration or insolvency
32. Safety and warning notices
33. Entering a controlled area
34. Offences
35. Commencement
Annexure 1 : Fees payable
Annexure 2 : Dose Units
Declaration of Group IV Hazardous Substances
Exclusions and Exemptions
Regulations governing the Conveyance of Hazardous Substances by Road Tanker
Conveyance of Hazardous Substances by Road Tanker
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Labelling
2. Prohibition of transport of grouped substances by road tanker unless labelled
3. Particulars to be displayed on a road tanker used for the conveyance of a single load
4. Composition, position, maintenance and removal of hazard warning panels for single loads
5. Particulars to be displayed on a road tanker used for the conveyance of a multi-load
6. Compartment labels
7. Exception in respect of a road tanker treated as conveying a single load
8. Composition, position, maintenance and removal of hazard warning panels and compartment labels for multi-loads
8A. Scale Card
Chapter 3 : General
9. Duty of the consignor of a grouped hazardous substance
10. Duties of a carrier
11. Duties of the driver of a road tanker
12. Duties of an operator
13. Penalties
14. Date of commencement
Annexure 1 : Hazardous Substances
Part I : Details of Hazardous Substances
Part II : Substance Identification Numbers and Emergency Action Codes
Part III : Interpretation
Annexure 2 : Multi-Load Emergency Action Code
Multi-load Emergency Action Code
Annexure 3 : Hazard Warning Signs
Part I : Hazard Warning Signs
Part II : Multi-loads of Substances
Annexure 4 : Hazard Warning Panel and Compartment Labels
Part I : Form of Hazard Warning Panels
Part II : Colours of Hazard Warning Panels
Annexure 5 : Cards and Certificates
Part I : Hazchem Scale Card
Part II : Medical Certificate
Part III : Training Certificate
Annexure 6 : Accident Report
Accident Report
Regulations relating to Aerial Application of Agricultural Remedies
Aerial Application of Agricultural Remedies
1. Definitions
2. Aerial application of agricultural remedies
3. Particulars of aerial application
4. Medical surveillance
5. Offences
Regulations to provide for a National Advisory Committee on Electronic Products
National Advisory Committee on Electronic Products
1. Definitions
2. Establishment and composition of Committee
3. Functions
4. Meetings
5. Disqualification, vacation of office and filling of vacancies
6. Term of office and remuneration of members of the Committee
Regulations relating to the Control of the sale of Cyanide for use in a Cyanide Poison-Firing Apparatus
Control of the sale of Cyanide for use in a Cyanide Poison-Firing Apparatus
1. Definitions
2. The control or the sale of cyanide for use in a cyanide poison-firing apparatus
3. Offences
Regulations relating to the Control over Fluoroacetic Acid, its Salts and Derivatives
Control over Fluoroacetic Acid (Mono), its Salts and Derivatives
Control over the import, selling, keeping, application and use of Fluoroacetic Acid (Mono), its salts and derivatives
Repeal of Regulations
Regulations relating to Lead in Paint or Coating Materials, 2024 - effective May 2025
Notice No. 4832 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Permissible lead concentration
4. Compliance declaration certification
5. Sampling and analysis for compliance monitoring
6. Labelling
7. Importation of paint or similar coating materials
8. Prohibitions
9. Offences and penalties
10. Short title
11. Commencement
Annexure A : Certificate of Compliance Declaration in terms of Regulation 4
Annexure B : Standards on analytical methods for measuring lead in paint as prescribed in Regulation 5(4)
Annexure C : Ports of entry through which paint or similar coating materials may only be imported as prescribed in Regulation 7
Declaration of Prohibited Substances
Fluoroacetic acid
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