R 385
Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)RulesRules relating to the Registration by Medical Practitioners and Dentists of Additional QualificationsRule 2Rule 2(b) Universities - Other South African QualificationsStellenbosch University |
Examining authority |
Qualification |
Abbreviation for registration |
Stellenbosch, University of |
Doctor of Medicine |
MD Stell |
Doctor of Medicine (Psychiatry) |
DMed (Psych) Stell |
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine) |
PhD (Med) Stell |
Doctor of Philosophy (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) |
PhD (Plast and Recons) Stell |
Doctor of Science in Medicine |
DSc (Med) Stell |
Master in Philosophy in Applied Ethics |
MPhil (Applied Ethic) Stell |
Master of Family Medicine |
MFam Med Stell |
Master of Medicine (Anaesthetics) |
MMed (Anaes) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology) |
MMed (Clinical Pharmacology) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Community Health) |
MMed (Comm Health) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Comprehensive Medicine) |
MMed (Compr) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Dermatology) |
MMed (Derm) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Diagnostic Radiology) |
MMed (Red D) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Emergency Medicine) |
MMed (Em Med) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) |
Mmed (Fam Med) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Medical Genetics) |
MMed (Med Gen) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Medicine) |
MMed (Int Med) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Neurology) |
MMed (Neurol) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Neurosurgery) |
MMed (Neurosurg) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine) |
MMed (Nuc Med) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) |
MMed (O & G) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Occupational Medicine) |
MMed (Occ Medicine) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Ophthalmology) |
MMed (Ophth) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Orthopaedics) |
MMed (Orthop) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology) |
MMed (ENT) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Paediatric Surgery) |
MMed (Paed Surg) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) |
MMed (Paed) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology) |
MMed (Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Anatomical)) |
MMed (Anat Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Chemical)) |
MMed (Chem Path) (Stell) |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Clinical)) |
MMed (Clin Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Forensic)) |
MMed (Forens Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Haematological)) |
MMed (Haem Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Microbiological)) |
MMed (Microbiol Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Pathology (Virological)) |
MMed (Virol Path) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) |
MMed (Plast and Recons) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Psychiatry) |
MMed (Psych) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Radiation Oncology) |
MMed (Rad Onc) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Röntgenological Diagnosis) |
MMed (Rönt Diag) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Surgery) |
MMed (Surg) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Therapeutic Radiology) |
MMed (Red T) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Thoracic Surgery) |
MMed (Thor Surg) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Urology) |
MMed (Urol) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Adult Critical Care |
MPhil (Adult Critical Care) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Development Paediatrics |
MPhil (Adult Critical Care) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Gynaecological Oncology |
MPhil (Gynaecological Oncology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Maternal and Fetal Medicine |
MPhil (Maternal and Fetal Medicine) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Neonatology |
MPhil (Neonatology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Mecial Cardiology |
MPhil (Paediatric Mecial Cardiology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Critical Care |
MPhil (Paediatric Critical Care) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Endocrinology |
MPhil (Paediatric Endocrinology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition |
MPhil (Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Infectious Diseases |
MPhil (Paediatric Infectious Diseases) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Medical Oncology |
MPhil (Paediatric Medical Oncology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Nephrology |
MPhil (Paediatric Nephrology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Neurology |
MPhil (Paediatric Neurology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Pulmonology |
MPhil (Paediatric Pulmonology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Cardiology |
MPhil (Paediatric Cardiology) Stell |
Master of Philosophy in Reproductive Medicine |
MPhil (Reproductive Medicine) Stell |
Master of Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology) |
MMed (Clinical Pharmacology) Stell |
Master of Science (Cytopathology) |
MSc (Cytopath) Stell |
Master of Science – Medical Science in Clinical Epidemiology |
MMed Sc (Clin Epi). Stell |
Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine |
PGDip (Fam Med) Stell |
Postgraduate Diploma in Infection Control |
PDIC Stell |
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research Ethics |
(PG DIP HRE), Stell |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Science (Hyperbaric Medicine) |
BSc Med Sc Hons (Hyberbaric Medicine) Stell |
Bachelor of Science Honours in Medical Science (Reproductive Biology) |
BSc (Hons) Med.Sc, (Reproductive Biol) Stell |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medicine Science (Underwater Medicine) |
BSc Med Sc Hons (Underwater Medicine) Stell |
Diploma in Community Health |
Dip Com Health Stell |
Diploma in Community Medicine |
DCM Stell |
Diploma in Family Medicine |
Dip Fam Med Stell |
Diploma in Occupational Medicine |
DOM Stell |
Diploma in Oncochemotherapy |
Dip in Onc Ther Stell |
[Rule 2(b) substituted by section 2(a) of Board Notice 687, GG51526, dated 8 November 2024]