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Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)


Rules relating to Fees Payable to Council

Board Notice 743 of 2025


Board Notice 743

28 February 2025

GG 52199


Health Professions Council of South Africa


The Health Professions Council of South Africa has, under section 61A of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974), made the rules in the schedule.


1. In these rules,


"the Act"

means the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974), and any expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall have that meaning, and, unless inconsistent with the context—


"health practitioner"

means a health practitioner registered in terms of the Act in the relevant professional board;



means the rules relating to fees payable to council; and



means a person who is registrable as such in terms of the Act in the relevant professional board.


Generic fees


2.        The fees payable under the Act for the restoration of a name to a register are as follows:



The restoration fee payable by a health practitioner if he or she applies for the restoration of his or her name to a register, from which it was removed under section 19(1) (b) or (d) of the Act, or from which it was suspended under section 19A of the Act—

(i) within a period of six months after the date on which it was removed, shall be equivalent to two (2) times the applicable annual fee for the current year, plus the outstanding fee or fees;

(ii) after a period of six months but within 12 months, shall be equivalent to four (4) times the applicable annual fee for the current year, plus the outstanding fee or fees; and

(iii) after a period of more than 12 months had expired since the erasure date, shall be equivalent to five (5) times the applicable annual fee for the current year plus the outstanding fee or fees


By a health practitioner for the restoration of his or her name to a register from which it was removed in terms of section 42 or 51 of the Act

R 685.00


By a health practitioner for the restoration of his or her speciality or sub speciality, where applicable, or an additional qualification in terms of section 35(4)

R 244.00


By a health practitioner other than a medical practitioner or a dentist, for the restoration of his or her additional professional category or categories, per category

R 134.00


Medical and Dental Professions Board


3.        Registration fees by—



By a medical practitioner or a dentist

R 3702.00


By a medical practitioner or a dentist in the category military service

R 3702.00


a medical practitioner or dentist as an exchange registrar under section 30

R 3702.00


a medical practitioner or a dentist for the registration of a specialty or subspecialty

R 7392.00


a biomedical engineer

R 2030.00


a clinical biochemist

R 2030.00


a genetic counsellor

R 2030.00


a medical biological scientist

R 2030.00


a medical scientist

R 2030.00


a medical physicist

R 2030.00


an intern in medicine, biomedical engineering, clinical biochemistry, genetic counselling, medical science, medical biological science or medical physics

R 562.00


a student intern in medicine, biomedical engineering, clinical biochemistry, genetic counselling, medical science, medical biological science or medical physics.

R 572.00


a formerly registered clinical medical practice, medical or dental student for the resumption of registration as a dental or medical student or vice versa

R 572.00


a medical or dental student for changing such registration to registration as a dental or medical student or vice versa

R 293.00


a student in clinical medical practice, medicine, medical science, or dentistry

R 527.00


a visiting student in medicine, medical science, or dentistry

R 1470.00


a visiting student for re-registration after an interruption for at least one year

R 269.00


a student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 223.00


a student in clinical medical practice, medicine, medical science or dentistry for re-registration as a student after an interruption of at least one year

R 293.00


a medical practitioner or a dentist in the category volunteer services

R 248.00


a health practitioner in the professions of Medicine, Medical Science, and Dentistry for registration of additional qualifications or additional professional category

R 562.00


a clinical associate

R 1369.00


4.        Examination fees —



by a medical practitioner:


Theory/Written medical examination

R 7283.00


Practical/OSCE medical examination

R 7283.00


by a Dentist practitioner

R 28441.00


By a foreign qualified specialist

R 15606.00


5. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any intern, student, or health practitioner registered under the Medical and Dental Professions Board are:



By a health practitioner in Emergency Care

R 763.00


By a student in Emergency Care

R 763.00


By a visiting student in Emergency Care

R 763.00


By a student in Emergency Care for re-registration as a student after interruption of study for at least one year

R 763.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.

R 763.00


Professional Board for Dental Therapy, Dental Assisting and Oral Hygiene


6. Registration fees by—



a student

R 314.00


student for re-registration as a student after interruption of at least one year

R 168.00


visiting student

R 898.00


visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 157.00


R 136.00


health practitioner registered in any of the professions under the Professional Board for Dental Therapy and Oral Hygiene

R 920.00


Dental Assistant or Student Dental Assistant of additional qualifications or additional professional category

R 303.00


Dental Therapist or Oral Hygienist of additional qualifications or additional professional category

R 336.00


7. Examination fee by:



Examination fee by a Student Dental Assistant

R 898.00


8. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Dental Therapy and Oral Hygiene are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 516.00


certificate of status;

R 516.00


certified extract from the register;

R 516.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 516.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.

R 516.00


Professional Board for Dietetics


9. Registration fees by—



by a Health Practitioner;

R 1107.00


by a student;

R 375.00


by a student for re-registration as a student after interruption of at least one year ;

R 221.00


by a visiting student;

R 1173.00


by a visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 221.00


by a student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 189.00


by a health practitioner for registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 431.00


10. Examination fees by a—


Dental Therapy and Oral Hygiene




R 3573.00



R 3573.00


11. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Dietetics are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 752.00


certificate of status;

R 752.00


certified extract from the register;

R 752.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 752.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.

R 752.00


Professional Board for Emergency Care Practitioners


12. Registration fees by a—



health practitioner in Emergency Care

R 1874.00


student in Emergency Care

R 322.00


visiting student in Emergency Care

R 999.00


visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 176.00


student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 145.00


student in Emergency Care for re-registration as a student after interruption of study for at least one year

R 190.00


health practitioner in the profession of Emergency Care for registration of additional qualifications or additional professional category

R 377.00


13. Examination fees by—



Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA) / Operational Emergency Care Orderly (OECO):


Theory/Written examination

R 1632.00


Practical examination

R 1632.00



Basic Ambulance Assistant (BAA):


Theory/Written examination

R 1632.00


Practical examination

R 1632.00



Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP):


Theory/Written examination

R 1632.00


Practical examination

R 1632.00


14. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Emergency Care Practitioners are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 500.00


certificate of status;

R 500.00


certified extract from the register;

R 500.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 500.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.

R 500.00


Professional Board for Environmental Health Practitioners


15. Registration fees by—



an Environmental Health Officer

R 952.00


an Environmental Health Assistant

R 220.00


a student

R 320.00


a student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 176.00


a visiting student

R 940.00


a visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 176.00


a student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 155.00


a health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 355.00


16. Examination fees by an—



Environmental Health Officer

R 4912.00


Environmental Health Assistant

R 2059.00


17. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Environmental Health Practitioners are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 565.00


certificate of status;

R 565.00


certified extract from the register;

R 565.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 565.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.

R 565.00


Professional Board for Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics, Prosthetics and Arts Therapy


18. Registration fees by—



a Health Practitioner

R 819.00


an Intern (Arts Therapy)

R 300.00


an Intern (Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics)

R 564.00


a student

R 276.00


a student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 155.00


a visiting student

R 818.00


a visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 155.00


a student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 134.00


a health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 300.00


a health practitioner in the category volunteer services

R 200.00


19. Examination fees by—



a foreign qualified Occupational Therapist

R 8331.00


foreign qualified Medical Orthotist and Prosthetist

R 8331.00


a foreign qualified Arts Therapist

R 8331.00


an Occupational Therapy Assistant for upgrading to Occupational Therapy Technician

R 1394.00


an Arts Therapist, Medical Orthotist and Prosthetist, and Occupational Therapist

R 5555.00


an Orthopaedic Footwear Technician

R 1394.00


20. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any intern, student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Occupational Therapy, Medical Orthotics, Prosthetics and Arts Therapy are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 499.00


certificate of status;

R 499.00


certified extract from the register;

R 499.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 499.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 499.00


Professional Board for Optometry and Dispensing Opticians


21. Registration fees by a—



a Health Practitioner

R 886.00



R 336.00


a student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 179.00


a visiting student

R 942.00


a visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 179.00


student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration  

R 146.00


health practitioner for registration of additional qualification or additional professional category

R 349.00


22. Examination fees by:



Theoretical examination fee by an Optometrist or Dispensing Optician

R 5057.00


Practical examination fee by an Optometrist or Dispensing Optician

R 6595.00


23. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Optometry and Dispensing Opticians are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 562.00


certificate of status;

R 562.00


certified extract from the register;

R 562.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 562.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 562.00


Professional Board for Physiotherapy, Podiatry, and Biokinetics


24. Registration fees by—



Health Practitioner

R 908.00



R 303.00


student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 168.00


visiting student

R 908.00


visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 168.00


student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 146.00


health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 336.00



R 336.00


a health practitioner in the category volunteer services

R 168.00


25. Examination fees by—



foreign qualified Physiotherapist for writing the theoretical board examination

R 3164.00


foreign qualified Physiotherapist for doing the clinical / practical board examination

R 3691.00


foreign qualified Podiatrist for writing the theoretical board examination

R 3353.00


foreign qualified Podiatrist for doing the clinical / practical board examination

R 7168.00


physiotherapy Technician

R 3589.00


biokineticist for writing the theoretical board examination

R 3164.00


biokineticist for doing the clinical / practical board examination

R 3948.00


26. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any intern, student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Physiotherapy, Podiatry, and Biokinetics are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 538.00


certificate of status;

R 538.00


certified extract from the register;

R 538.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 538.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 538.00


Professional Board for Psychology


27. Registration fees by—



a psychologist

R 1715.00


a psychometrist

R 1139.00


a registered councillor

R 1139.00


an Intern Psychologist

R 343.00


a student

R 299.00


a student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 165.00


a visiting student

R 863.00


a visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 165.00


a health practitioner in the category volunteer services

R 134.00


a health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 321.00


28. Examination fees by a—




R 3309.00



R 1660.00


Registered Counsellor

R 1660.00


Intern Psychologist

R 3309.00


29. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Psychology are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 520.00


certificate of status;

R 520.00


certified extract from the register;

R 520.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 520.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 520.00


Professional Board for Radiography and Clinical Technology


30. Registration fees by a—



Health Practitioner

R 953.00



R 325.00


student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 179.00


visiting student

R 920.00


visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 179.00


student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 146.00


health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 336.00


31. Examination fees by—



a foreign qualified Radiographer

R 3208.00


a foreign qualified Clinical Technologist

R 3208.00


a Radiation Laboratory Technologist

R 3208.00


an Electro Encephalographic Technician

R 1369.00


an Electro Cardiography Technician

R 1369.00


a Spirometry Technician

R 1369.00


Rewrite (50% of the exam fee) for 1 component. Rewrite (100% of the exam fee) for 2 components.


32. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Radiography and Clinical Technology are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 538.00


certificate of status;

R 538.00


certified extract from the register;

R 538.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 538.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 538.00


Professional Board for Speech, Language, and Hearing


33 Registration fees by a—



health Practitioner

R 863.00



R 300.00


student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 165.00


visiting student

R 852.00


visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 165.00


student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 134.00


health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 321.00


34. Examination fees by:



Examination fees by an Audiologist, Speech Therapist, and Speech Therapist and Audiologist

R 6307.00


35. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Speech, Language, and Hearing are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 531.00


certificate of status;

R 531.00


certified extract from the register;

R 531.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 531.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 531.00


Professional Board for Medical Technology


36 Non-refundable Application fees for registration



Foreign qualified Medical Technologist

R 3946.00


Foreign qualified Medical Technician

R 3946.00


South African qualified BSc graduate

R 2622.00


37. Registration fees by a—



health Practitioner

R 934.00



R 322.00


student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 177.00


visiting student

R 922.00


visiting student for re-registration after an interruption of at least one year

R 177.00


student, as penalty, per month or part thereof, for the late submission of an application for registration

R 146.00


health practitioner for the registration of an additional qualification or additional professional category

R 346.00



R 346.00


38. The fees payable in terms of section 23 of the Act by any student, or health practitioner registered under the Professional Board for Medical Technology are:



duplicate registration certificate;

R 533.00


certificate of status;

R 533.00


certified extract from the register;

R 533.00


certificate by the registrar; or

R 533.00


certificate of confirmation of internship training.  

R 533.00


39. The fees payable for the re-marking of board examination shall be 50% of the applicable fee for the board examination.


40. The fees prescribed herein are inclusive of value-added tax and are payable with effect from 01 April 2025.


41. The rules published under Board Notice No. 552 in Government Gazette No. 50105 of 09 February 2024 are hereby repealed.


Signed by:Magome Albanos Masike

Signed at:2025-02-11 16:13:31 +02:00

Reason:Witnessing Magome Albanos Mas



Dr. Magome Masike
