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Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973)RegulationsRegulations Governing the Conveyance of Hazardous Substances by Road TankerAnnexuresAnnexure 4 : Hazard Warning Panel and Compartment LabelsPart I : Form of Hazard Warning Panels |
Regulations 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Form and Specification of Hazard Warning Panel and Compartment Labels
1) | The form of the hazard warning panel is set out below and the spaces shall be used for the purposes indicated by the notes below: |
1) | Space for emergency action code. |
2) | Space for substance identification number and, if included, name of the substance or in the case of multi-loads the word "multi-load". |
3) | Space for hazard warning sign. |
4) | Space for telephone number or other approved text. |
5) | Space for optional manufacturer's or owner's name or house symbol, or both. |
2) | The colour of the hazard warning panel shall be orange and shall conform to the specification for that colour in Part II below, except for the space for the hazard warning sign which shall be white and the borders, internal dividing lines, words, letters and figures, which shall be black. |
3) | The specification for hazard warning panels for single loads is set out below with dimensions in millimetres: |
4) | The specification for hazard warning panels for multi-loads is set out below with dimensions in millimetres: |
5) | Where the emergency action code or the multi-load emergency action code ascertained from Schedule 1 or 2 is a white letter on a black background it shall be displayed on the panel as orange on a black background; the letter shall appear in a black rectangle having a height of 110 millimetres and a width 10 millimetres greater than the width of the letter. |
6) | The form of the compartment label for multi-loads, of substances of different hazards is set out below and the spaces shall be used for the purposes indicated by the notes below: |
1) | Space for substance identification number and, if included, name of the substance. |
2) | Space for hazard warning sign. |
7) | Where the multi-load consists of substances of the same hazards the square labelled (1) in paragraph 6 above may be omitted from the compartment label. |
8) | The colour of the compartment label shall be orange and shall conform to the specification for that colour in Pan II below except for the space for the hazard warning sign, where one is required, which shall be white and the borders which shall be black. |
9) | The specification for compartment labels is set our below- with dimensions in millimetres. |