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Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)Chapter I : Establishment, Objects, Functions and Powers of the Health Professions Council of South Africa and of Professional Boards12. Appointment of registrar and staff |
(1) | The Minister must, after consultation with the council, appoint a registrar and the council may delegate to the registrar the power to appoint such other persons as the registrar may deem necessary for carrying out the functions specified under this Act, and the council may also delegate to the registrar the power to dismiss such other persons. |
[Subsection (1) substituted by section 10(a) of Act No. 29 of 2007]
(2) | The registrar is the accounting officer and secretary of the council and of each professional board and he or she shall perform the functions and carry out the duties assigned to or imposed upon him or her in terms of this Act as well as such functions and duties as may from time to time be assigned to or imposed upon him or her by the council or a professional board or a committee established in terms of section 10. |
[Subsection (2) substituted by section 10(b) of Act No. 29 of 2007]
(2A) | The registrar may in writing authorise any member of his or her staff to exercise or perform any power, duty or function conferred or imposed on him or her by or in terms of this Act. |
[Subsection (2A) inserted by section 10 of Act No. 89 of 1997]
(3) | The appointment or dismissal of the registrar shall be subject to the approval of the Minister. |
(4) | [Subsection (4) deleted by section 9(b) of Act No. 18 of 1995] |