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Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Specialities and Subspecialities in Medicine and Dentistry9. Requirements for Registration of a Foreign Qualified Specialist on Special Merit |
(1) | Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 8, the board may consider an application for registration of a foreign qualified specialist on special merit to enhance and cross-fertilise professional practice, education and training in South Africa. |
(2) | In terms of subregulation (1), the board may, in exceptional circumstances and at the request of higher education or research institutions, consider such an application for registration in the category public service (specialist) from an applicant who submits proof to the board of— |
(a) | being the holder of a specialist qualification in medicine or dentistry in his or her country; |
(b) | being the holder of a certificate of status issued by the registration authority in the country concerned; |
(c) | enjoying international peer-group recognition in his or her speciality; and |
(d) | being able to practise in his or her speciality at a level where there exists no doubt with the board that he or she is fully competent to practise in the relevant speciality of medicine or dentistry in South Africa as holder of registration in the category public service (specialist). |
(3) | The following criteria shall apply when considering an application for registration in terms of subregulation (2), namely that— |
(a) | the application for registration by such an expert specialist from abroad shall be managed appropriately by the board’s relevant subcommittee; |
(b) | such an application shall be agreed to only when the approved criteria have been met; |
(c) | each application shall be considered on its own merits; |
(d) | the relevant subcommittee and its staff shall be acknowledged as appropriately qualified and experienced to judge the merits of such an application; |
(e) | such an applicant should unquestionably be an expert at an international level as judged, for instance, by— |
(i) | qualifications; |
(ii) | experience; |
(iii) | professional publications or presentations; |
(iv) | other possible contributions to his or her speciality; |
(v) | referee reports; or |
(vi) | the recommendations submitted by the appropriate specialist association or other relevant peer-group. |
(4) | An applicant whose application for registration under this regulation is approved, shall be granted registration in the category public service (specialist) only. |